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#621 : L’âme sœur

Episode 6.21 L’âme sœur Urgences ER

¤ Scénario : John Wells - Réalisation : John Wells


Carter est insomniaque et a des sautes d'humeur. Il se montre particulièrement désagréable envers une patiente, alors qu'il a commis une erreur de prescription.
Carol aussi manque de sommeil à cause de ses jumelles. Elle discute avec Kovac de Doug.
Mark quant à lui s'occupe de sa fille et de l'enterrement de son père. Et alors qu'il fait son retour aux urgences, Elizabeth lui rend le collier que lui avait donné son père avant sa mort, en lui disant que c'est à sa fille Rachel qu'il revient.
A la fin de l'épisode, Carol prend conscience qu'elle est toujours amoureuse de Doug et va le rejoindre à Seattle pour vivre avec lui.


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Titre VO
Such Sweet Sorrow

Titre VF
L’âme sœur

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Plus de détails

Tandis que Carter fait des insomnies, Carol est réveillée en pleine nuit par l'une de ses jumelles et Abby est réveillée par une infirmière car un patient arrive. Mark fait le tri dans les affaires de son père. Il doit reprendre le travail. Pendant son absence, Kerry a enchainé les gardes. Elle est donc plutôt mal lunée et se défoule sur tout le monde. Elle prend en charge une mère de famille en stade terminal d'un cancer avec Carol. Ils ne peuvent plus rien faire pour elle. Ils peuvent seulement l'empêcher de souffrir. La patiente arrête de respirer avant que ses filles aient pu lui dire au revoir. Carol, avec l'aide de Luka, décide de la maintenir en vie jusqu'à leur arrivée. Lorsqu'elle l'apprend, Kerry désapprouve la décision de Carol et lui reproche de ne pas l'avoir écouté. Luka se retrouve pris dans cette histoire sans qu'il l'ait voulu. Il reproche à Carol d'avoir utiliser leur histoire pour lui faire faire quelque chose contre l'avis de Kerry. Ça aurait pu lui coûter son travail.

Abby s'occupe d'une patiente chez qui elle soupçonne une MST, mais la patiente fait un malaise. Abby découvre que sa patiente a un abcès ovarien qui s'est rompu. Elle l'amène en urgence en chirurgie. Après l'opération, Corday essaye d'éclaircir la situation. Abby lui avoue qu'elle a fait seule le diagnostic sans en parler à Malucci qui était charger de la superviser. Corday rejette la faute sur Malucci et en profite pour lui dire que plusieurs médecins se posent des questions sur ses capacités de médecin.

Carter s'occupe de deux patients en même temps. Il se trompe et donne des antibiotiques à une patiente auxquels elle est allergique. Il rattrape son erreur et ment pour la couvrir. Chen s'inquiète pour lui. Elle a remarqué qu'il avait de brusques changements d'humeur. Elle en parle à Mark qui va en parler avec Carter. Ce dernier lui dit que tout va bien. Quand Mark lui propose d'aller parler à un psychiatre, Carter accepte. Corday rend à Mark le collier que son père lui avait donné. D'après elle, Rachel serait heureuse de l'avoir. Mark est d'accord et offre le collier à Rachel.

Après avoir réfléchi depuis quelque jours sur sa vie et discuté avec le mari de sa patiente sur l'âme sœur, Carol décide d'aller rejoindre Doug pour voir s'il l'aime encore. Elle dit au revoir à Luka et prend l'avion pour Seattle. Elle retrouve Doug chez lui. Passé l'effet de surprise, Doug l'embrasse.

Opens at Gamma’s house.
Carter is in bed, not sleeping. He gets up, and walks outside. He stops by the pool to smoke a cigarette.

CUT TO: Carol’s house.
She is awakened by the sound of a crying baby. She slowly gets out of bed and heads towards the nursery.
Carol: to Kate Hey sweetie, go back to sleep, okay?
to Tess Yeah, yeah, yeah, shh, shh, shh. laughs What happened, did you have a bad dream? Oh, man Tess, you’re killing me.

CUT TO: The hospital
Abby is asleep in an exam room when Haleh walks in.
Haleh: Abby? Abby?
Abby: sleepily Yeah?
Haleh: Paramedics are bringing in a 22-year-old woman. Pelvic pain.
Abby: Okay.
Haleh: You getting up?
Abby: Yep.
Haleh: You want me to wake Malucci?
Abby: sits up and sighs Nope, I’m up. I’m sorry. How long was I out?
Haleh: About 20 minutes.
Abby: Oh, well that must be why I feel so refreshed.
They walk out the room towards the ambulance bay. Lydia joins them outside.
Abby: Is this, um, some kind of med student hazing, or do you just hate me?
Haleh: You’re younger than us, prettier than us, and skinnier than us. We hate you.
Abby: Thanks for the candor.
Haleh: Any time.
Abby puts her hair up and shivers.
Abby: It’s cold out here. I should have brought my jacket.
Lydia: So go back in. We don’t need you to help us push in a gurney.
Abby: You know, I never even thought I’d get into med school. I was just looking for a change.
Haleh: You really want to stop talking before one of us hits you.

CUT TO: Mark’s house.
Mark is sorting through some old photos. He pauses when he comes to one of his parents. He goes over to where Rachel is sleeping and strokes her hair.
Mark: I love you. Do I tell you that enough? I love you.
Opening Credits roll

CUT TO: Ambulance Bay.
Luka is attempting, but failing, to play basketball. Carol walks up, carrying Tess and pushing Kate in her stroller. They start fussing.
Carol: Hey.
Luka: Hey.
Carol: I didn’t know you played basketball.
Luka: I don’t. to Tess Hello Tess. Did you let your mommy sleep for a change?
Carol: No, she did not.
Luka: Did I make you angry?
Carol looks confused.
The flowers on your birthday?
Carol: No, they were beautiful.
Luka: They weren’t animal crackers, huh?
Carol: You heard about that, huh?
Luka: Are you still in love with him?
Carol: I don’t know. You know, I think I’m still too angry with him to think straight.
Luka: I would think so.
Carol: Why?
He taps Tess’ hat.
Carol: No, it wasn’t like that. Doug didn’t know I was pregnant when he left.
Luka: He didn’t come back when he found out.
Carol: Well, it wasn’t all Doug. I could have gone with him. He asked me to.
Luka: Why didn’t you?
Carol: pauses Pride. I wanted him to stay here for me. I thought I should at least be that important to him.
Luka: I still love my wife. But it’s time to get on with my life. Kate starts fussing. Hey, let’s help your mommy get inside, huh? He lifts her out of the stroller into the air. Oh yeah, here we go, like a cowboy. He laughs and turns around to look at Carol and smile before going inside.

CUT TO: An exam room.
Abby is doing a pelvic exam on a young woman.
Abby: Slide your bottom down a little bit.
Patient: God, I hate these.
Abby: How many sexual partners have you had in the last year?
Patient: One.
Abby: Do you use condoms?
Patient: Most of the time. Do you think I’m pregnant?
Abby: No. The urine test came back negative.
Patient: Wow, that didn’t hurt at all.
Abby: Warm water. I know a few tricks.
Patient: I thought you guys kept these in the freezer.
Chuny: I got to remember to tell my gynecologist.
Abby: Cultures?
Haleh: G.C. and chlamydia?
Abby nods.
Patient: You think I might have chlamydia?
Abby: We check everyone for sexually transmitted diseases. There’s a purulent discharge around the cervix.
Patient: I’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year. If he gave me syphilis or something, I’m going to kill him.
Abby: We haven’t made a diagnosis yet. Speculum’s coming out. I’m going to move your cervix. Tell me if this hurts.
The patient cries out in pain.
Sorry, there’s no other way to do that. I’ll try to be gentle when I examine your ovaries. Okay, you can put your legs down now, everything seems fine. It’s probably P.I.D.
Patient: P.I.D.?
Abby: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. We’ll give you a shot of antibiotics, some pills, and I’ll throw in something for the pain. Okay, you can go ahead and get dressed.
She leaves and walks down the hall with Haleh and Chuny.
250 of ceftriaxone I.M., a gram of zithromax P.O. and 550 of anaprox. Hang on to her for 30 minutes. Make sure she doesn’t have an allergic reaction.
Chuny: You want me to get Malucci to sign off?
Abby: No, I’ve seen more of these than he has. Let him sleep.
Chuny: I could find Weaver.
Haleh: I wouldn’t go there. She’s on her second double this week. Been here since yesterday morning.
Abby: Weaver’s upstairs with a code in the C.C.U.
Abby walks off.
Chuny: I heard Mark’s coming back today.
Haleh: Thank God. If Weaver gets any nastier, we’re going to have to call Animal Control.

CUT TO: Weaver crutching down the hallway, screaming loudly.
Kerry: Amira! Amira!
Desk Clerk: Frank.
Kerry: Where’s Amira.
Frank: She got off at seven.
Kerry: Who are you?
Frank: Frank. Personnel sent me down.
Kerry: You have any experience, Frank?
Frank: 26 years as a Chicago cop.
Kerry: In medicine?
Frank: I had my knee replaced about 6 months ago.
Kerry: Oh, this is great. What the hell are all those people doing out there?
Frank: Sick, I guess.
Kerry: Well, thank you for that astute and penetrating observation, Frank. Why aren’t they being seen by doctors?
Frank: I don’t know, I just got here.
Lydia: No docs. Abby’s down in sutures.
Kerry: Dr. Malucci’s here.
Lydia: I think he’s asleep in Exam 1.
Kerry: What about Kovac?
Frank: Foreign guy?
Kerry: Yes.
Frank: He and some nurse came in together, brought her babies upstairs to daycare.
Kerry: Dr. Chen, Dr. Carter?
Frank: Some people came in when I did. I think they’re in the lounge.
Kerry: It’s five after seven. Is there some kind of natural disaster that I’m unaware of? An earthquake, or half of Chicago swallowed up by a giant sinkhole?
Frank: Could you stop yelling at me? I was here on time.
Lydia: Mark Greene called, said he’d be in after 10. Had to stop by the mortuary.
Kerry: Okay, hey, Lydia, you still have that rape whistle thing?
Lydia pulls out the whistle and hands it to her.
Get on the phone to everyone who’s supposed to be here and scream on their machines that they’re late. And if they answer, tell them they’re fired.
Kerry walks towards Exam 1, where Malucci is asleep.
Kerry: Rise and shine, patients are waiting.
She blows the whistle, causing Malucci to sit up quickly and hit his head on a lamp.
Dr. Malucci, if I don’t see you standing over a sick patient in the next 30 seconds looking compassionate and engaged, you’ll spend the next week doing nothing but disempactions and yeast infections.
Malucci: I’m up Chief, I’m up.
Kerry walks back over to Frank.
Kerry: They’re in the lounge?
Frank Uh-huh. to Lydia She uses a whistle?

CUT TO: The lounge.
Chen and Carter are standing at their lockers.
Chen: You okay, Carter?
Carter: Yeah, fine.
Chen: You look terrible.
Carter: Thank you.
Kerry knocks on the window and walks in.
Kerry: Dr. Carter, what time do you have?
Carter: Five minutes after seven.
Kerry: So why are you two still in the lounge? The 7 o’clock shift starts at 7. That means you get here in time to be seeing patients at 7. Is that clear? Move it, County’s not paying you to drink coffee.
She exits.
Chen: Whoo, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the coffin.
Carter: Today ought to be a lot of fun.
They walk out.

CUT TO: Admit desk and board.
Kerry is assigning patients to the staff.
Kerry: Chen, weak and dizzy in Exam 2 and abdominal pain in Curtain 1. Malucci, bleeding hemorrhoids in Exam 8.
Malucci: Oh, oh, come on Chief.
Kerry: Hemorrhoids in 8 and a boil that needs lancing in 5.
Malucci: Oh, terrific.
Kerry: I hope that voice is one of unbridled enthusiasm.
Malucci: Oh, I can’t wait.
Kerry: Oh, and keep an eye on your med student for a change. Where is Abby?
Haleh: P.I.D. down in sutures.
Kerry: You’re supervising, Malucci?
Malucci: Uh, yeah.
Kerry: Carter, take the pyelo lady in Curtain 3. Kovac, rule out M.I. or a nail through the hand still waiting in chairs.
Luka: Both.
Malik: EMS is bringing in a terminal cancer patient. 5 minutes out.
Kerry: Okay, Carol, that’ll be us. Let’s get cracking people. There’s plenty more where those came from.
They head off in their separate directions. Malucci and Carter walk down the hall together.
Malucci: Butt boil and hemorrhoids. This is what I went to medical school for.
Carter: It could be worse. There’s an explosive diarrhea up there.
Malucci: You okay Hoss, you don’t look so good.
Carter: So everybody keeps telling me. I’m having trouble sleeping.
Malucci: Try reading the annals at bedtime. That-that usually puts me right out.
Malik walks up.
Malik: You want me to dip a urine on our pyelo?
Carter: Yeah, yeah, in fact I’ll be right in. I’m just going to use the bathroom. to Malucci You on all night?
Malucci: Yeah, I was supposed to be off today. I swapped with Cleo. She’s taking my Saturday night. Got tickets for Rage Against The Machine, my friend. Right in the pit, baby.
Carter: Hey, lucky you.
Malucci: I think Weaver’s got it in for me. I don’t know what I did to Festus to get her so pissed.
Carter: Well, maybe it was calling her Festus.
Malucci: Well never to her face.
Carter enters the bathroom and goes to the sink. A toilet flushes and a man walks up beside him.
Carter: How’s it going?
Man: All right.
He leaves. Carter continues to stare into the mirror.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Paramedics are wheeling a woman on a gurney down the hall with Kerry, Carol, a man, and 2 young girls.
Man: I couldn’t wake her.
Paramedic: BP is 85 over 60. Tachy at 122. Mr. O’Brien said she hadn’t eaten anything in a couple days.
Carol: Has she had any fluids?
Mr. O’Brien: A little ginger ale yesterday. She was operated on for a bowel obstruction last month. They said the tumor spread to her liver and diaphragm.
They push the gurney into an exam room.
Kerry: She could be encephelopathic from liver failure.
Mr. O’Brien: What does that mean?
Kerry: Your wife’s liver isn’t removing toxins from her blood. That might explain why she isn’t waking up. Okay, here we go now, 1, 2, 3. Carol get a C.B.C., lytes, liver panel, and a P.T.
Conni: Resps are down to 8.
Kerry: Mr. O’Brien, your wife’s breathing is very slow. We may have to decide whether or not to intubate.
Mr. O’Brien: Oh, God.
Carol: Does she have a Do Not Resuscitate order?
Mr. O’Brien: Yes, she doesn’t want any machines. Is…is there any way you can help her?
Kerry: We’ll give her some I.V. fluids and see if that makes her more comfortable, all right? Carol, could you show Mr. O’Brien and his family to where they can wait, please?
Carol: Sure. Let’s go see if we can find some crayons and coloring books, okay?
Younger girl: Bye-bye Mommy! waves
Carol: to older girl holding a box Come on, sweetheart.
Older girl: I brought her things. That’s my job when we go to the hospital. She likes to have her things with her.
Carol: Okay, but there isn’t anywhere to put them in here. So, do you think you could hold on to them for a little longer? All right sweetie, come on.
They exit.

CUT TO: Curtain 3.
Carter walks in.
Carter: So…Mrs.…
Malik: Wyatt.
Carter: Wyatt. How long have you been experiencing the burning?
Mrs. Wyatt: A couple of days. It usually clears up with cranberry juice.
Carter: Any fever?
Malik: 101.4.
Carter: Open your mouth for me, would you please?
Yosh walks in pushing a man in a wheelchair.
Yosh: Weaver sent you a present - a wheezer.
Carter: Would you excuse me? Uh…history of asthma?
Wheezer: Since I was a kid.
Carter: Get him into bed and give him 5 of albuterol, I’ll be right back. to Mrs. Wyatt Will you sit up for me please? I want you to tell me if this hurts at all.
Mrs. Wyatt: Oh, oh, yeah.
Carter: Looks like you have pyelonephritis.
Mrs. Wyatt: Is that serious?
Carter: You’re going to be fine.
Chen enters.
Chen: Frank said you have 2 patients, might need a hand.
Carter: No, no, I got this. to the wheezer Ever been on steroids?
Wheezer: Last year…for a few weeks.
Carter: Give him 60 of prednezone. And set him up for continuous nebs after this one. to Mrs. Wyatt When was your last period?
Mrs. Wyatt: About a month ago.
Chen: Are you sure? I’m just waiting on labs.
Carter: I got ‘em. Thanks anyways, though.
Chen leaves, but watches from outside.
to Mrs. Wyatt Any allergies?
Mrs. Wyatt: I get hives from sulfa.
Carter: to the wheezer Can you tell me what inhalers your using?
Wheezer: Ventolin and vaceril.
Carter: to Mrs. Wyatt Any chance your pregnant?
Wheezer: No, definitely not.
Carter: laughs I like this guy. Not you, you. Any chance your pregnant?
Chen walks away from the window.

CUT TO: An exam room.
Kerry and Carol are still working on Mrs. O’Brien.
Mr. O’Brien: I got scared when I couldn’t wake her up. Called 911.
Kerry: You did the right thing, calling the paramedics. She’s dehydrated.
Mr. O’Brien: I try to get her to drink more, but sh-she’s so weak she can’t swallow. She can hardly hold a straw.
Carol: Labs are back.
Kerry looks at the chart.
Kerry: Her liver isn’t making clotting factors.
Mr. O’Brien: What does that mean?
Kerry: It’s a sign of severe liver failure.
Mr. O’Brien: Is there anything you can do?
Kerry: Not really. We can only really make her comfortable.
Mr. O’Brien: So this is it?
Kerry: I think probably so.
Mr. O’Brien: sighs Oh, boy. Where are my girls?
Carol: One of the nurses is taking care of them in the lounge.
Mr. O’Brien: Do everything you can. I-I don’t want her to suffer, please.
Kerry: Of course not.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Abby is talking to the patient with P.I.D.
Abby: Come back if you get a fever or experience any vomiting, and if you wait a minute, I can get you a list of clinics that treat STDs.
Patient: Can I wait outside? I’m dying for a cigarette.
Abby: Sure. But, you are going to quit really soon, right?
Patient: Absolutely.
Abby walks over to Malucci near the desk.
Abby: Hey, 22-year-old with P.I.D. Gave her 250 of ceftriaxone, a gram of zithromax, need you to sign the chart.
Lydia: Is Benton on? Kovac has a hot belly.
Conni: No, Benton traded with Corday again, and Cleo just happens to be off too.
Lydia: Shocking.
Frank walks over to Abby.
Frank: This date is wrong. Today’s the 11th, not the 10th.
Abby: No, I thought tomorrow was the 11th.
Frank: Today’s the 11th. All day.
Abby: Oh. I was expecting today to be a really awful day, but it seems to be turning out okay.
Malucci: Venus out of alignment with the ninth moon of Jupiter, or something?
Abby: No, nothing like that.
Frank: Jupiter only has eight moons. Want me to name them?
Malucci: Who is this guy?
Conni: Frank. He’s temping.
Frank: Let’s see, uh, inner moons: Matis, Adrastea, Amaethea, and Thebe.
Malucci: Thank you, I believe you.
He walks off.
Frank: Outer moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Haleh: What’s he going on about?
Conni: Moons.
Frank: You know, Saturn has eighteen confirmed moons. Want me to name them?
Conni, Haleh, and Lydia: No!
Chuny runs up.
Chuny: Abby! Your P.I.D. girl collapsed in the bay.
They go outside.
Abby: What happened?
Yosh: She’s breathing, but I can barely feel her pulse.
Abby: She needs a couple of large-pore I.V.s. 2 liters of saline wide open. Cathy…Cathy wake up.
Lydia: Maybe it’s an ectopic.
Abby: No, the icon was negative. She’s not pregnant.
Paramedic: BP is 70 palp.
Lydia: Who’s her doctor?
Chuny: Malucci.
Lydia: I’ll get him.
Abby: Mix up dopamine, get an ultrasound, and lets get her on a gurney. And 1, 2, 3.

CUT TO: Exam room.
Paramedic: Pressure’s 85 after 2 liters.
Abby: Up the dopamine to 12 mics.
Yosh: Hemacue 14.1.
Abby: Right advexa normal. Left side…there’s a mass of free fluid, damn it.
Chuny: What is it?
Abby: Tube Ovarian Abcess. When they rupture, they get septic and hypotensive.
Chuny: Want me to page GYN?
Abby: No, dial 7614, hand me the phone.
Yosh: Temp’s 102.
Abby: That’s the infection.
Chuny: Got ‘em.
Hands Abby the phone.
Hi, who’s this? Paula, this is Abby Lockhart. I need to redline a ruptured T.O.A. Set up the O.R. and page the chief resident. Thanks.
Malucci enters.
Malucci: What the hell is going on?
Abby: My patient had a syncopal episode. Dropped her pressure.
Malucci: What patient? Abby, what patient?
Abby: The P.I.D. I just had you discharge.
Chuny: Pressure’s up to 100.
Abby: Good, let’s get ready to move her.
Malucci: Why didn’t you call me? Maybe it’s a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst.
Abby: No, crit’s fine, mass is loculated, and she’s spiked a fever.
Malucci: You picked up a loculated mass?
Abby: Yeah.
Malucci: No kidding? I wouldn’t know one if it bit me on the ass.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Carter walks by whistling and humming. He enters Curtain 3.
Carter: You haven’t gotten your antibiotics yet.
Mrs. Wyatt: I don’t think so.
Malik: I’m sorry, I’ve been busy.
Carter: I wrote the order 45 minutes ago.
Malik: And you also wrote for continuous albuterol and steroids for this guy.
Carter: When can you do it?
Malik: When I’m finished.
Carter: Forget it. I’m going to get your antibiotics myself.
He leaves.

CUT TO: Mark talking on a phone.
Carol walks up to him.
Carol: Hey, when did you get back?
Mark: Uh, 20 minutes ago. Still holding.
Carol: I’m so sorry about your dad.
Mark: Thanks.
Carol: I tried calling you a couple of times, left messages. I wanted to see if I could do anything.
Mark: I appreciate you calling. Rachel ended up coming up, and we were just hanging out. into phone Yes. No, I’d like to find out how to get my dad into a V.A. cemetery. to Carol Transferring me to yet another department.
Carol: Didn’t he want to be buried next to your mother in San Diego?
Mark: I don’t know what he wanted. Said he didn’t want to be any trouble. Suggested I put him out with the trash.
Carol: Oh, that was helpful.
Mark: Threw in a couple of harangues about mortuary vultures too. Another recording telling me to hold.
Carol looks down and sighs.
You look beat.
Carol: Yeah, well, Tess hasn’t been sleeping.
Mark: Teething, probably.
Carol: Yeah, that’s what Luka said.
Mark: Well, he sees them enough to know.
Carol: Hey, don’t give me a hard time about that. I’m struggling enough with this as it is.
Mark: Hey, I think it’s great. I want you to be happy.
Carol: So why do I feel so unsure?
Mark: Maybe you’re just afraid of making myself vulnerable again.
Conni walks up to Carol.
Conni: Carol, she’s waking up.
Carol: to Mark Let me know if you need anything.
Mark: Thanks.
Conni and Carol head towards Mrs. O’Brien’s room.

Carol: Conni, get Weaver for me.
Mrs. O’Brien: Where-where am I?
Mr. O’Brien: You’re in the hospital sweetheart.
Mrs. O’Brien: No, no, I don’t want that.
Carol: Mrs. O’Brien, I’m Carol Hathaway. I’m a nurse. We’re giving you fluid through an I.V. because you stopped drinking. That’s why you didn’t wake up today.
Mrs. O’Brien: I want to go home, please.
Mr. O’Brien: Homey, we need to get you admitted to the hospital so you can feel better.
Mrs. O’Brien: No, I want to go home.
Kerry enters.
Kerry: Mrs. O’Brien, you want to go home? And you don’t want to be put onto any machines?
Mrs. O’Brien: No, please, no machines.
Mr. O’Brien: Honey, they can help you if you stay. They’ll give you something for the pain.
Mrs. O’Brien: No.
Kerry: Mr. O’Brien.
Mr. O’Brien: Please sweetheart.
Mrs. O’Brien: No, home.
Kerry: Mr. O’Brien. Conni, please start her on a morphine drip. to Mr. O’Brien I think that we should explore home hospice care. An ambulance could take her home as long as someone’s there to take care of the I.V.’s and pain medication. It’s clearly what she wants.
Mr. O’Brien: She’s dying. She doesn’t know what she wants.
Kerry: I think she does. She was very clear. Don’t you think she deserves to die where she wants to, at home, with her family, in he own bed?
He nods.
Good, why don’t you go tell her? I think it’ll help calm her down. Carol, oh, God, I really didn’t need this today. Why don’t you call Social Services?
Carol: Well, maybe the husband’s right. We could admit her for a day or two, get her buffed up…
Kerry: No Carol, please, not today.
Carol: She would go home eventually.
Kerry: The woman wants to die. We can’t keep her here. I know it’s not pleasant, but we have to respect her wishes.
Carol: Yes, but she is in excruciating pain and we didn’t even try to explain the options to her.
Kerry: Just call and set it up.

CUT TO: Curtain 3.
Carter walks in with the antibiotics.
Carter: All right, this should take about 20 minutes. And you should start feeling better in a couple of days. I’m gonna have a nurse come in and give you your prescriptions. to the wheezer How are you feeling, Mr. Compazian? The steroids and albuterol helping?
Mr. Compazian: Yeah, I feel much better.
Carter: Yeah, it’s amazing stuff.
Mrs. Wyatt begins breathing heavily and gasping.
You okay Mrs. Wyatt?
Mrs. Wyatt: Hard-hard to breathe.
Carter: Feeling any chest pain?
Mrs. Wyatt: No.
Carter: Has this ever happened before?
Mrs. Wyatt: When I got bactrim.
Carter: Bactrim?
Mrs. Wyatt: I told you I was allergic to sulfa. I’m feeling dizzy
Carter examines the antibiotic bag, rips out her I.V. and rushes over to a cabinet.
Carter: Ok, just lie down, lie down.
Mr. Compazian: You need some help?
Carter: No, everything’s under control. How are you doing, Mrs. Wyatt?
Mrs. Wyatt: Not too…not too good.
Malik enters.
Malik: What happened?
Carter: Nothing.
Malik: Somebody hit the call button.
Carter points to Mr. Compazian. Malik pulls back the curtain.
Mr. Compazian: She was having trouble breathing.
Chen enters.
Chen: What happened?
Carter: Ah, she was complaining of hives, so I gave her a sub-q epi.
Malik: Where’s all the blood coming from?
Carter: Look at that, she must have pulled out her I.V.
Chen: Why would she pull out her I.V.?
Carter: How the hell would I know that? Why don’t you start another line? Just, uh, give her 50 of benadryl, 125 of solumedrol. You just nodded of for a second there, Mrs. Wyatt. All right, good pulse, good respirations.
Malik: You want any fluids?
Carter: Yeah, why don’t you run a liter over an hour.
Carter stomps out of the room and into the bathroom. He goes into a stall, sits down, and starts sobbing.

CUT TO: Surgery ward.
Abby and Malucci are waiting for Elizabeth. She sees them and walks out towards them.
Elizabeth: Why was a critical patient like this discharged from the E.R.?
Abby: She wasn’t critical at the time. Her vitals were stable. I thought it was P.I.D.
Elizabeth: You didn’t appreciate the mass on exam?
Abby: No, I didn’t.
Elizabeth: Who was supervising? You, Dr. Malucci? Didn’t you appreciate anything?
Malucci: Uh, no, I didn’t.
Elizabeth: What were you wearing, oven mitts?
Abby: coughs Actually, Dr. Malucci never had a chance to examine the patient.
Elizabeth: I think you two need a moment alone to get your stories straight.
Abby: He never examined her because I never called him in.
Elizabeth: Have you recently and unexpectedly graduated from medical school, Miss Lockhart?
Abby: I thought my experience in OB/GYN qualified me. Obviously, I was wrong.
Elizabeth: to Malucci So you signed a discharge order for a patient you never saw, who was examined and treated only by a medical student. to Abby This woman could have died, and you’re years away from having the necessary experience to make these decisions.
Abby: I know.
Elizabeth: Oh, good! I’d like a moment alone to speak with Dr. Malucci.
Abby leaves and watches from the next room.
Malucci: Can I…can I say something?
Elizabeth: I think your cause would be better served by keeping your mouth shut. When residents first arrive here, we size you up. We have great hopes for you, we want you to succeed. But gradually over time and through interactions, we form opinions. Do you want to hear the staff’s opinion of you? Your lazy, sloppy, and your careless attitude towards your responsibilities as a physician endangers patients’ lives, as witnessed today. In other words, none of us think you’re much of a doctor.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Chen and Mark are discussing Carter.
Chen: Carter’s all over the pace emotionally. Depressed one moment, elated the next.
Mark: Have you talked to him about it?
Chen: Yeah, I tried, but he isn’t very forthcoming. Do you know if he’s seeing anyone?
Mark: Let’s get out of the hallway.
They duck into an exam room. Haleh is in there, cleaning up.
Mark: Haleh, can you give us a minute? to Chen You mean a therapist? I don’t know.
Chen: Do you think he should?
Mark: I’m not a psychiatrist.
Chen: Look, I know it’s none of my business, but I got out the D.M.S.-4…
Mark: Oh, so now you’re a psychiatrist?
Chen: He has violent mood swings. Sometimes he’s deeply depressed. Other times he’s manic and elated.
Mark: So you’re suggesting he’s bipolar.
Chen: Do you know if there’s a family history?
Mark: He was almost killed. He feels partially responsible for Lucy’s death. My moods would be all over the place too.
Chen: But are you sure that’s all it is. Dr. Greene, I may be wrong, but what if I’m right. If we care about him, don’t we at least owe it to him to try and find out?

CUT TO: Mrs. O’Brien’s room.
Carol enters.
Carol: How’s she doing?
Conni: Breathing’s agonal. Resps are 7.
Mr. O’Brien: So she’s not getting any better?
Carol: No, I’m afraid not. We’re doing what we can to rehydrate her, and we called Social Services to help set up the hospice care. Where are your daughters?
Mr. O’Brien: Down in the cafeteria. They’re getting something to eat with some of the nurses. She’s sleeping so peacefully. You should have seen her 2 years ago. She was so beautiful, alive and vibrant, always laughing.
Carol smiles. As Mr. O’Brien continues talking, she remains silent in thought.
I wish I could have it all back - the time I missed with her. Traveling for work…late nights at the office…all the weekends I was prepping for trial. But when she was first diagnosed, I kept working. Can you believe that? Instead of spending time with her, I kept working.
Carol: I’m going to call Social Services again, find out what’s keeping them.
Mr. O’Brien: Thanks.
As she starts to leave, machines begin beeping crazily.
Conni: She’s not breathing.
Mr. O’Brien: Oh God.
Carol: Sheila!
Mr. O’Brien: Sheila! Please, the girls aren’t here. I-I-I didn’t think it was going to happen this fast.
Carol: Um, Conni, can you help me?
Conni: Carol, she’s a D.N.R.
Carol: That doesn’t mean we can’t stimulate her breathing.
Mr. O’Brien: Please, they didn’t get to say goodbye.
Conni: Want me to get Weaver?
Carol: No, I want you to go get Kovac. Tell him I need him, and the go downstairs and get the daughters. Come on Sheila!
Mr. O’Brien: Sheila!
Carol: Come on Sheila!
Mr. O’Brien: Please God, not yet, please.
Luka enters.
Luka: What happened?
Carol: End stage ovarian cancer. She stopped breathing.
Luka: Why are you bagging her? Let’s intubate.
Carol: We can’t, she’s a D.N.R.
Luka: Then let her go.
Carol: Her daughters are downstairs. They haven’t said goodbye yet.
Mr. O’Brien: Please, I thought we had more time.
Carol: Can’t we use a nasal trumpet? The children haven’t had a chance to say goodbye to their dying mother. It’s not a ventilator. Please?
Luka: Where are the trumpets?
Carol: I’ll get it.
Carol goes to get the trumpet.
Luka: Okay, let me in.
They insert the trumpet. The rhythm on the machine returns to normal.
Okay, she’s breathing.
Mr. O’Brien sighs happily. Kerry enters.
Kerry: What’s going on in here?
Carol: We put in a nasal trumpet.
Kerry: She’s D.N.R.
Carol: We didn’t intubate. We’re just helping keep her keep the airway open.
Kerry: You resuscitated her.
Luka: She’s your patient?
Kerry: Yes Dr. Kovac, she’s my patient.
Carol: Her daughter’s weren’t here to say goodbye.
Kerry: Mr. O’Brien, would you excuse us for a moment?
Luka glares at Carol as they walk out.
Kerry: You deliberately defied a patient’s wishes.
Carol: No, I did what I thought was best under the circumstances.
Kerry: That’s not your decision to make.
Luka: I’m sorry Kerry.
Kerry: Damn right, you should be! You’re a senior member of the staff, Carol. We discussed this earlier, we disagreed. I listened to your point of view. I told you exactly what I wanted done. If you can’t respect my authority, then you shouldn’t be working here. If she codes again, I don’t want either of you to touch her. Is that clear?
She walks off.
Carol: I’m sorry Luka.
He starts to walk off.
Luka, don’t just walk…
He throws off his gloves angrily and keeps on walking.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Elizabeth walks down the hall and enters a room where Mark is working.
Elizabeth: Hey Mark.
Mark: Hey, what are you doing down here? I thought you were stuck upstairs all day.
Elizabeth: I came down to talk to Kerry about Malucci.
Mark: What did he do this time?
Elizabeth: I just went through the whole thing with her. Can I tell you later?
Mark: Sure.
Elizabeth: Did you get your dad sorted out?
Mark: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Where is he now?
Mark: He’s, uh, actually in the trunk of my car. I, uh, didn’t have time to go home.
Elizabeth: Where’s Rachel?
Mark: Jenn’s parents, being spoiled rotten.
Elizabeth: I thought you might like these back.
She takes out the green box containing the pearls.
I don’t feel comfortable keeping them.
She hands the box to Mark
Mark: hurt My father gave them to you.
Elizabeth: It was very sweet of him, but I just think it’s a bad idea. I think you should give them to Rachel. I was 12 once, I know what they’ll mean to her. Hey, don’t read too much into this.
Mark: Do I do that?
Elizabeth: laughs You do it regularly.
Lydia enters.
Lydia: Mark, I’ve got an acute M.I.
Mark: I’ll be right there.
She leaves.
Well, um, are you still coming by tonight?
Elizabeth: Where will Rachel sleep?
Mark: On the pullout, in the living room.
Elizabeth: I don’t get off till 12.
Mark: I’ll leave the light on.
Elizabeth: Okay.

CUT TO: The X-ray room.
Carol walks by. She spots Luka inside and enters. They stand in silence for a minute.
Luka: angrily You had no right to put me in that position.
Carol: I know.
Luka: Kerry is my superior. I work here. I don’t want to lose my job.
Carol: You have every right to be mad.
Luka: You took advantage of out personal relationship.
Carol: I did what I thought was right.
Luka: Yeah, damn the consequences?
Carol: In this case, yes.
Luka: You had every right to make that decision for yourself, but not to make it for me.
Carol starts to smile.
Carol: You’re really mad.
She tries not to laugh.
Luka: softens Why are you smiling?
Carol: I guess I thought I was immune.
Luka: Well, you’re not.
Carol: Luka, I’m sorry.
Luka: Yes?
Carol: Really, it’ll never happen again.
Luka: Good.
Carol: And thank you.
Luka: For what?
Carol: For helping her.
Luka: You’re welcome.
Luka leans in and kisses her. She pulls away after a couple seconds looking sad and confused.
Luka: What?
Carol: Nothing.
Luka: You sure?
Carol: sadly Yeah.

CUT TO: The hallway outside Mrs. O’Brien’s room.
Frank is reading “Good Night Moon” to the O’Brien girls.
Frank: Good night little house, and good night mouse. Good night comb and good night brush. to the younger daughter Now, can you see the mouse?
Younger Daughter: There’s the mouse.
Carol: Hey guys, your mom’s ready to see you now.
The younger girl gets up, but the older daughter doesn’t move.
Frank, could you take Jennifer?
Frank: Sure.
Carol sits down beside the older girl.
Carol: Don’t you want to see your mom?
Older Daughter: She’s going to die, isn’t she?
Carol: Yeah.
Older Daughter: It’s not fair.
Carol: No, it’s not.
Older Daughter: I don’t want to have only a dad.
Carol sits quietly, absorbing what the girl is saying.
I want to be a family, like we used to be.
Carol: Come on, we should go. You ready?
She nods. They get up and walk in together.
Older Daughter: Hi Mommy.
She touches her mother’s outstretched hand.
Mrs. O’Brien: Hi there. How’s my girl?
Carol watches them silently.

CUT TO: A dark exam room.
Mark walks in and finds Carter there.
Mark: What are you doing?
Carter: Just gathering my thoughts.
Mark: Haleh says you’ve been in here a while.
Carter: Yeah, I finished up some sutures, and, um, it seemed like a quiet place to hang out. Is that a problem?
Mark: No. Some of us are just a little bit worried about you.
Carter: Well, you don’t need to be.
Mark: How are you?
Carter: Fine.
Mark: You seeing anybody? Therapists?
Carter: shakes his head No.
Mark: Need a referral?
Carter: Sure.
Mark: Yeah? ‘Cause Nadio gave me some names.
Carter: Yeah, that would be great.
Mark: It might help.
Carter: Thanks. cheerily Yeah, you’re right, I’ll do it. I’ll go.
Mark: Ok.
Mark leaves. Carter sits back, looking frustrated.

CUT TO: Mrs. O’Brien’s room.
Carol is finishing some notes. Conni is stripping Mrs. O’Brien’s empty bed. Luka walks in.
Luka: Did Social Services get your patient home?
Carol: No, she died.
Luka: I’m sorry.
Carol: She was end stage.
Luka: I’m off in a couple hours. Would you like to get some dinner?
Carol: unconvincingly Sure.
Luka: We don’t have to.
Carol: No, no, that would be nice.
Mr. O’Brien enters with his daughters.
Mr. O’Brien: Excuse me, Miss Hathaway?
Luka: I’ll find you when I get off.
She nods as he leaves.
Mr. O’Brien: I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for us today.
Carol: You’re welcome.
Mr. O’Brien: sighs Do you believe that we have soul mates?
Carol listens to him silently, pondering his words.
That there’s only one person we’re supposed to find? You know, only one person we can really love? I didn’t used to…but I do now. Sh-she was the love of my life, and I’ll never anyone again the way I loved her.
He leaves. Carol watches them for a minute, thinking about what he just said. She realizes what she must do, and slowly gets out of her chair. She starts down the hallway, picking up speed as she goes along.
Chuny: Carol, I need some more atropine.
Carol waves her off and keeps walking.
Chuny: Carol!
Carol: Hey, Haleh, where’s Mark?
Haleh: Carol, is everything all right?
Carol: Where’s Mark?
Haleh: confused Exam 1.
Carol: Okay.
Carol grabs her bag and coat from under the desk and goes to find Mark.
Carol: Mark, I gotta go. Tell Kerry I won’t be in tomorrow.
Mark: Twins ok?
Carol: I’m going to drop them off at my mom’s.
Mark: What?
Carol: I’ll call you from the plane.
Mark: Plane?
She walks off and spots Malik heading down the hall.
Carol: Hey Malik, where’s Kovac?
Malik: Curtain 3.
She enters Curtain 3.
Carol: Luka, I can’t have dinner with you tonight.
Luka: Okay.
Carol: I'm so sorry
Luka: For what?
Carol: I have to go find out.
Luka: Find out what?
Carol: If he's still in love with me...because...I'm still in love with him. I am. I've been in love with him since I'm was 23 years old. He's...he's everything to me, he's my life, I feel complete when I'm with him and I feel empty when we're apart. And...he's the father of my children. And he's my soul mate. crying You’ll find someone Luka, you will. You’re such a wonderful man. She’s out there, I know she is - someone who will love you the way you’re wife loved you.
She wipes her eyes and smiles.
You’ll find her. You will.
She kisses him on the forehead and cheeks and whispers.
You’ll find her.
She walks out of the room and towards the E.R. exit. She wipes her eyes again and smiles.

CUT TO: An airport.
Carol looks around as she runs through the airport. She runs over to a desk and frantically calls out to the clerk.
Carol: Seattle? Seattle?
Clerk: M-4. But you better hurry. They’re already at final boarding.
She runs off again towards the plane. She hands another clerk her ticket.
Clerk: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Seattle?
Carol: Uh-huh.
Clerk: Ok, all right. Have a good flight.
She runs onto the plane and sits down. A flight attendant comes over to her.
Attendant: Fasten your seatbelt, please.
The woman sitting next to her chuckles and turns to her.
Woman: You almost missed it.
Carol: Yeah, I almost did.
She sighs with content.

CUT TO: A bridge by the water.
Mark and Rachel walk down the steps to the bridge.
Rachel: Dad, you’re crazy.
Mark: This was your grandfather’s favorite spot in Chicago right here.
Rachel: It’s beautiful.
Mark: Yeah. Listen, I have to go to San Diego next week to, uh, bury his ashes next to your grandmother. Can you come?
Rachel: Sure, I’d like that. You miss him, huh?
Mark: Yeah, I do. chuckles It’s kind of funny.
Rachel: Why?
Mark: We didn’t like each other for a very long time.
Rachel: How come?
Mark: I can’t remember now. Probably mostly my fault. I have something for you.
He pulls out the pearl box.
These were your grandmother’s. Do you like them?
Rachel: They’re beautiful.
Mark: Can I put them on you? Okay, turn around. whispers There you go. Okay, let me see. You…you look lovely.
Rachel: Thank you.
Mark: Promise me you won’t grow up too fast, ok?
Rachel: Ok.
They put their arms around each other and look out into the water.

CUT TO: Seattle.
Carol pulls up into a driveway. She gets out of the car and walks up to the door. She knocks, waits a moment, and then goes around back. She sees Doug working on a boat on the dock. He spots her and pauses, shocked to see her, and slowly saunters up towards her, disbelieving. He looks as if he’s about to cry and laugh at the same time. She smiles, and so does he.
Doug: Where are the girls?
Carol: They’re with my mom.
He chuckles. Carol looks around at her surroundings and smiles.
Carol: It’s beautiful here.
She looks down nervously. He takes her face in his hands. She grabs him back, and they kiss passionately. After they pull away, they smile and giggle with happiness. He holds her tight, then lifts her into the air as we fade to the closing credits.
Carter: Yeah, fine.
Chen: You look terrible.
Carter: Thank you.
Kerry knocks on the window and walks in.
Kerry: Dr. Carter, what time do you have?
Carter: Five minutes after seven.
Kerry: So why are you two still in the lounge? The 7 o’clock shift starts at 7. That means you get here in time to be seeing patients at 7. Is that clear? Move it, County’s not paying you to drink coffee.
She exits.
Chen: Whoo, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the coffin.
Carter: Today ought to be a lot of fun.
They walk out.

CUT TO: Admit desk and board.
Kerry is assigning patients to the staff.
Kerry: Chen, weak and dizzy in Exam 2 and abdominal pain in Curtain 1. Malucci, bleeding hemorrhoids in Exam 8.
Malucci: Oh, oh, come on Chief.
Kerry: Hemorrhoids in 8 and a boil that needs lancing in 5.
Malucci: Oh, terrific.
Kerry: I hope that voice is one of unbridled enthusiasm.
Malucci: Oh, I can’t wait.
Kerry: Oh, and keep an eye on your med student for a change. Where is Abby?
Haleh: P.I.D. down in sutures.
Kerry: You’re supervising, Malucci?
Malucci: Uh, yeah.
Kerry: Carter, take the pyelo lady in Curtain 3. Kovac, rule out M.I. or a nail through the hand still waiting in chairs.
Luka: Both.
Malik: EMS is bringing in a terminal cancer patient. 5 minutes out.
Kerry: Okay, Carol, that’ll be us. Let’s get cracking people. There’s plenty more where those came from.
They head off in their separate directions. Malucci and Carter walk down the hall together.
Malucci: Butt boil and hemorrhoids. This is what I went to medical school for.
Carter: It could be worse. There’s an explosive diarrhea up there.
Malucci: You okay Hoss, you don’t look so good.
Carter: So everybody keeps telling me. I’m having trouble sleeping.
Malucci: Try reading the annals at bedtime. That-that usually puts me right out.
Malik walks up.
Malik: You want me to dip a urine on our pyelo?
Carter: Yeah, yeah, in fact I’ll be right in. I’m just going to use the bathroom. to Malucci You on all night?
Malucci: Yeah, I was supposed to be off today. I swapped with Cleo. She’s taking my Saturday night. Got tickets for Rage Against The Machine, my friend. Right in the pit, baby.
Carter: Hey, lucky you.
Malucci: I think Weaver’s got it in for me. I don’t know what I did to Festus to get her so pissed.
Carter: Well, maybe it was calling her Festus.
Malucci: Well never to her face.
Carter enters the bathroom and goes to the sink. A toilet flushes and a man walks up beside him.
Carter: How’s it going?
Man: All right.
He leaves. Carter continues to stare into the mirror.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Paramedics are wheeling a woman on a gurney down the hall with Kerry, Carol, a man, and 2 young girls.
Man: I couldn’t wake her.
Paramedic: BP is 85 over 60. Tachy at 122. Mr. O’Brien said she hadn’t eaten anything in a couple days.
Carol: Has she had any fluids?
Mr. O’Brien: A little ginger ale yesterday. She was operated on for a bowel obstruction last month. They said the tumor spread to her liver and diaphragm.
They push the gurney into an exam room.
Kerry: She could be encephelopathic from liver failure.
Mr. O’Brien: What does that mean?
Kerry: Your wife’s liver isn’t removing toxins from her blood. That might explain why she isn’t waking up. Okay, here we go now, 1, 2, 3. Carol get a C.B.C., lytes, liver panel, and a P.T.
Conni: Resps are down to 8.
Kerry: Mr. O’Brien, your wife’s breathing is very slow. We may have to decide whether or not to intubate.
Mr. O’Brien: Oh, God.
Carol: Does she have a Do Not Resuscitate order?
Mr. O’Brien: Yes, she doesn’t want any machines. Is…is there any way you can help her?
Kerry: We’ll give her some I.V. fluids and see if that makes her more comfortable, all right? Carol, could you show Mr. O’Brien and his family to where they can wait, please?
Carol: Sure. Let’s go see if we can find some crayons and coloring books, okay?
Younger girl: Bye-bye Mommy! waves
Carol: to older girl holding a box Come on, sweetheart.
Older girl: I brought her things. That’s my job when we go to the hospital. She likes to have her things with her.
Carol: Okay, but there isn’t anywhere to put them in here. So, do you think you could hold on to them for a little longer? All right sweetie, come on.
They exit.

CUT TO: Curtain 3.
Carter walks in.
Carter: So…Mrs.…
Malik: Wyatt.
Carter: Wyatt. How long have you been experiencing the burning?
Mrs. Wyatt: A couple of days. It usually clears up with cranberry juice.
Carter: Any fever?
Malik: 101.4.
Carter: Open your mouth for me, would you please?
Yosh walks in pushing a man in a wheelchair.
Yosh: Weaver sent you a present - a wheezer.
Carter: Would you excuse me? Uh…history of asthma?
Wheezer: Since I was a kid.
Carter: Get him into bed and give him 5 of albuterol, I’ll be right back. to Mrs. Wyatt Will you sit up for me please? I want you to tell me if this hurts at all.
Mrs. Wyatt: Oh, oh, yeah.
Carter: Looks like you have pyelonephritis.
Mrs. Wyatt: Is that serious?
Carter: You’re going to be fine.
Chen enters.
Chen: Frank said you have 2 patients, might need a hand.
Carter: No, no, I got this. to the wheezer Ever been on steroids?
Wheezer: Last year…for a few weeks.
Carter: Give him 60 of prednezone.  And set him up for continuous nebs after this one. to Mrs. Wyatt When was your last period?
Mrs. Wyatt: About a month ago.
Chen: Are you sure? I’m just waiting on labs.
Carter: I got ‘em. Thanks anyways, though.
Chen leaves, but watches from outside.
to Mrs. Wyatt Any allergies?
Mrs. Wyatt: I get hives from sulfa.
Carter: to the wheezer Can you tell me what inhalers your using?
Wheezer: Ventolin and vaceril.
Carter: to Mrs. Wyatt Any chance your pregnant?
Wheezer: No, definitely not.
Carter: laughs I like this guy. Not you, you. Any chance your pregnant?
Chen walks away from the window.

CUT TO: An exam room.
Kerry and Carol are still working on Mrs. O’Brien.
Mr. O’Brien: I got scared when I couldn’t wake her up. Called 911.
Kerry: You did the right thing, calling the paramedics. She’s dehydrated.
Mr. O’Brien: I try to get her to drink more, but sh-she’s so weak she can’t swallow. She can hardly hold a straw.
Carol: Labs are back.
Kerry looks at the chart.
Kerry: Her liver isn’t making clotting factors.
Mr. O’Brien: What does that mean?
Kerry: It’s a sign of severe liver failure.
Mr. O’Brien: Is there anything you can do?
Kerry: Not really. We can only really make her comfortable.
Mr. O’Brien: So this is it?
Kerry: I think probably so.
Mr. O’Brien: sighs Oh, boy. Where are my girls?
Carol: One of the nurses is taking care of them in the lounge.
Mr. O’Brien: Do everything you can. I-I don’t want her to suffer, please.
Kerry: Of course not.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Abby is talking to the patient with P.I.D.
Abby: Come back if you get a fever or experience any vomiting, and if you wait a minute, I can get you a list of clinics that treat STDs.
Patient: Can I wait outside? I’m dying for a cigarette.
Abby: Sure. But, you are going to quit really soon, right?
Patient: Absolutely.
Abby walks over to Malucci near the desk.
Abby: Hey, 22-year-old with P.I.D. Gave her 250 of ceftriaxone, a gram of zithromax, need you to sign the chart.
Lydia: Is Benton on? Kovac has a hot belly.
Conni: No, Benton traded with Corday again, and Cleo just happens to be off too.
Lydia: Shocking.
Frank walks over to Abby.
Frank: This date is wrong. Today’s the 11th, not the 10th.
Abby: No, I thought tomorrow was the 11th.
Frank: Today’s the 11th. All day.
Abby: Oh. I was expecting today to be a really awful day, but it seems to be turning out okay.
Malucci: Venus out of alignment with the ninth moon of Jupiter, or something?
Abby: No, nothing like that.
Frank: Jupiter only has eight moons. Want me to name them?
Malucci: Who is this guy?
Conni: Frank. He’s temping.
Frank: Let’s see, uh, inner moons: Matis, Adrastea, Amaethea, and Thebe.
Malucci: Thank you, I believe you.
He walks off.
Frank: Outer moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Haleh: What’s he going on about?
Conni: Moons.
Frank: You know, Saturn has eighteen confirmed moons. Want me to name them?
Conni, Haleh, and Lydia: No!
Chuny runs up.
Chuny: Abby! Your P.I.D. girl collapsed in the bay.
They go outside.
Abby: What happened?
Yosh: She’s breathing, but I can barely feel her pulse.
Abby: She needs a couple of large-pore I.V.s. 2 liters of saline wide open. Cathy…Cathy wake up.
Lydia: Maybe it’s an ectopic.
Abby: No, the icon was negative. She’s not pregnant.
Paramedic: BP is 70 palp.
Lydia: Who’s her doctor?
Chuny: Malucci.
Lydia: I’ll get him.
Abby: Mix up dopamine, get an ultrasound, and lets get her on a gurney. And 1, 2, 3.

CUT TO: Exam room.
Paramedic: Pressure’s 85 after 2 liters.
Abby: Up the dopamine to 12 mics.
Yosh: Hemacue 14.1.
Abby: Right advexa normal. Left side…there’s a mass of free fluid, damn it.
Chuny: What is it?
Abby: Tube Ovarian Abcess. When they rupture, they get septic and hypotensive.
Chuny: Want me to page GYN?
Abby: No, dial 7614, hand me the phone.
Yosh: Temp’s 102.
Abby: That’s the infection.
Chuny: Got ‘em.
Hands Abby the phone.
Hi, who’s this? Paula, this is Abby Lockhart. I need to redline a ruptured T.O.A. Set up the O.R. and page the chief resident. Thanks.
Malucci enters.
Malucci: What the hell is going on?
Abby: My patient had a syncopal episode. Dropped her pressure.
Malucci: What patient? Abby, what patient?
Abby: The P.I.D. I just had you discharge.
Chuny: Pressure’s up to 100.
Abby: Good, let’s get ready to move her.
Malucci: Why didn’t you call me? Maybe it’s a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst.
Abby: No, crit’s fine, mass is loculated, and she’s spiked a fever.
Malucci: You picked up a loculated mass?
Abby: Yeah.
Malucci: No kidding? I wouldn’t know one if it bit me on the ass.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Carter walks by whistling and humming. He enters Curtain 3.
Carter: You haven’t gotten your antibiotics yet.
Mrs. Wyatt: I don’t think so.
Malik: I’m sorry, I’ve been busy.
Carter: I wrote the order 45 minutes ago.
Malik: And you also wrote for continuous albuterol and steroids for this guy.
Carter: When can you do it?
Malik: When I’m finished.
Carter: Forget it. I’m going to get your antibiotics myself.
He leaves.

CUT TO: Mark talking on a phone.
Carol walks up to him.
Carol: Hey, when did you get back?
Mark: Uh, 20 minutes ago. Still holding.
Carol: I’m so sorry about your dad.
Mark: Thanks.
Carol: I tried calling you a couple of times, left messages. I wanted to see if I could do anything.
Mark: I appreciate you calling. Rachel ended up coming up, and we were just hanging out. into phone Yes. No, I’d like to find out how to get my dad into a V.A. cemetery. to Carol Transferring me to yet another department.
Carol: Didn’t he want to be buried next to your mother in San Diego?
Mark: I don’t know what he wanted. Said he didn’t want to be any trouble. Suggested I put him out with the trash.
Carol: Oh, that was helpful.
Mark: Threw in a couple of harangues about mortuary vultures too. Another recording telling me to hold.
Carol looks down and sighs.
You look beat.
Carol: Yeah, well, Tess hasn’t been sleeping.
Mark: Teething, probably.
Carol: Yeah, that’s what Luka said.
Mark: Well, he sees them enough to know.
Carol: Hey, don’t give me a hard time about that. I’m struggling enough with this as it is.
Mark: Hey, I think it’s great. I want you to be happy.
Carol: So why do I feel so unsure?
Mark: Maybe you’re just afraid of making myself vulnerable again.
Conni walks up to Carol.
Conni: Carol, she’s waking up.
Carol: to Mark Let me know if you need anything.
Mark: Thanks.
Conni and Carol head towards Mrs. O’Brien’s room.
Carol: Conni, get Weaver for me.
Mrs. O’Brien: Where-where am I?
Mr. O’Brien: You’re in the hospital sweetheart.
Mrs. O’Brien: No, no, I don’t want that.
Carol: Mrs. O’Brien, I’m Carol Hathaway. I’m a nurse. We’re giving you fluid through an I.V. because you stopped drinking. That’s why you didn’t wake up today.
Mrs. O’Brien: I want to go home, please.
Mr. O’Brien: Homey, we need to get you admitted to the hospital so you can feel better.
Mrs. O’Brien: No, I want to go home.
Kerry enters.
Kerry: Mrs. O’Brien, you want to go home? And you don’t want to be put onto any machines?
Mrs. O’Brien: No, please, no machines.
Mr. O’Brien: Honey, they can help you if you stay. They’ll give you something for the pain.
Mrs. O’Brien: No.
Kerry: Mr. O’Brien.
Mr. O’Brien: Please sweetheart.
Mrs. O’Brien: No, home.
Kerry: Mr. O’Brien. Conni, please start her on a morphine drip. to Mr. O’Brien  I think that we should explore home hospice care. An ambulance could take her home as long as someone’s there to take care of the I.V.’s and pain medication. It’s clearly what she wants.
Mr. O’Brien: She’s dying. She doesn’t know what she wants.
Kerry: I think she does. She was very clear. Don’t you think she deserves to die where she wants to, at home, with her family, in he own bed?
He nods.
Good, why don’t you go tell her? I think it’ll help calm her down. Carol, oh, God, I really didn’t need this today. Why don’t you call Social Services?
Carol: Well, maybe the husband’s right. We could admit her for a day or two, get her buffed up…
Kerry: No Carol, please, not today.
Carol: She would go home eventually.
Kerry: The woman wants to die. We can’t keep her here. I know it’s not pleasant, but we have to respect her wishes.
Carol: Yes, but she is in excruciating pain and we didn’t even try to explain the options to her.
Kerry: Just call and set it up.

CUT TO: Curtain 3.
Carter walks in with the antibiotics.
Carter: All right, this should take about 20 minutes. And you should start feeling better in a couple of days. I’m gonna have a nurse come in and give you your prescriptions. to the wheezer How are you feeling, Mr. Compazian? The steroids and albuterol helping?
Mr. Compazian: Yeah, I feel much better.
Carter: Yeah, it’s amazing stuff.
Mrs. Wyatt begins breathing heavily and gasping.
You okay Mrs. Wyatt?
Mrs. Wyatt: Hard-hard to breathe.
Carter: Feeling any chest pain?
Mrs. Wyatt: No.
Carter: Has this ever happened before?
Mrs. Wyatt: When I got bactrim.
Carter: Bactrim?
Mrs. Wyatt: I told you I was allergic to sulfa. I’m feeling dizzy
Carter examines the antibiotic bag, rips out her I.V. and rushes over to a cabinet.
Carter: Ok, just lie down, lie down.
Mr. Compazian: You need some help?
Carter: No, everything’s under control. How are you doing, Mrs. Wyatt?
Mrs. Wyatt: Not too…not too good.
Malik enters.
Malik: What happened?
Carter: Nothing.
Malik: Somebody hit the call button.
Carter points to Mr. Compazian. Malik pulls back the curtain.
Mr. Compazian: She was having trouble breathing.
Chen enters.
Chen: What happened?
Carter: Ah, she was complaining of hives, so I gave her a sub-q epi.
Malik: Where’s all the blood coming from?
Carter: Look at that, she must have pulled out her I.V.
Chen: Why would she pull out her I.V.?
Carter: How the hell would I know that? Why don’t you start another line? Just, uh, give her 50 of benadryl, 125 of solumedrol. You just nodded of for a second there, Mrs. Wyatt. All right, good pulse, good respirations.
Malik: You want any fluids?
Carter: Yeah, why don’t you run a liter over an hour.
Carter stomps out of the room and into the bathroom. He goes into a stall, sits down, and starts sobbing.

CUT TO: Surgery ward.
Abby and Malucci are waiting for Elizabeth. She sees them and walks out towards them.
Elizabeth: Why was a critical patient like this discharged from the E.R.?
Abby: She wasn’t critical at the time. Her vitals were stable. I thought it was P.I.D.
Elizabeth: You didn’t appreciate the mass on exam?
Abby: No, I didn’t.
Elizabeth: Who was supervising? You, Dr. Malucci? Didn’t you appreciate anything?
Malucci: Uh, no, I didn’t.
Elizabeth: What were you wearing, oven mitts?
Abby: coughs Actually, Dr. Malucci never had a chance to examine the patient.
Elizabeth: I think you two need a moment alone to get your stories straight.
Abby: He never examined her because I never called him in.
Elizabeth: Have you recently and unexpectedly graduated from medical school, Miss Lockhart?
Abby: I thought my experience in OB/GYN qualified me. Obviously, I was wrong.
Elizabeth: to Malucci So you signed a discharge order for a patient you never saw, who was examined and treated only by a medical student. to Abby This woman could have died, and you’re years away from having the necessary experience to make these decisions.
Abby: I know.
Elizabeth: Oh, good! I’d like a moment alone to speak with Dr. Malucci.
Abby leaves and watches from the next room.
Malucci: Can I…can I say something?
Elizabeth: I think your cause would be better served by keeping your mouth shut.  When residents first arrive here, we size you up. We have great hopes for you, we want you to succeed. But gradually over time and through interactions, we form opinions. Do you want to hear the staff’s opinion of you? Your lazy, sloppy, and your careless attitude towards your responsibilities as a physician endangers patients’ lives, as witnessed today. In other words, none of us think you’re much of a doctor.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Chen and Mark are discussing Carter.
Chen: Carter’s all over the pace emotionally. Depressed one moment, elated the next.
Mark: Have you talked to him about it?
Chen: Yeah, I tried, but he isn’t very forthcoming. Do you know if he’s seeing anyone?
Mark: Let’s get out of the hallway.
They duck into an exam room. Haleh is in there, cleaning up.
Mark: Haleh, can you give us a minute? to Chen You mean a therapist? I don’t know.
Chen: Do you think he should?
Mark: I’m not a psychiatrist.
Chen: Look, I know it’s none of my business, but I got out the D.M.S.-4…
Mark: Oh, so now you’re a psychiatrist?
Chen: He has violent mood swings. Sometimes he’s deeply depressed. Other times he’s manic and elated.
Mark: So you’re suggesting he’s bipolar.
Chen: Do you know if there’s a family history?
Mark: He was almost killed. He feels partially responsible for Lucy’s death. My moods would be all over the place too.
Chen: But are you sure that’s all it is. Dr. Greene, I may be wrong, but what if I’m right. If we care about him, don’t we at least owe it to him to try and find out?

CUT TO: Mrs. O’Brien’s room.
Carol enters.
Carol: How’s she doing?
Conni: Breathing’s agonal. Resps are 7.
Mr. O’Brien: So she’s not getting any better?
Carol: No, I’m afraid not. We’re doing what we can to rehydrate her, and we called Social Services to help set up the hospice care. Where are your daughters?
Mr. O’Brien: Down in the cafeteria. They’re getting something to eat with some of the nurses. She’s sleeping so peacefully. You should have seen her 2 years ago. She was so beautiful, alive and vibrant, always laughing.
Carol smiles. As Mr. O’Brien continues talking, she remains silent in thought.
I wish I could have it all back - the time I missed with her. Traveling for work…late nights at the office…all the weekends I was prepping for trial. But when she was first diagnosed, I kept working. Can you believe that? Instead of spending time with her, I kept working.
Carol: I’m going to call Social Services again, find out what’s keeping them.
Mr. O’Brien:  Thanks.
As she starts to leave, machines begin beeping crazily.
Conni: She’s not breathing.
Mr. O’Brien:  Oh God.
Carol: Sheila!
Mr. O’Brien: Sheila! Please, the girls aren’t here. I-I-I didn’t think it was going to happen this fast.
Carol: Um, Conni, can you help me?
Conni: Carol, she’s a D.N.R.
Carol: That doesn’t mean we can’t stimulate her breathing.
Mr. O’Brien: Please, they didn’t get to say goodbye.
Conni: Want me to get Weaver?
Carol: No, I want you to go get Kovac. Tell him I need him, and the go downstairs and get the daughters. Come on Sheila!
Mr. O’Brien: Sheila!
Carol: Come on Sheila!
Mr. O’Brien: Please God, not yet, please.
Luka enters.
Luka: What happened?
Carol: End stage ovarian cancer. She stopped breathing.
Luka: Why are you bagging her? Let’s intubate.
Carol: We can’t, she’s a D.N.R.
Luka: Then let her go.
Carol: Her daughters are downstairs. They haven’t said goodbye yet.
Mr. O’Brien: Please, I thought we had more time.
Carol: Can’t we use a nasal trumpet? The children haven’t had a chance to say goodbye to their dying mother. It’s not a ventilator. Please?
Luka: Where are the trumpets?
Carol: I’ll get it.
Carol goes to get the trumpet.
Luka: Okay, let me in.
They insert the trumpet. The rhythm on the machine returns to normal.
Okay, she’s breathing.
Mr. O’Brien sighs happily. Kerry enters.
Kerry: What’s going on in here?
Carol: We put in a nasal trumpet.
Kerry: She’s D.N.R.
Carol: We didn’t intubate. We’re just helping keep her keep the airway open.
Kerry: You resuscitated her.
Luka: She’s your patient?
Kerry: Yes Dr. Kovac, she’s my patient.
Carol: Her daughter’s weren’t here to say goodbye.
Kerry: Mr. O’Brien, would you excuse us for a moment?
Luka glares at Carol as they walk out.
Kerry: You deliberately defied a patient’s wishes.
Carol: No, I did what I thought was best under the circumstances.
Kerry: That’s not your decision to make.
Luka: I’m sorry Kerry.
Kerry: Damn right, you should be! You’re a senior member of the staff, Carol. We discussed this earlier, we disagreed. I listened to your point of view. I told you exactly what I wanted done. If you can’t respect my authority, then you shouldn’t be working here. If she codes again, I don’t want either of you to touch her. Is that clear?
She walks off.
Carol: I’m sorry Luka.
He starts to walk off.
Luka, don’t just walk…
He throws off his gloves angrily and keeps on walking.

CUT TO: A hallway.
Elizabeth walks down the hall and enters a room where Mark is working.
Elizabeth: Hey Mark.
Mark: Hey, what are you doing down here? I thought you were stuck upstairs all day.
Elizabeth: I came down to talk to Kerry about Malucci.
Mark: What did he do this time?
Elizabeth: I just went through the whole thing with her. Can I tell you later?
Mark: Sure.
Elizabeth: Did you get your dad sorted out?
Mark: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Where is he now?
Mark: He’s, uh, actually in the trunk of my car. I, uh, didn’t have time to go home.
Elizabeth: Where’s Rachel?
Mark: Jenn’s parents, being spoiled rotten.
Elizabeth: I thought you might like these back.
She takes out the green box containing the pearls.
I don’t feel comfortable keeping them.
She hands the box to Mark
Mark: hurt My father gave them to you.
Elizabeth: It was very sweet of him, but I just think it’s a bad idea. I think you should give them to Rachel. I was 12 once, I know what they’ll mean to her. Hey, don’t read too much into this.
Mark: Do I do that?
Elizabeth: laughs You do it regularly.
Lydia enters.
Lydia: Mark, I’ve got an acute M.I.
Mark: I’ll be right there.
She leaves.
Well, um, are you still coming by tonight?
Elizabeth: Where will Rachel sleep?
Mark: On the pullout, in the living room.
Elizabeth: I don’t get off till 12.
Mark: I’ll leave the light on.
Elizabeth: Okay.

CUT TO: The X-ray room.
Carol walks by. She spots Luka inside and enters. They stand in silence for a minute.
Luka: angrily You had no right to put me in that position.
Carol: I know.
Luka: Kerry is my superior. I work here. I don’t want to lose my job.
Carol: You have every right to be mad.
Luka: You took advantage of out personal relationship.
Carol: I did what I thought was right.
Luka: Yeah, damn the consequences?
Carol: In this case, yes.
Luka: You had every right to make that decision for yourself, but not to make it for me.
Carol starts to smile.
Carol: You’re really mad.
She tries not to laugh.
Luka: softens Why are you smiling?
Carol: I guess I thought I was immune.
Luka: Well, you’re not.
Carol: Luka, I’m sorry.
Luka: Yes?
Carol: Really, it’ll never happen again.
Luka: Good.
Carol: And thank you.
Luka: For what?
Carol: For helping her.
Luka: You’re welcome.
Luka leans in and kisses her. She pulls away after a couple seconds looking sad and confused.
Luka: What?
Carol: Nothing.
Luka: You sure?
Carol: sadly Yeah.

CUT TO: The hallway outside Mrs. O’Brien’s room.
Frank is reading “Good Night Moon” to the O’Brien girls.
Frank: Good night little house, and good night mouse. Good night comb and good night brush. to the younger daughter Now, can you see the mouse?
Younger Daughter: There’s the mouse.
Carol: Hey guys, your mom’s ready to see you now.
The younger girl gets up, but the older daughter doesn’t move.
Frank, could you take Jennifer?
Frank: Sure.
Carol sits down beside the older girl.
Carol: Don’t you want to see your mom?
Older Daughter: She’s going to die, isn’t she?
Carol: Yeah.
Older Daughter: It’s not fair.
Carol: No, it’s not.
Older Daughter: I don’t want to have only a dad.
Carol sits quietly, absorbing what the girl is saying.
I want to be a family, like we used to be.
Carol: Come on, we should go. You ready?
She nods. They get up and walk in together.
Older Daughter: Hi Mommy.
She touches her mother’s outstretched hand.
Mrs. O’Brien: Hi there. How’s my girl?
Carol watches them silently.

CUT TO: A dark exam room.
Mark walks in and finds Carter there.
Mark: What are you doing?
Carter: Just gathering my thoughts.
Mark: Haleh says you’ve been in here a while.
Carter: Yeah, I finished up some sutures, and, um, it seemed like a quiet place to hang out. Is that a problem?
Mark: No. Some of us are just a little bit worried about you.
Carter: Well, you don’t need to be.
Mark: How are you?
Carter: Fine.
Mark: You seeing anybody? Therapists?
Carter: shakes his head No.
Mark: Need a referral?
Carter: Sure.
Mark: Yeah? ‘Cause Nadio gave me some names.
Carter: Yeah, that would be great.
Mark: It might help.
Carter: Thanks. cheerily Yeah, you’re right, I’ll do it. I’ll go.
Mark: Ok.
Mark leaves. Carter sits back, looking frustrated.

CUT TO: Mrs. O’Brien’s room.
Carol is finishing some notes. Conni is stripping Mrs. O’Brien’s empty bed. Luka walks in.
Luka: Did Social Services get your patient home?
Carol: No, she died.
Luka: I’m sorry.
Carol: She was end stage.
Luka: I’m off in a couple hours. Would you like to get some dinner?
Carol: unconvincingly Sure.
Luka: We don’t have to.
Carol: No, no, that would be nice.
Mr. O’Brien enters with his daughters.
Mr. O’Brien: Excuse me, Miss Hathaway?
Luka: I’ll find you when I get off.
She nods as he leaves.
Mr. O’Brien: I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for us today.
Carol: You’re welcome.
Mr. O’Brien: sighs Do you believe that we have soul mates?
Carol listens to him silently, pondering his words.
That there’s only one person we’re supposed to find? You know, only one person we can really love? I didn’t used to…but I do now. Sh-she was the love of my life, and I’ll never anyone again the way I loved her.
He leaves. Carol watches them for a minute, thinking about what he just said. She realizes what she must do, and slowly gets out of her chair. She starts down the hallway, picking up speed as she goes along.
Chuny: Carol, I need some more atropine.
Carol waves her off and keeps walking.
Chuny: Carol!
Carol: Hey, Haleh, where’s Mark?
Haleh: Carol, is everything all right?
Carol: Where’s Mark?
Haleh: confused Exam 1.
Carol: Okay.
Carol grabs her bag and coat from under the desk and goes to find Mark.
Carol: Mark, I gotta go. Tell Kerry I won’t be in tomorrow.
Mark: Twins ok?
Carol: I’m going to drop them off at my mom’s.
Mark: What?
Carol: I’ll call you from the plane.
Mark: Plane?
She walks off and spots Malik heading down the hall.
Carol: Hey Malik, where’s Kovac?
Malik: Curtain 3.
She enters Curtain 3.
Carol: Luka, I can’t have dinner with you tonight.
Luka: Okay.
Carol: I'm so sorry
Luka: For what?
Carol: I have to go find out.
Luka: Find out what?
Carol: If he's still in love with me...because...I'm still in love with him. I am. I've been in love with him since I'm was 23 years old. He's...he's everything to me, he's my life, I feel complete when I'm with him and I feel empty when we're apart. And...he's the father of my children. And he's my soul mate. crying You’ll find someone Luka, you will. You’re such a wonderful man. She’s out there, I know she is - someone who will love you the way you’re wife loved you.
She wipes her eyes and smiles.
You’ll find her. You will.
She kisses him on the forehead and cheeks and whispers.
You’ll find her.
She walks out of the room and towards the E.R. exit. She wipes her eyes again and smiles.

CUT TO: An airport.
Carol looks around as she runs through the airport. She runs over to a desk and frantically calls out to the clerk.
Carol: Seattle? Seattle?
Clerk: M-4. But you better hurry. They’re already at final boarding.
She runs off again towards the plane. She hands another clerk her ticket.
Clerk: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Seattle?
Carol: Uh-huh.
Clerk: Ok, all right. Have a good flight.
She runs onto the plane and sits down. A flight attendant comes over to her.
Attendant: Fasten your seatbelt, please.
The woman sitting next to her chuckles and turns to her.
Woman: You almost missed it.
Carol: Yeah, I almost did.
She sighs with content.

CUT TO: A bridge by the water.
Mark and Rachel walk down the steps to the bridge.
Rachel: Dad, you’re crazy.
Mark: This was your grandfather’s favorite spot in Chicago right here.
Rachel: It’s beautiful.
Mark: Yeah. Listen, I have to go to San Diego next week to, uh, bury his ashes next to your grandmother. Can you come?
Rachel: Sure, I’d like that. You miss him, huh?
Mark: Yeah, I do. chuckles It’s kind of funny.
Rachel: Why?
Mark: We didn’t like each other for a very long time.
Rachel: How come?
Mark: I can’t remember now. Probably mostly my fault. I have something for you.
He pulls out the pearl box.
These were your grandmother’s. Do you like them?
Rachel: They’re beautiful.
Mark: Can I put them on you? Okay, turn around. whispers There you go. Okay, let me see. You…you look lovely.
Rachel: Thank you.
Mark: Promise me you won’t grow up too fast, ok?
Rachel: Ok.
They put their arms around each other and look out into the water.

CUT TO: Seattle.
Carol pulls up into a driveway. She gets out of the car and walks up to the door. She knocks, waits a moment, and then goes around back. She sees Doug working on a boat on the dock. He spots her and pauses, shocked to see her, and slowly saunters up towards her, disbelieving. He looks as if he’s about to cry and laugh at the same time. She smiles, and so does he.
Doug: Where are the girls?
Carol: They’re with my mom.
He chuckles. Carol looks around at her surroundings and smiles.
Carol: It’s beautiful here.
She looks down nervously. He takes her face in his hands. She grabs him back, and they kiss passionately. After they pull away, they smile and giggle with happiness. He holds her tight, then lifts her into the air as we fade to the closing credits.


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