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#821 : Sur la plage

Episode 8.21 Sur la plage Urgences ER

Scénario: John Wells Réalisation: John Wells

Cet épisode fait directement suite à l'épisode " La ceinture d'Orion " où le docteur Greene quittait les urgences pour toujours.
On voit Mark rentrer chez lui après sa dernière garde. Lizzie le trouve dans la cuisine à écrire la liste de ce qu'il a toujours rêvé de faire mais qu'il n'a jamais eu le temps de réaliser.
Sur ses derniers jours, Mark Greene décide d'emmener Elizabeth et une Rachel réticente à Hawaïï. Il cherche à transmettre à sa fille ses souvenirs, ainsi que l'histoire de sa famille. Peu à peu, Mark et Rachel parviendront à se réconcilier, avant que l'inévitable ne se produise.
Mark meurt ainsi, en pensant aux urgences, à Elizabeth et Ella, et à Rachel heureuse avec son petit ami.
On assite ensuite à l'enterrement de Mark où tous ses amis et collègues sont présents.


5 - 4 votes

Titre VO
On the beach

Titre VF
Sur la plage

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


8x21 - Rachel (VO)

8x21 - Rachel (VO)



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France (redif)
Jeudi 15.12.2016 à 17:30

Logo de la chaîne TF1 Séries Films

France (redif)
Mercredi 14.12.2016 à 18:20

Logo de la chaîne TF1 Séries Films

France (redif)
Mardi 13.12.2016 à 19:15

Plus de détails


Carter's playing basketball as Mark's leaving (the same scene as in Orion in the Sky.

MARK: You set the tone, Carter.


MARK: (walking off) Work on your jump shot!

We follow Mark all the way to the sidewalk, and then we're in --


Mark sits on the crowded subway. He watches a man across from him hold his sleeping young daughter in his lap.


He enters, lays his coat on the sofa, and goes to the fridge for a glass of milk.


Mark knocks on the door to Rachel's room, then enters. The walls are plastered with posters, "Crawling in the Dark" by Hoobastank plays on Rachel's walkman (not blaring), and she has fallen asleep on the bed. Mark's still holding the milk. He shuts off the music.


We follow Elizabeth into the kitchen. She's wearing her dressing gown. Mark's sitting at the kitchen counter with a notepad and pen.


MARK: (turns) Hey.

ELIZABETH: What are you doing?

MARK: I'm feeling sorry for myself.

ELIZABETH: I'll make you some soup.

MARK: Uh, no thanks.

ELIZABETH: Do you want me to put some drops in your eye?

MARK: Just did it. I'm just making a list. Things I've always wanted to do but I've never found time for. What Too morbid?


MARK: You want to hear it?


MARK: Got a little carried away.


MARK: (reads) "Sail around the world. Climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Play third base for the Cubs and hit a sacrifice fly to drive in a winning run in the seventh game at the World Series." (looks at Elizabeth) They get better.


MARK: (reads) "Start a garage band and end up on the cover of Rolling Stone."

ELIZABETH: Do you even play an instrument?

MARK: No, but I've always wanted to trash a hotel room. (reads) "Jump out of an airplane. Have noisy sex in a public place."

ELIZABETH: I can help you with that one.

MARK: (reads) "Smoke hand-rolled Cuban cigar while drinking dark Caribbean rum in a sidewalk cafe overlooking the Havana seawall."

ELIZABETH: (smiles) That's a really good one.

MARK: (reads) "Get towed into Mavericks on a big gun and live to tell about it. Find Jerry Walker and beat the living crap out of him."

ELIZABETH: And who's he?

MARK: Tenth grade; long story. (reads) "Take the kids to Disney World. Teach Ella how to ice skate at Rockefeller Center at Christmas time. Teach Rachel how to drive." (his voice becomes more strangled as he continues) "Be there to give them both away at their weddings." Told you I was sitting down here feeling sorry for myself.

ELIZABETH: We could all go to Disney World. I'd like that.

MARK: I haven't been a very good father.

ELIZABETH: Yes you have.

MARK: No, I haven't. I wasn't there when she needed me. I was 400 miles away. Phone call on Saturdays. A couple of weeks in the summer. You know what the last thing on my list is? "Fix Rachel."



Mark waits in the car outside. Rachel walks toward the school bus with a group of friends, smoking and holding some guy's hand. Mark steps out of the car.

MARK: Rachel?

She turns.

MARK: Rachel?

She hands someone her cigarette and walks over to Mark.

RACHEL: (to friends) See you. Bye. (to Mark) Hey.

MARK: (offering) Breath mint? For that cigarette?

RACHEL: I was just holding for a friend.

MARK: In your mouth?

RACHEL: What are you doing here?

MARK: Picking you up. Is there anything in you locker you need?


MARK: Is there anything you need, like, right away?


MARK: Okay, come on.

He ushers her into the car.

RACHEL: Where are we going?

MARK: Honestly, Rachel, I don't know.


Mark and a woman are there sporting sky-diving gear and sitting by a open door. Mark gives the woman a half-hearted smile.


The woman, all smiles, jumps out. Mark hesitates, then takes the plunge. He starts out nervous, but gets into it, and breaks into a big grin as he pulls the cord for the parachute.


Rachel sits with a boy watching him fall.

BOY: Is that your dad?


BOY: Mid-life crises?

RACHEL: Something like that.


Mark, dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, walks down a step of stairs.


Mark passes a counter.


MARK: Morning.

Mark grabs a towel and continues on, walking all the way to the beach. He pulls off his t-shirt and heads for the water.


She's sleeping. Mark comes in and shakes her shoulder.

MARK: Hey.

RACHEL: (sleepily) What?

MARK: You hungry?

RACHEL: What time is it?

MARK: It's almost 8:00.

RACHEL: (moans) Oh, God.

MARK: I told you not to stay up late watching that movie. Come on, time's a-wastin'. Got to go.

RACHEL: Go where?

MARK: History lesson. (walks out)


MARK: (calling back) [b]My[/b] history.


Mark and Rachel drive in a jeep with no top. Todd Rundgren's "Hello, It's Me" plays on the car's stereo.

RACHEL: What's this music?

MARK: You don't like Todd Rundgren?

RACHEL: Can we change the station?

MARK: No, I like this.

RACHEL: This where everything blew up?

MARK: Yeah. (points) That's Battleship Row. See the white building? That's the [i]Arizona[/i] memorial. When I was a kid, there wasn't a bridge here, though. Used to have to take the ferry back and forth, to school, to movies, to shop. It was kind of cool.

He smiles at Rachel. She's looking down.


Mark and Rachel walk down the middle of the street.

MARK: I loved living in Hawaii. Mom had flower gardens everywhere. That's what she used to do when Dad was gone to keep busy: garden. I hated it. She used to make me weed, fertilize, mow the lawn, The last ferry was at 11:00 so Navy kids mostly stayed on the base: the golf course, the pool, bowling alley, youth centre.

RACHEL: You were a bowler?

MARK: Yeah. Mostly just rode our bikes around. Went to the beach. Got in trouble trying to sneak into restricted areas.

RACHEL: How long were you here?

MARK: Three years. Longest time we ever spent in one place.


Rachel and Mark stand on the other side of the fence, watching.

MARK: All the good kids were JROTC, hoping to get into Annapolis. I hung out with the troublemakers. A couple of teenagers... acting dangerous, tough. I had my first job here.

RACHEL: You were a lifeguard?

MARK: No. Junior janitor. I'd get here at 6am, sweep up, mop the locker rooms, skim the pool... $1.25 an hour.

RACHEL: That's slave wages.

MARK: It was enough to keep me in new records and good weed.

Rachel looks at him quizzically.

MARK: What, you know, records? LPs, vinyls... Those funny big black things that your hip-hop heroes are always ripping off for their songs? Come on. Come on, I want to show you something. It's just a couple of blocks away.


MARK: 16-inch guns could lob a 2000-lb shell 23 miles. When a bombardment commenced, you could year it 40 miles away. (points) Up there's where the Japanese surrendered... Tokyo Harbour. Your grandfather took me up to the bridge once. Not here on the [i]Missouri[/i], but on a sub-tender that he was the XO of. They used to let sailors bring their families on board, steam around the harbour. Kind of a take-your-kid-to-work-day, only Dad's office was a warship. He introduced me to all the sailors on watch, stuck a hat on me.

RACHEL: One of those white Gilligan things?

MARK: Yeah. Held me up so I could man the helm. Showed me what everything was for. I was about your age.

RACHEL: Sounds like you liked it.

MARK: I did.

RACHEL: So why didn't you join the navy?

MARK: I was mad at my Dad.

RACHEL: For what?

MARK: Never being around, I guess. We used to fight all the time. About the music I listened to. My clothes, my friends, the length of my hair.

Rachel chuckles.

MARK: Don't laugh. I used to have hair. Lots of it. Down to my shoulders. He resented my politics. I hated his. I used to try and provoke him, you know, just try to piss him off. I was good at it. I hated everything that he stood for, and I made sure that he knew it.

RACHEL: What did he stand for?

MARK: Patriotism... responsibility, authority, honour... Navy, most of all. I'd take it all back now if I could. But I can't. He rode me pretty hard when he was around. I think he was worried about me. He was worried about the choices I was making and the things that I was interested in.

RACHEL: Like what?

MARK: Like, uh... girls, for one. Bruce Lee flicks. Rock and roll. Surfing.

RACHEL: Surfing?

MARK: Yeah. Don't look so surprised.

RACHEL: Surfing?


Mark and Rachel are in chest deep water. She sits on a surfboard.

MARK: You're doing great. You almost stood up on that last one. (he sees a wave coming) Okay, lie down. Now I'll push you. Ready?

RACHEL: Okay. Yeah.

MARK: And... You ready?


MARK: (pushing her) Paddle, paddle, paddle, paddle! Go go! Stand up!

She stands.

MARK: Go go go go go go!

She laughs in delight.

MARK: Yes!!


Music video plays on television. Mark appears to out on the balcony, asleep in a lounge chair. Rachel is inside, sitting leaning against a bed and crying. Then she stops crying and stands up, checking to see if Mark's asleep.


No response.


No response. She walks over to a small table arrayed with various pill bottles. She takes out a pill from a prescription bottle, checks that Mark's still asleep, and grabs a small bottle from the mini-bar, and swallows the pill with the alcohol. She heads into the bathroom. We see that Mark has been watching her.



The jeep. Mark's driving. Rachel's in the passenger seat.

MARK: (breaking the silence / re: the song) You know this one, right?

Rachel looks at him, but doesn't respond.

MARK: You gotta know this one.

In response, Rachel thrusts her headphones on.


They unload their baggage from the jeep.

RACHEL: What is this place?

MARK: It's a retreat house. I rented it for a week.

RACHEL: A what?

MARK: Relax. You're going to love it.


She enters and surveys it: white walls, an empty wardrobe, a table with a lamp, another door, an open window with a billowing white curtain, a nightstand, a bed and a chest of drawers. She rolls her eyes, and walks down to Mark's room.

RACHEL: There's no TV in my room.

MARK: Right.

RACHEL: Where's the TV?

MARK: I don't think there is one.

RACHEL: Is there a pool?

MARK: An ocean. Hotel was getting too expensive. The mini-bar charges alone were starting to add up. Once you're done unpacking, you can help me with dinner.

RACHEL: Is there a phone?

MARK: Should be around here someplace.

RACHEL: What are we supposed to do?

MARK: I don't know. Swim, walk on the beach... surf.

Rachel storms out. Mark sighs.


They eat in silence, except for the clanging of knives and forks. You may or may not notice that Mark's using his left hand, not the right.


Rachel's at the driver's seat. Mark's in the passenger's.

MARK: Put your right foot on the brake, left foot on the clutch. Good. Clutch all the way in. Okay. Now put it in first gear. Remember where that is? Straight up. Good, good. Okay, now you want to ease your right foot off of the brake and on to the accelerator. Okay, ease off on the clutch. Little gas, ease off on the clutch.

The car lurches into motion.

MARK: Okay, here we go.

The car moves forward a few feet, then the engine sputters out.

RACHEL: What'd I do?

MARK: It's all right, it's just a balance thing. You know, it's kind of a balance between the clutch and the accelerator. It's a feel thing, just takes a little practice. All right, let's try it again. Just make sure it's in neutral. Get that clutch in. Put the brake on. Okay, turn the ignition over.

The ignition sputters.


MARK: Okay, make sure that clutch is pushed all the way in. Okay, got it in neutral?


MARK: Turn the ignition over again.

The engine starts.

MARK: Okay, now, put it up into first. Okay, right foot off that brake, put it on the accelerator. Ease off the clutch.

The car lurches forward.

MARK: Whoa!

The engine grinds to a stop again.

RACHEL: (sighs) Maybe I should try an automatic.

MARK: No, no, no, no. It's best to learn with the stick.

RACHEL: Mom has an automatic.

MARK: C'mon, put it in neutral.

RACHEL: I don't want to.

MARK: Rachel, you fall off the horse, you got to get right back on.

RACHEL: The horse?

MARK: C'mon, you almost got it. Let's go. There you go, right foot on the brake, left foot on the clutch. Neutral... start it up.

Engine turns over.

MARK: There you go. There you go. Okay, let off that clutch. Let it off.

Car moves forward, less lurchy.

MARK: There you go, nice and easy. Hey, hey! We're driving. We're driving, we're driving.

RACHEL: Oh... no.

MARK: Okay, now shift?


MARK: Shift, shift, just put it into second.

RACHEL: How? How? What?

MARK: Put the clutch in. Pull it down to second. Second, yeah, yeah, that's it. Good, yes. We're driving! Hoo! We're driving, we're free.

Shot of the car driving off.


Rachel appears at the door.


She opens the door a lot.


She enters. It's sunny outside but dark in the room, because of the heavy curtains. We see Mark sleeping on the bed, wearing the patch over his right eye. Rachel closes the door behind her.


He stirs.

RACHEL: Are you okay?

MARK: Yeah.

A pause.

RACHEL: Your headache back?

He sits up, his back to her.

MARK: I'm all right.

He removes the eye patch.

RACHEL: Well, I was going to go to the beach...

MARK: Okay.

He puts drops in his eye.

RACHEL: Are you coming?

MARK: Be down there in a minute.

Rachel exits.


Mark walks toward it, stopping to watch Rachel lying on her towel listening to her walkman via headphones, then continuing.

MARK: (approaching her) Beautiful, isn't it?

He sits beside her and taps her on the shoulder.

MARK: Hey.

She looks at him. She removes the headphones.

MARK: It's beautiful, huh?

RACHEL: Your headache better?

MARK: Yeah. Thanks. What are you listening to?

RACHEL; You wouldn't like it.

She pulls her headphones back on. There's a pause, then he reaches over and turns the music off.

MARK: When did you start getting high?

RACHEL: I don't.

MARK: I was loaded most of the eighth grade. I'm no fool, stop treating me like one.

RACHEL: I don't get high.

MARK: I'm missing 3 Vicodin. Any idea what happened to them?

RACHEL: Maybe you... took them and forgot.

MARK: What else are you doing? We know about the ecstasy, now the Vicodin. Huffing? Speed?

RACHEL: I already told you, nothing.

MARK: Crystal meth, what?

RACHEL: (upset) You don't believe me, fine.

Throwing down her sunglasses and headphones, Rachel storms off.

MARK: (getting up) Rachel... Rachel... (follows) Rach.

He tags along after her. She won't look at him.

MARK: You're only 14. What the hell are you going to be putting in your body when you're 16?! We're going to talk about this.

He stands in front of her to block her path.

MARK: Rachel, dammit, stop. I love you. Please, don't do this. I don't... I don't know what to do. I don't have time to work this through. I'm not going to be here in a year to help. You've got a bastard of a father who was never around and then went off and had a new baby. Your mom got remarried to a creep and she works too much. You got a RAW DEAL, all right? Why not get high? No one gives a damn about you anyway. I know how that feels. I remember being 14 and pissed off at my dad and the world. What are you gonna do when I'm not here, Rach? Who's gonna keep you from killing yourself? I'm scared. Scared about what's going to happen to you. I'm your father, and I'm gonna die. You know what? I think it sucks too.

Rachel has been listening to the speech, but now she just looks at him and continues on her way.


Mark is on the phone.

MARK: No. It's... Yeah. No, it's fine. I'm great. No, I'm feeling good. How's Ella? Really? That's great. She's fine. You know... 14.


Mark sits on his surfboard in the water, looking out to sea for a wave. He sees one coming and starts paddling to shore. When the wave reaches him he stands up, and rides the wave. We cut to the shore to see Rachel watching.


Mark and Rachel walk back from the beach. He's carrying his surfboard. She's a few paces ahead of him.

MARK: You want to go out to dinner, or just eat here? I think we have some of that ono left. Vegetables... I...

Mark's right hand starts to tremor, and he stops walking. Rachel is oblivious, and keeps walking.

RACHEL: I want some pizza, can we get some pizza? There's that place down by the surf shop, looked pretty good.

While Rachel has been talking, the tremor in his hand has become worse, and he falls to the ground in a ful seizure. Rachel's alerted by the sound of the surfboard dropping, and runs to him.

RACHEL: Dad? God, Dad? Dad?! Dad?!



A car pulls up the road, and parks in front of the house. We see Elizabeth is driving. She steps out. We cut to --


Elizabeth, carrying Ella, walks up to the house. She pokes her head in.


She walks into the living room/dining room and sees the spectacular view of the beach.

ELIZABETH: Mark! (to Ella, amazed; re: beach) Oh my goodness, look at this.


Elizabeth walks up the stairs and enters.


She walks around to the bed and sits down on the edge. Mark's sleeping. She touches his hand.


Mark opens his eye (he's wearing a patch over the right eye) and smiles.

MARK: (very drowsy) Hi.

Elizabeth and Ella both smile. Ella is adorable.


Mark crisscrosses the kitchen, getting things. He relies heavily on his left hand. Elizabeth stands watching him as they talk. Mark gets a beer from the fridge.

MARK: We were driving around and saw the vacation rental sign.

ELIZABETH: (smiling) It must cost a fortune.

MARK: (going through drawers) You only live once. There's a lady named Janet. She lives up the road, takes care of children. Said she'd be happy to help out.

Elizabeth picks up a coffee pot containing a murky brown liquid.

ELIZABETH: What's this?

MARK: Herbs. I got a whole bunch of them. I take them in the morning and the afternoon to boost my immune system.

Elizabeth picks up a bag of herbs.

ELIZABETH: Is this snake skin?

MARK: Could be. The lady who does my acupuncture gave them to me. Couldn't hurt. I can't find a corkscrew. How about a beer?


Mark opens the fridge and pulls out two beers.

ELIZABETH: So where's Rachel?

MARK: She's out surfing.

ELIZABETH: (pause, then) She found you in a Grand Mal seizure.

MARK: It's no big deal.

ELIZABETH: She was scared to death when she called me. What did the neurologist say?

MARK: Upped the Dilantin to 400.

ELIZABETH: You didn't see a doctor?


ELIZABETH: How do you know what your level is?

MARK: I'm fine.

ELIZABETH: Mark, you need a CAT-scan and a full work-up.

MARK: No thanks.

Elizabeth takes the beer out of his hand.

ELIZABETH: Take my hand. Come on.

She takes his right hand by the wrist. and, with her other hand, darts her fingers in and out of his palm.

ELIZABETH: Squeeze my fingers.

He moves in to grab, but not nearly quick enough to catch her fingers.

ELIZABETH: How about your wrist?

He shakes his head.

ELIZABETH: Your elbow?

He just stares at her.

ELIZABETH: Right. We're going home. You need an MRI, and to see the neurologist.

MARK: No. I don't want to go back home. It's beautiful here, isn't it? Come on, let me show you the beach.

Elizabeth looks very upset.


There are several surfboards out on display. Mark and Elizabeth walk toward the entrance. Rachel trails behind.

ELIZABETH: What's she going to do with a surfboard in St. Louis?

MARK: She can let it gather dust in the garage.

ELIZABETH: Has she been like this the whole time?

MARK: Pretty much.

ELIZABETH: Lucky you. (re: surfboards) Hey, I never realized they were so tall.

MARK: Some are, some aren't.

Mark lets Elizabeth and Rachel enter before him.


Mark walks to the front counter with Elizabeth. Rachel doesn't stand with them.

MARK: Hey. We're looking for a longboard for my daughter -- she's 14.

SHOP GIRL: How long are you thinking?

MARK: Nine, nine-one, maybe a Hamilton.

Shop Girl walks off to find a board. In the background, we see Rachel wander to the back of the store, where she starts shyly talking to a boy about her age.

ELIZABETH: What's she doing?

MARK: It's okay.

ELIZABETH: Does she even want a surfboard?

MARK: Watch this.

ELIZABETH: (turning around) Who's he?

MARK: (not looking) Don't stare, it'll upset her.

ELIZABETH: (turns away) Well does she know him?

MARK: He works here, his name's Kai.


MARK: Kai. Means "ocean." She's made up a new excuse why we had to come back here for the last three days.

ELIZABETH: How old is he?

MARK: I don't know.

ELIZABETH: He looks only 16.

MARK: Could be.

ELIZABETH: Maybe 17.

SHOP GIRL: (coming back) I have some boards she might like, a PapaSan and a Sunburnt.

MARK: Good.

Mark and Elizabeth follow her to look. Elizabeth can't resist throwing a glance at Rachel over her shoulder.


Mark is sitting in a rocking chair and holding Ella, and singing her to sleep. (If one could call that singing.)

MARK: (singing) Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me...

Rachel appears in the doorway.

MARK: (singing) Somewhere, over the rainbow, bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow, why, oh, why can't I?

Rachel has been listening. Mark looks up.

MARK: (whispering) Rachel, can you (gestures to Ella) come help me?

Rachel comes over and helps to support Mark's arm, so he can support Ella. Rachel helps him stand up, and they walk over to the crib.

MARK: Remember when I used to sing you to sleep?


MARK: You made me do it for years.

They lay Ella in the crib.

MARK: You watched The Wizard of Oz and The Little Mermaid over and over again. Drived me crazy.

With Ella tucked away, Rachel abruptly turns to leave. Mark follows, limping.

MARK: We had that apartment off of Division with the big iron gates out front and that funny-looking mutt next door -- Dudley.


MARK: There was a playground across the street. Remember the big slide?

They've made it downstairs.

RACHEL: I don't. I don't remember, okay? I don't remember any of that stuff. It's not important, and you just keep talking and talking about it.

She flops down on the couch.

MARK: It is important.

RACHEL: No, it's not. Where you used to live, where we used to live, and Grandma's stupid garden, and Grandpa's cousin Dave, or whatever.

We pan around to see Elizabeth watching silently from the kitchen counter.

ELIZABETH: Rachel, keep your voice down. The baby's sleeping.

Mark sits own the couch.

MARK: I'm trying to tell you about us, about our family. Our history.

RACHEL: It's stupid, boring, useless crap!

MARK; It's not crap!

RACHEL: Some dog named Dudley?!

MARK: You loved that dog.

RACHEL: I don't care about these things. I don't want to hear this stuff so just stop talking to me about it.

Rachel storms out, slamming the door. Ella starts crying upstairs. Elizabeth looks to Mark.

MARK: I'll go.

He starts limping upstairs.


Rachel, very upset, stares out at the ocean. Elizabeth approaches. Rachel looks down. Elizabeth is at a loss as for how to begin.

ELIZABETH: How long are you planning on keeping this up? (no response from Rachel) He's not perfect. Far from it. But he's trying. You've got to grow up faster than you should have to. You don't get to be a child anymore. Your father's dying.

RACHEL: I know that.

ELIZABETH: He's going to die soon, very soon, and if you keep going on like this you're going to miss what little time you have left with him. This is it, Rachel. This is your last chance, and if you blow it, you're going to end up hating yourself for the rest of your life.

Elizabeth looks at Rachel, wondering if her words have gotten through. Elizabeth signs, then returns to the house. Rachel stays where she is, trying not to cry.


Shot of the ceiling fan, rotating slowly. Mark sleeps on the bed, patch over his right eye. He stirs, sees the fan. He decides to get up, but finds his right side completely limp. Grabbing the edge of the mattress, he uses his left arm to pull himself into a sitting position on the edge of the bed, pulling the right arm and leg into the position he wants. He futilely tries to work some feeling into his right hand by caressing it with his left, then lets it fall. He stands up, all of his weight on his left foot. He lifts his left foot to take a step, but his right leg can't support him, so he slips and falls, hitting the bed hard. Grasping the bed post, he tries not to fall all the way to the ground, then gives up. An appropriate pause, then:


He then pushes himself up so he's sitting leaning against the bed. His unbalanced right leg causes him to start to topple over, but he straightens it, and continues to stare straight ahead.



It's got a couple of lawn chairs, and, of course, a beautiful view of the beach. We hear Mark cough, and pan down to Elizabeth helping Mark walk down to the chairs. His right arm is in a sling.

ELIZABETH: I'm a but worried about that cough.

MARK: It's okay.

ELIZABETH: We could go to the hospital and get a CBC and a chest x-ray.

MARK: No thanks.

ELIZABETH: Mark, the Decadron is suppressing your immune system.

MARK: No kidding.

ELIZABETH: Did you up it again?

He nods.

ELIZABETH: Well, if it turns into pneumonia, we can give IV antibiotics.

MARK: Pneumonia, huh?


MARK: That's not a bad way to go.

She helps him into the chair.

ELIZABETH: There we go.

MARK: Where's Rachel?

ELIZABETH: She's at Sunset with Kai. (sits)

MARK: Nice off-shore breeze, waves should be great.

ELIZABETH: They're spending a great deal of time together.

MARK: He's a nice kid.

ELIZABETH: So you're not worried?

MARK: About what?

ELIZABETH: About what they might be doing in all that time.

MARK: No, I think it's great.

Elizabeth smiles and nods.

MARK: I need you to do something for me.


MARK: It might be kind of hard. I want to write letters to Rachel and Ella. I tried to do it myself but I can't read my own writing now.

The sparkle is out of Elizabeth's eyes. She looks sad.

MARK: I want them to open letters on special days. You know, high school graduation... college... their wedding days.

Elizabeth stares straight ahead at the ocean.

MARK: You think that's cruel? Reaching out from beyond the grave, on days when they should be happy?

ELIZABETH: (tearful) I think they'll cherish every single word. (she gives a small smile)

MARK: I told you it might be hard.

ELIZABETH: (reassuring) I'm okay.

She looks out to the ocean and sighs deeply. Mark looks at her and gives a small smile.


Elizabeth is at the sink doing dishes. Rachel comes and stands in the entryway.

RACHEL: Is he asleep?


RACHEL: He sleeps a lot now.


RACHEL: He's in a lot of pain.

ELIZABETH: It won't be long now.

Rachel leaves.


Rachel walks upstairs. She's changed into pajamas and is holding her discman. She quietly enters Mark's room. He's sleeping on the bed, patch over his right eye, and head propped up on pillows. Whereas before he slept on top of the covers in shorts and a t-shirt on tank top, now he's wearing long sleeves and has the blankets pulled up. She comes and stands by his bedside, and stares at him. He opens his eye and sees her. When he speaks he slurs and sounds very drowsy.


RACHEL: (small) Hi.

MARK: I was just dreaming about you.

RACHEL: You were?

MARK: When you used to love balloons. You remember how much you loved balloons?


MARK: Used to buy them for you. And right when I handed them to you, you let them go. Drive your mother crazy. Sit with me... Sit.

She sits.

MARK: I was trying to figure out... what I should have already told you but I never have. Something important. Something every father should impart to his daughter. I've got it. Generosity. Be generous... with your time... with your love... with your life.


MARK: I'm sorry Rachel. (he closes his eye) I'm so tired.

RACHEL: That's okay.

MARK: Don't cry for me.

RACHEL: I won't.

MARK: Be generous... always. (he falls asleep and dies)


Kikavu ?

Au total, 64 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

20.08.2021 vers 12h

23.06.2020 vers 00h

03.11.2019 vers 14h

21.10.2019 vers 19h

31.08.2018 vers 11h

29.07.2018 vers 15h

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schumi  (08.11.2017 à 23:20)
Des adieux déchirants: repose en paix mark.


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Locksley, 14.05.2024 à 19:42

Avalanche de news sur la citadelle en ce moment, merci aux différents rédacteurs ! N'hésitez pas à commenter toutes ces actus. Bonne soirée !

sossodu42, 16.05.2024 à 15:17

Des thèmes vous attendent pour être choisi pour le futur design de HPI. Merci pour vos votes

ShanInXYZ, 16.05.2024 à 16:31

Nouveau sondage sur les Guests de la nouvelle saison de Doctor Who, passez voir le Docteur pour voter

mamynicky, 16.05.2024 à 20:13

Hello la citadelle ! La 3ème saison des Bridgerton est enfin arrivée sur Netflix ! Venez nous parler des épisodes que vous avez vu.

mamynicky, 16.05.2024 à 20:16

Quant à moi je vais patienter jusqu'en juin j'ai horreur d'attendre entre les épisodes. Bon visionnage !

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