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#614 : Tous pour eux

Episode 6.14 Tous pour eux Urgences ER

¤ Scénario : Jack Orman - Réalisation : Jonathan Kaplan


La fête de la Saint Valentin bat son plein lorsque Kerry découvre Lucy et Carter baignant dans leur sang. Mark et Elizabeth sont appelés d'urgences, alors qu'ils étaient toujours au restaurant.
Carter a un rein et l'intestin qui ont été perforés par le couteau. Benton réussit à sauver son rein de justesse. Mais alors que l'état de santé de Carter ne suscite plus beaucoup d'inquiétudes, le cas de Lucy est lui alarmant. Elle a eu des coups de couteau au thorax, à l'abdomen et au cou. Grâce à différentes opérations, elle s'en sort mais lors d'un scanner, elle fait une embolie pulmonaire et meurt. Les urgences sont sous le choc!


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All in the Family

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Tous pour eux

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La fête bat toujours son plein aux urgences. Kerry arrive pour prendre sa garde et essaye de remettre un peu d'ordre aux urgences. Pendant ce temps, Carter et Lucy sont toujours inconscient et se vident de leur sang dans la chambre du patient. En passant devant la salle, Kerry remarque une trace de sang devant la porte. En entrant, elle découvre Carter et Lucy.

Corday et Mark sont toujours à leur dîner. Alors qu'ils chantent en duo, ils sont bipés pour Carter et Lucy. Pendant ce temps aux urgences tout le monde s'active pour les sauver et pour retrouver le patient. En cherchant du matériel, Abby trouve l'arme du crime. Carter a repris conscience mais il a une plaie du rein et doit être opéré d'urgence. Lucy a aussi besoin d'être opérée. Corday arrive à temps pour s'occuper d'elle et l'amène en chirurgie.

Pendant que tous les chirurgiens s'occupent de Carter et Lucy, aux urgences tout le monde cherche à comprendre comment un tel incident a pu se produire. Ils sont interrompus par l'arrivée de la femme du patient. Elle refuse de croire ce qui s'est passé. Elle leur indique quand même un endroit où Paul a pu se réfugier. De nouveaux patients arrivent dont un homme renversé par une voiture. Kerry se rend compte qu'il s'agit de Paul. Elle se sent incapable de s'occuper de lui et demande à Mark de la remplacer. Il soigne ses blessure et le fait admettre en psychiatrie.

Corday et Romano ont fini d'opérer Lucy. Son état est stable. Elle se réveille et Corday lui explique ce qui lui est arrivée. Alors que Corday allait partir, l'état de Lucy s'aggrave. Romano et Corday s'apprêtent à la réopérer mais elle fait un arrêt cardiaque. Malgré leurs efforts ils n'arrivent pas à sauver Lucy. Pendant ce temps, Benton et Anspaugh continuent d'opérer de Carter. Ils ont réussi à arrêter l'hémorragie du rein, mais il y a une autre hémorragie. Benton refuse de quitter Carter pour opérer le patient de Cléo. Quand le patient n'a plus de tension, Cléo décide de commencer l'opération sans lui. Pendant que Benton termine le travail de Cléo, Carter sort du bloc. A son réveil, Benton fait les premiers examens et lui apprend la mort de Lucy. Après cette nuit agitée, les urgences reprennent leur fonctionnement quasiment normalement avec l'arrivée de nouveaus patients.

Opens in the Ambulance Bay
Kerry Weaver is walking towards the hospital doors. An ambulance drives by.
Paramedic: Hey, Dr. Weaver! You better hurry up. You're gonna miss the party!
Weaver: What?
Cleo exits through the hospital doors
Cleo: Hey Dr. Weaver.
Weaver: Cleo, you're off?
Cleo: Uh, Dr. Kovac gave me 15 to grab my dry cleaning before it closes.
Weaver: We're slow, I take it?
Cleo: We are now.
Kerry enters the hospital as Cleo walks off.
Weaver: What's that music?

CUT TO: The desk area
Music is playing in the background. Various members of the staff are sitting around the desk admiring Malik's hands.
Luka: Looks like nail polish to me.
Malik: It's buff, ok?
Carol: You got a manicure Malik?
Malik: Hey man, that's what the ladies like. That's the first thing they check out is your hands.
Lydia: I check out their butt myself.
Malik holds up his hand.
Malik: You know what I'm saying?
Conni: Oh that's a myth. I tested it.
Luka: Tested what?
Carol: It is so not worth explaining.
Luka spots Kerry standing in the background.
Luka: Kerry! Happy Valentine's Day
Kerry: Isn't it a little loud!
Malik: Sorry! Turns down the music.
Dave Malucci is dancing with Randi.
Dave: Hey! What are you doing? Spots Kerry Oh, hi Chief! You on?
Kerry: All night. I see someone went overboard with the hearts.
Amira: What's wrong with them?
Kerry: Nothing.
Chuny: Want some pizza?
Kerry: No thanks. Wait, isn't Mark still on?
Carol: Uh, he left at eight. Double date.
Malucci: I'm on till nine, mighty fine.
Carol gives Dave a disgusted look.
Luka: We've slowed down. No one's waiting to be seen, and I took over the board.
Kerry: Ok, everyone. Another 5 minutes, and then back to work. All right?
She walks into the lounge. Abby is conversing on the phone.
Abby: I'm sorry Mrs. Minear it was a mistake. It…well…yes…I….well I was expecting some money and it…uh…I was expecting a check to clear and it didn't. I'm sorry, but I promise….yes…..I promise I'll get it to you. Thank you.
She hangs up the phone and looks towards Kerry.
Teach me to check my messages.
Kerry: Everything ok?
Abby: Uh, no. But I'm sure it will work out.
Carol enters and goes to her locker.
Carol: God, I'm beat.
Abby: Are you leaving?
Carol: sighs I've been on since seven, I've got to be back here at seven, and I just want to go home and hug my girls.
Kerry: Lose a patient today?
Carol and Abby: Yeah.
Kerry: Nice to have someone to go home to.
She walks out of the lounge back towards the desk, where Chuny, Conni and Yosh are talking.
Chuny: Oh no girl, Alex and I broke up.
Conni: What happened? I thought he was the man.
Chuny: Yeah, so did my neighbor.
Yosh: Ouch.
Kerry: Luka, do you have anybody you need to hand off?
Luka: Oh yeah, if you want. Ankle films are back on cupid. A singing telegram, slipped on some ice.
Randi: I need a doc in radiology to inject an IV contrast. A patient named Rodriguez.
Lydia: I think that's Carter's.
Kerry: Ok, find Carter.
Kerry heads down the hall, where Haleh is wheeling Pablo in a wheelchair.
Pablo: I need a bath. Can I have a bath?
Haleh: We need to look at your foot first.
Kerry: Pablo, you're alive, huh?
Pablo: Oh yeah, I'm alive.
Kerry: Yeah, we haven't seen you in over a year.
Pablo: They put me on a bus.
Kerry: Bus? What kind of a bus?
Pablo: A green one.
Kerry: A green bus. Where did it take you?
Pablo: Oh, I need a bath.
Haleh: I think Pablo got deported.
Pablo: It was very hot.
Kerry: How'd he get back here?
Haleh: That part's a little fuzzy.
Pablo: It took a long time.
Kerry: I bet. Welcome back Pablo.
Pablo: Yeah, welcome back.
Pablo is wheeled off. Kerry continues down the hallway. Dr. DeRaad comes around the corner and greets her.
DeRaad: Hey Kerry! Happy Valentine's day, or night I guess.
Kerry: Yeah, you too.
DeRaad: Do you know where, uh, Sobriki is?
Kerry: Who?
DeRaad: Paul Sobriki. I got called down for a consult.
Kerry: Yeah, I just got on. Check the board.
DeRaad: Thanks.
Kerry continues down the hallway. She turns a corner, and Cupid is sitting on a chair, waiting.
Kerry: So, you must be Mr. Morris
Mr. Morris: How'd you guess? Is that my X-ray?
Kerry: Yep, let's take a look.
Mr. Morris: Is the bone broken?
Kerry: Hold on
She puts the X-ray on a light box in the hallway, but it flickers and goes out.
Kerry: Eh, I've got to find another board. I'll be right back.
Dr. Chen comes around the corner and stops her.
Dr. Chen: Ah, Dr. Weaver, will you talk to toxicology for me?
Kerry: What's the problem?
Dr. Chen holds up a bottle.
Bare Butt Booty Oil?
Chen: The kid drank it, but he's not symptomatic so they won't test it. Sent it back.
Kerry: No ingredient list.
Chen: Well, yeah. Bare Butt Booty Oil.
Kerry: Ok, I'll talk to them.
Chen: Thanks
Kerry looks down at the floor outside of the room she is about to enter, and notices a single bloody footprint. She frowns and slowly pushes open the door.
Kerry: screams Ohhh!!!
Opening Credits roll

CUT TO: A restaurant.
Mark and Elizabeth are sitting on stools in front of the piano singing, while Mark's father and Elizabeth's mother watch from their table
Mark and Elizabeth: singing Sing us a song you’re the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Cause, we're all in the mood for a melody, and you’ve got us feeling all right.
Mrs. Corday: Is it just me, or are they dreadful?
Mr. Greene: It's not just you
Mark continues to sing, and Elizabeth joins in whenever she can
Mark and Elizabeth: Now John at the bar is a friend of mine. He gives us our drinks for free. And he's quick with a joke and to light up a smoke,
Elizabeth's pager goes off. Mark continues to sing as she looks at it curiously.
Mark: But there's someplace that he'd rather be.
Marks pager goes off now, but he continues singing while he looks at it, although he is obviously distracted.
Mark: He said, Bill this place is killing me as the smile ‘scapes from his… trails off

CUT TO: The hospital
Lucy is being brought into a trauma room
Lily: Surgery is on its way.
Malucci: Pulse is weak.
Kerry: Spin a crit right away.
Haleh is on the phone with the police.
Haleh: No I can't stay on the line!
Kerry: Haleh.
Malik: He could still be running around here.
Haleh: Just get ‘em here. Every cop in the city knows where we are!
She rushes over to help with Lucy.
Carter is rushed into another trauma room on a gurney.
Chen: John! John can you hear me?
Luka: Airway looks clear.
Chen: John, open your eyes!
He doesn't respond.
Luka: No response to command. Glasgow Coma scale seven.
Abby: How long do you think they were lying there?
Chen: Long enough to lose a couple of liters.
Lydia: I can't believe nobody saw anything.
Luka: Let's talk about it later.

CUT TO: The next trauma room
Lucy is being worked on.
Kerry: One, two, three
Malucci: Stab wounds to the left neck and chest, oh man, and two more to the belly.
Right and left upper quadrants.
Kerry: Number 8 ET tube. What's her BP?
Haleh: Hold on, pulse ox is low, 82.
Kerry: That's why I'm tubing her. Get me a blood pressure.
Malucci: Chest tube tray?
Kerry: No, start a central line.
Haleh: BP is 90 over 50.
Kerry: Give me 4 units of O neg, hang two on the rapid infuser.
She struggles in intubating Lucy.
Give me some cricoid pressure.
Malucci: You ok, Chief?
Kerry succeeds in intubating Lucy.
Kerry: I got it. Ok, start the central line now.
Malucci: Betadine and a sterile drape.
Kerry: People are having parties while these two are in there bleeding to death.

CUT TO: Trauma room with Carter
Luka: Two stab wounds to the left flank. First one is at L2, 4 centimeters of the midline. Second one is L5, in the midscapular line.
Abby: He hit the spinal cord?
Luka: It depends on the angle.
Lydia: BP's 70 over 50, pulse is 120.
Luka: Squeeze in two liters and prepare for a subclavian.
Chen: Good breath sounds bilaterally.
Abby: Pulse ox 93.
Lydia: Should we intubate?
Luka: No, 10 liters by mask for now. Send a trauma panel, type and cross for 4, and get X-ray in here for a chest. And a one shot IVP.
Abby: I was just talking to him.

CUT TO: Hallway, outside of the room where the stabbings took place.
Conni is talking to a police officer.
Conni: Right here, the patient's gone.
The officer shines his flashlight into the room, and notices the pools of blood on the floor.
Officer: Oh boy. What's his name?
Dr. DeRaad walks up.
DeRaad: Paul, Paul Sobriki.
Officer: Who are you?
DeRaad: Carl DeRaad, chief of psychiatry. I was called for a consult.
Officer: What's he look like?
DeRaad: I don't know, I hadn't seen him yet.
Conni: I'll get his chart.
Officer: No, I'll get it. No one else goes in here. This is a crime scene.

CUT TO: Benton running down the stairs into the ER.
He is hurriedly pulling on his sterile gloves. As he runs, he nearly knocks over a police officer. Suspicious, the officer attempts to stop Benton, thinking that he might be a suspect.
Conni: It's okay, he's a doctor.
Benton enters the room with Carter.
Luka: Running two units.
Benton: Is he conscious?
Luka: Hypotensive with 2 stab wounds…
Benton: Is he conscious!?!?
Luka: angrily No, but he's responding to fluid resuscitation.
Chen: It was some psych patient. Got Lucy too, pretty bad.
Benton: Roll him, let me see. Oh, man.
Lydia: Pressure’s up to 90 palp.
Benton: Why wasn't he in restraints?
Chen: I don't know.
Benton: Where's the foley?
Luka: That's next.

CUT TO: Lucy’s room
Haleh: Pulse ox is 83.
Kerry: Give it a minute. Ten-Blade.
Randi enters.
Randi: upset Dr. Weaver, the police are sealing off Curtain 3. They need to talk to anybody who took care of the patient right away.
Kerry: Handle it Randi.
Malucci: Look at this, look at this!
Kerry: Dammit, dammit! Tracheal laceration.
Malucci: She needs a crike.
Kerry: No, she needs a trach Get Benton in here, prep the neck, and open a Melker kit. Now, let's go. Let's go!
Haleh runs next door to the room where Carter is being worked on.
Chen: Babinski's reflex…
Haleh: Dr. Benton?
Benton: Hold on.
Luka: Toes are down going, that means no spinal injury. Hang the next two units on the infuser.
Lydia: Hold on, it's not set up.
Luka: Get it set up.
Abby: I got it. She exits.
Benton: Absent bowel sounds, probably got the descending colon.
Haleh: Peter, Dr. Weaver needs you right now! She has to trach Lucy.
Everyone in the room is silent for a moment. Peter motions to leave.
Benton: Book an O.R. Get ready to send Carter up. Where's the foley?
Chen: I'm working on it!
Benton turns, and goes into the next room.

CUT TO: Abby, in the hallway digging through the shelves looking for the infuser kit.
Abby: Conni, where's the infuser kit?
Conni: It should be there.
Abby: They're not here.
Conni: Well try the, um, top shelf.
While searching the top shelf, Abby knocks a bloody knife to the ground and shrieks.
Officer: What is it?
Abby: Uh, a knife.
Officer: Don't touch it. Tom, we've got a weapon.
Tom: Any blood?
Officer: Yeah, some.
Conni: It's from the lounge. We were gonna use it to cut the cake.
Abby: I, uh, have to go find some tubing...
She goes into the nurse’s storage area. She is visibly upset, and she stands there for a moment trying to compose herself
Officer: Are you working on one of the victims?
Abby: Yeah, I'm trying to.
Officer: Is he gonna make it?
Abby: I don't know.
Officer: Is he awake?
Abby finds the tubing she is looking for.
Abby: Got it.
She re-enters Carter’s room.
Luka: Second unit is in.
Abby: I got the tubing.
Lydia: Pressure’s up to 100 systolic.
Luka: Give a gram of cotetan.
Chen: Right pupil is 5 millimeters and reactive, left is… John?
Carter starts to shake, and then begins to regain consciousness.
Carter: hmm
Chen: John?
Carter: Deb?
Chen: Look at me, do you know where you are?
Carter: My back…
Chen: You were stabbed. We've got your pressure up.
Carter: Lucy?
A police officer enters.
Officer: John, I'm Officer Benini. Did you see the man that stabbed you?
Carter shakes his head no.
Chen: Do we need to do this right now?
Officer: It's better if I can secure a statement.
Chen: You'll have to wait, I'm sorry.
Carter: What?
Luka: Nothing, looks like he missed your spinal cord.
Carter screams in pain as the Foley is inserted and turns his head.
Lydia: BP's 80 palp.
Carter: looking into the next room Is that Lucy?
Abby: Yes, she's alive.
Machines begin beeping.
Chen: Dr. Kovac.
Instead of saying what is wrong, she holds up the Foley bag, which is full of blood.
Carter: What? What is it?
Luka: Get Benton, he needs to go up now!

CUT TO: Lucy's room
Benton: Get ready to bag her.
Chen: Dr. Benton we need you!
Kerry: Hook up the thoraseal.
Malucci: I've got breath sounds.
Chen: Dr. Benton! Carter's got a bad renal lac. Foley output is bright red.
Malucci: What's the pulse ox?
Haleh: BP's down to 81
Benton: You got another surgeon coming?
Kerry: Go, Go!

CUT TO: The parking lot.
Elizabeth, Mark, and their parents are getting out of the van. The outside of the hospital is taped off, and there are police officers everywhere.
Elizabeth: talking into a cell phone We're outside, I'll be right there
Mark: Dad, wait for us inside.
Officer: Register around the front of the building.
Elizabeth: I'm a surgeon, I have to get through.
Officer: I have to see ID.
Elizabeth: We don't have time for this.
She searches through her bag.
Officer: And you have to move the vehicle
Mark heads back towards the van. Elizabeth succeeds in finding her ID.
Elizabeth: Err, there!
Officer: Ok, go ahead.
She runs inside.

CUT TO: Mark back at the van
His father and Elizabeth's mother are there, both of whom are looking confused and woried.
Mark: Dad, I need you to move the van.
Mark hands him the keys and heads back towards the hospital.
Mr. Greene: Where do I park it?
Mrs. Corday: You're asking me?

CUT TO: Inside the hospital.
Carter is on his way to the elevator to be taken to the OR.
Chen: I want you to stay awake John. You stay awake until you get up there. You hear me?
Abby: Do you want FFP?
Benton: Yeah, 2 units. Come on Carter, stay with me man.
Elizabeth and Mark run up to them.
Elizabeth: How is he?
Benton: Stab wound with renal laceration, he's hypotensive, we're redlining him to the OR.
Mark: Whoa, a patient did this?
Abby: Yeah, they're still looking for him.
Elizabeth: What's his pressure?
Benton: I've got it Elizabeth, Kerry needs you. Go, Go! Carter, Carter look at me. Come on. Stay with me man, stay with me.
They enter the elevator.

CUT TO: Lucy’s room.
They are still trying to stabilize her.
Kerry: Xeroform and an elastoplast.
Luka: Belly's distended, intra-abdominal bleed.
Kerry: Why wasn’t this guy sedated?
Luka: I don't know. Get ultrasound in here!
Kerry: Was, was he on hold? Was there a sitter with him?
Luka: I don't know Kerry, I never saw him!
Kerry: What!?
Elizabeth and Mark enter and are gowned up.
Elizabeth: Where are we?
Malucci: Multiple stab wounds to the left neck and chest, right and left upper quadrants of the abdomen. We did a chest tube, central line and had to trach her.
Elizabeth: How much blood loss?
Kerry: 400 cc in the thoraseal, could have been another 2000 before we found her.
Mark examining the neck: That looks deep, how long was the blade?
Haleh: Pressure’s down to 60.
Mark: She needs volume now.
Elizabeth: Maybe not, it could be tamponade, open a thoracotomy tray.
Kerry: No, wait, check her CVP.
Luka: Too late, lost her pulse.
Malucci: We're in PEA.
Luka: Starting compressions.
Elizabeth: We need to crack her, prep the chest.
Mark: Ok, amp of epi, sterile gloves please.
Luka: We need better exposure, stab wound is near the midline.
Kerry: Sternal saw now, Lily. Move.
Mark: Go, go, go!
Lily: Ultrasound is ready.
Luka: In a minute, in a minute.
Elizabeth: Ten blade, stand back.
Malucci: Stats are down to 85.
Elizabeth makes the scalpel incision, and Kerry uses the sternal saw as everyone watches sadly.
Kerry: Almost got it….Ok.
Mark: Rib spreader.
Kerry: Suction.
Malucci: V-Fib.
Elizabeth: Start internal compressions.
Mark starts internal heart compressions.
Mark: You're right, there is an effusion.
Elizabeth: Metz.
Kerry: Prep the internal paddles.
Elizabeth: Pericardium's open.
Mark: We've got a major hemorrhage here.
Elizabeth: More suction.
Kerry: It's at the proximal aorta.
Mark: Keep your finger on it Kerry.
She nods.
Elizabeth: I need a 4-0 prolene on an R.B.-1 needle now.
Luka: working the ultrasound Belly's full of blood, probably from the spleen.
Malucci: We've got to cross-clamp the aorta.
Elizabeth: One thing at a time.
Mark: Auto-transfuse from the cell saver.
Kerry: Charge the paddles to 15.
Elizabeth: having sewed the hemorrhage, holding up the extra thread Cut, cut, cut!
Luka cuts the thread.
Kerry: Clear!
They shock Lucy's heart.
Malucci: We're still in V-Fib.
Luka: Another amp of epi.
Kerry: Clear!
They shock her heart again.
Malucci: Sinus tach.
Luka: Check the pressure.
Elizabeth: Get a portable monitor, we're moving her to the OR now!
Kerry: Hang the other units.
Malucci: Pulse ox is up to 92.
Haleh: Pressure's 90 systolic.
Elizabeth: Let's go.
They begin to move her to the OR, but are stopped by one of her wires still being attached to a machine.
Kerry: Whoa, whoa, pulse ox cable.
She unplugs the cable.
Mark: Is she making urine?
Malucci: Only 50 cc's in the foley.
Mark: That's better than nothing. Let's go
Elizabeth: Call the OR, tell them we have an open chest. We'll need a laparotomy.
Lily: We're still waiting on the type-specific.
Kerry: Have the blood bank send it upstairs.
Luka: Are you putting her on bypass?
Elizabeth: I don't know, have a perfusionist standing by.
Kerry: Hold the elevator.
Mark: Malucci, don't bag so fast, we don't want to make her alkalotic.
Luka: Did he get anyone else?
Elizabeth: I hope not.
Kerry: Don't forget the drug box, go.
The elevator doors close, taking Elizabeth, Malucci, Haleh and Lucy up to the OR.
Mark: I can't believe this.
Luka: I think we got it in time.
Mark: She has a good chance.
Kerry starts to walk away.
Luka: Kerry?
Kerry ignores him, and hurries down the hall, towards the hospital exit. An officer intercepts her.
Officer: You Dr. Weaver? Are you the one who found them?
Kerry: still walking Excuse me?
Malik: Dr. Weaver, we've got a problem with the Medivac chopper, industrial trauma from Wyden.
Kerry: Try to divert.
Malik: I did, but Lakepoint’s closed.
Kerry: Whatever.
She exits the ambulance bay doors, and vomits in a garbage can. She then wipes her mouth, composes herself, and re-enters the hospital.

CUT TO: Pre-operating room.
Dr. Benton is leaning over Carter. Dr. Anspaugh runs into the room.
Anspaugh: Peter, I just heard. What the hell happened?
Benton: I'm not quite sure. Tammy, this is O neg., I asked for type specific.
Tammy: He is O negative.
Anspaugh: All right, I'm gonna scrub in. Hang in there Dr. Carter.
Benton hangs the unit of blood on the IV stand.
Carter: How many units is that?
Benton: Ah, it's 5, but, uh, you shouldn't be counting.
Carter: It's bad isn't it?
Benton: Well, we're having problems keeping your crit up, but uh, I think that's from the renal lac.
Nurse: I'm gonna give you a couple of versed to relax you a little before I intubate, ok?
Carter nods.
Carter: It could be the aorta.
Benton: Or the Vena Cava, or the mesentery vessels.
Carter: Mmm, God.
Benton: Carter, don't worry, I'm gonna explore the abdomen. And I'm gonna check out everything, ok?
Carter: I'm glad it's you.
Benton: Hey, I'm getting you through this man. You hear me?
Carter doesn’t respond.
Nurse: Ok, ready to intubate.
Benton: Let's prep him for a midline incision. I want to be able to cut in two minutes. I mean it.
Nurse: You got it
Benton exits, and stops to watch Lucy being wheeled into a different room by Elizabeth and Romano.
Elizabeth: Repaired the laceration to the proximal aorta.
Benton: What happened?
Elizabeth: She tamponaded, we had to crack her.
Romano: Move it Peter, I've got this.
Elizabeth: Who's on anesthesia?
Romano: I got her, go scrub. Put her on a table supine and keep her chest covered with moist, sterile lap-pads.
He goes into another room. Peter and Elizabeth go in and start scrubbing with Dr. Anspaugh.

CUT TO: The desk area.
Luka is arguing with Amira.
Luka: I don't understand, you need a 6-inch butcher knife to cut a cake?
Amira: Hey, I didn't bring it. They just told me that's what we use.
Luka: Yes, and we just leave it out?
Amira: I didn't.
Mark: Ok, was it in admit, or was it in the lounge?
Amira: I don't know, somebody said it was in the lounge, but I couldn't find it.
Kerry walks over.
Kerry: Amira, go upstairs and get security to open up the personnel office. I need emergency contact numbers for Carter and Lucy.
Amira: Do you want me to look through their cards?
Kerry: No, I want you to bring them down, go. Ok, he presented with a headache?
Luka: Who?
Kerry: Paul Sobriki. Mark, please tell me that you saw him.
Mark: Yeah, I saw him. Lucy worked him up, Carter supervised.
Kerry: And who supervised him?
Mark: The LP came back negative.
Kerry: You know what, if you wanted to leave early, you could of at least rounded.
Mark: Kerry, I ran the board with Dr. Kovac.
Kerry: For how long, for 30 seconds?
Mark: He was up to speed.
Luka: Hold on, you didn't tell me he was psychotic.
Mark: I didn't know he was psychotic. Did he present to you?
Luka: No, I didn't see him, I thought we were waiting for a psych consult.
Kerry: Unless his status changes!
Luka: Yeah, but someone should tell me that. I was managing the whole board.
Kerry: You were having a party!
Mark: Hold on, hold on, Kerry! We both thought that Lucy and Carter had it covered.
Kerry: Well they didn't, did they?
Chuny enters with another woman.
Chuny: Excuse me.
Mark: We both know that we use the residents to keep us informed.
Kerry: Are you blaming Carter, Mark?
Mark: No! I'm not blaming anyone, are you?
Chuny: Excuse me, I have Samantha Sobriki with me. She's looking for her husband.
Samantha: I got a message on my answering machine from Lucy Knight. She said to come down, that Paul's okay, but she didn't say what was wrong.
Kerry, Mark, and Luka exchange glances, and Kerry motions for Luka to take care of it.
Luka: I think you better come with me.
He leads her towards chairs.
Malik: Dr. Weaver, the chopper’s landing right now.
Kerry: What?
Malik: The Medivac from Wyden.
Mark: Kerry, you go and change, I'll take it.
Kerry: All right.
Mark walks past the front doors and runs into Cleo.
Cleo: What happened?
Mark: Oh good, you're here. I need you. The air squad's here.
Cleo: Was there a bomb scare or something?
Mark: I wish.

CUT TO: Luka and Mrs. Sobriki talking in chairs
Samantha: No, I don't believe you. Where's Paul? I want to see him.
Luka: He's not here.
Samantha: Paul wouldn't hurt anyone, he couldn't.
Luka: He needs help Mrs. Sobriki.
Samantha: There's been some kind of mistake.
Luka: We believe he may have schizophrenia.
Samantha: What?
Luka: The first psychotic break can happen in your twenties.
Samantha: Your wrong, okay. You're wrong.

Benton and Dr. Anspaugh are operating on Carter.
Benton: More lap pads. The kidney won’t taponade.
Anspaugh: You didn't have time to get a three-way or IVP?
Benton: His crit was falling, I didn't want to chance it.
Anspaugh: The colon is lacerated all right. Three-O silk and a G.-I. Needle.
Benton: Dr. Anspaugh, there's blood welling in the hylum.
Anspaugh: All right, all right, all right. Isolate the renal artery and get a clamp on it.
A machine beeping is heard in the background.
Nurse: Hypotensive, heart rate's up to 120.
Benton: Ok, we've got to get this kidney out of him before we lose him. Move!
Anspaugh: Hold on. Let me finish suturing his colon before we do something drastic.
Benton: I'll dissect out the arteries and tie them off. Come on, come on mister, move!
Anspaugh: I said wait, Peter!
Benton: Why? He's lost too much blood, his hylum is trashed.
Nurse: Dr. Anspaugh, he's getting shocky, his pressure is 78 palp.
Benton: All right, we've got to get clear.
Anspaugh: We still have some time.
Benton: No we don’t!
Anspaugh: Peter! Will you calm down and you listen to me! Before there's no turning back, let's check the source of the bleeding one more time.
Benton: Too many vessels are injured.
Anspaugh: Squeeze in another unit. Let's be sure!

Elizabeth and Romano are operating on Lucy.
Elizabeth: There's too much bleeding, I can't identify the source.
Romano: More suction.
Elizabeth: Abdominal lap pads, I'll pack off the liver.
Nurse: BP's 105 over 70.
Romano: All right, angled potts, now.
Elizabeth: What are you doing?
Romano: Pringle maneuver. I have to cut down this blood loss. More suction dammit!
Elizabeth: Robert, the spleen’s still bleeding.
Romano: Ok, give me a second, I'll be right there.
Nurse: BP's falling 80 over 60.
Romano: Run another unit.
Elizabeth: She's losing it as fast as we can get it.
Romano: Then do it quickly.

CUT TO: Cleo and Mark wheeling the injured man who has just arrived by helicopter out of the elevator.
EMT: A and O times four. BP's 132 over 82. Pulse 110.
Cleo: You sure there wasn't a projectile? A bolt? Some hardware?
Man: No, just the oil. Must have been a loose fitting.
EMT: Foreman said a small stream, at that pressure, will cut through you like a .22.
Mark's dad comes up behind them.
Mr. Greene: Mark?
Mark: Hey, Dad.
Mr. Greene: What's going on?
Mark: Hold on. Ok, get a trauma panel, type and cross for 4 and an upright chest, I'll be there in a minute. to his dad A couple of our staff were hurt.
Mr. Greene: Oh, I heard that part. Who's that?
Mark: Uh, I'm just covering, everything's a little off balance.
Mr. Greene: Where's Elizabeth?
Mark: She's upstairs in surgery.
Abby walks up to them.
Abby: Dr. Greene, uh, sorry, we've got an MVA coming in. Auto vs. pedestrian. ETA 5 minutes.
Mark: Grab Chen and Malucci, and, uh, Weaver should be around.
Mr. Greene: What'll I do with her mother?
Mark: Uh, just give me a half hour, ok, and I'll drive you guys home.
Mr. Greene: Are they gonna be all right?
Mark: Who?
Mr. Greene: Your friends.
Mark: I don't know, Dad.

CUT TO: Luka, a detective, and Mrs. Sobriki in the lounge.
Mrs. Sobriki: You're acting like you know he did it. You don't know he did it.
Detective: You're right, we don't know for sure, but we still really need to find him.
An officer enters.
Officer: He's not at the home address, and nobody's seen him at the diner.
Detective: Is there any place he might go, if he needs to feel safe?
Mrs. Sobriki: So he's a little depressed, that doesn't make him crazy.
Detective: Maybe not, but at the moment, we have to assume he could be a danger to himself or other people.
Mrs. Sobriki: That doesn't make any sense. If he was that dangerous, then why did they leave him alone?
Luka: I understand, this doesn't make much sense to any of us, but if Paul is in trouble, he needs help. And it's better if we can find him now.
Mrs. Sobriki: Sometimes he goes to the roof, when he wants to be alone.
Luka: The roof?
Mrs. Sobriki: Of our apartment building
The detective nods at the officer, who leaves the room.
Mrs. Sobriki: He didn't do this.

Elizabeth and Romano are continuing to operate on Lucy.
Elizabeth: Bleeding's under control.
Romano: Mhmm, just keep it there.
Elizabeth: Pean clamp.
Romano: Ok, watch the pancreas.
Elizabeth: Hold on.
Romano: I'll enlarge the incision in the posterior peritoneum, and watch out for the spleenic flexure.
Elizabeth: Got it. I'll clamp, you cut.
They proceed to remove Lucy's spleen.
Elizabeth: Senseless, having to cut up this poor girl like this.
Romano: Better than the alternative, isn't it?

Benton and Anspaugh are still operating on Carter.
Anspaugh: Let the renal artery flush retrograde before closing the defect.
Benton: There, you think we got it?
Anspaugh: Well, there's only one way to find out. Release the clamp, let the kidney perfuse.
Benton: Ok, go ahead.
Anspaugh: No bleeding, hylum’s intact, and the kidney is pinking up.
Benton: All right, we did it. You were right, thanks.
Anspaugh: Well, he could have lived without a kidney, I just didn't want to have to tell him.
Nurse: Pressure's still down, 80 over 60.
Benton: Have we caught up on volume?
Nurse: Almost.
Benton: Why is he still hypotensive?
Anspaugh: There's some swelling in the para-aortic area. There's a hematoma forming.
Benton: From the lumbar artery?
Anspaugh: I hope so.
Benton: You hope so? If we have to tie it of it could paralyze him.
Anspaugh: Well it's better than his aorta. Dissect down to the artery, Peter.

CUT TO: Chairs
Mark and Elizabeth's parents are drinking sodas as they wait patiently for Mark to bring them home.
Mr. Greene: Some kind of life to lead, huh?
Mrs. Corday: Well I hope this is not normal.
Mr. Greene: No, no, I don't think so. You've got quite a girl there, in Elizabeth.
Mrs. Corday: Hmph. I wish I could take the credit. The boarding school raised her.
Mr. Greene: disturbed Oh.
Mrs. Corday: I was teasing! laughs
Mr. Greene: chuckles Oh. Her father passed on?
Mrs. Corday: No. He was still alive, the last I heard.
Mr. Greene: Oh. I'm sorry.
Mrs. Corday: Well don't be, it wasn't your fault.
Abby and Chen walk by.
Abby: Have you heard anything?
Chen: They're both still in the OR.
Abby: Think we should go up there?
Chen: Nah, I'm sure they'll call when everything's okay.
They walkl outside. An ambulance pulls up outside, and unloads a patient.
Chen: What have you got?
EMT: John Doe, hit by a van running across Michigan Ave. No apparent head trauma, but repeating questions.
The man rambles on about a cab, and his dog.
2nd EMT: He's a loony tune.
Chen: Why?
2ND EMT: For one, he was running around buck naked in the freezing cold.
They bring him inside to a trauma room.
Chen: Get Weaver, now!
Man: You're not allowed to be doing this to me.
Yosh: You're sure it's him?
Malik: Yeah it's him.
Sobriki: What are you doing to me? I can't tell you anything.
Kerry enters.
Chen: Trauma Panel, C-spine, chest and pelvis.
Kerry: Get the police detective in here!
Chen: Diminished breath sounds on the right.
Kerry: Get X-ray in here.
Sobriki: I won't talk. I won't talk! I made promises to people.
Chen: Pupils 4 millimeters, equal and reactive.
Kerry: Paul, do you know where you are?
Sobriki: Who told you my name? I don't even know you!
Kerry: Paul! Do you remember what happened?
Sobriki: You can't trick me! I don't even know you!
Malik: Abrasions on the feet, no deformity.
Sobriki: I'm not deformed!
Abby: Temperature’s 95 degrees.
Sobriki: No!
He violently knocks over a tray of supplies.
Sobriki: Get off of me now! Leave me alone. Don't stick me!
Kerry slowly backs towards the door.
Yosh: Do you want some haldol?
Sobriki: Stop sticking me!
Yosh: Dr. Weaver, do you want some haldol? Dr. Weaver?
Sobriki: You have no right to do this to me.
Kerry: Yeah, 2 liters of warm saline, 5 of haldol, IV.
She backs into the room where Mark and Cleo are preparing to send their patient up to the OR.
Chen: Where are you going?
Mark: Looks like fluid in Morrison's pouch.
Kerry: Can you take this patient?
Mark: You okay?
Kerry: That's the guy. That’s the guy, the psych patient got hit by a car.
Mark: What is it?
Kerry: Can you just take it?
Mark: Yeah, okay. Send him up to the OR.
Chuny: BP 124 over 82 after a liter.
Mark: Probably just some venous oozing. Cleo, can you go up with him?
Cleo: Who's our surgeon?
Mark: Whoever’s free.
Kerry: He needs a chest tube and a head CT.
Mark: Okay
He goes into the next room.
Sobriki: Let me go! Don't touch me! Stop sticking me! Don't cut me! Don't cut me!

CUT TO: Outside the OR.
Elizabeth is sitting against a wall, still in her surgical cap and scrubs. Romano ealks up to her.Romano: Hell of a way to spend Valentines Day, huh?
Elizabeth: She's sating at 98 on 30 percent oxygen.
Romano: Well, you can't ask for better than that. Good work.
Elizabeth: How's Carter?
Romano: Well, it took a while to control the bleeding. They salvaged his kidney, now they're working on a colostomy.
Elizabeth: Unbelievable.
Romano: Yeah.
His secretary enters.
Secretary: Dr. Romano?
Romano: Huh?
Secretary: County supervisor’s on the phone. He just heard what happened.
Romano: Tell him I'm in surgery
Secretary: I just told him you got out.
Romano: Thank you, I appreciate that. to Elizabeth I'll be right back.
He follows the secretary down the hall. Kit sticks her head out of the recovery room door.
Kit: Dr. Corday, she's waking up.
She gets up and heads into the room.
Elizabeth: Lucy, Lucy can you hear me?
Lucy nods.
Elizabeth: Do you know what happened to you?
She nods again.
Elizabeth: There were several stab wounds, one laceration to your proximal aorta. We had to perform a thoracotomy after you arrested. They gave you a trach to maintain your airway, and brought you to the OR. Your liver was damaged, but we were able to repair it. However, we did have to remove your spleen. I'm sorry.
Lucy tries to say something, but no sound comes out.
Elizabeth: Lucy, you can't speak. You can whisper if I plug the trach. Do you want to try that?
Lucy nods.
Elizabeth: Okay. Remember, only whisper.
She plugs the tube.
Lucy: whispers Thank you.

Carter is still being worked on.
Anspaugh: Bring the proximal colon to the skin surface.
Benton: 3-0 chromic.
Anspaugh: Are you hanging in there Peter? You look a little ragged.
Benton: I'm fine.
Anspaugh: All and all, I think our young Dr. Carter here is very fortunate.
Benton: Well, that depends on how you look at it.
Shirley enters.
Shirley: Dr. Anspaugh, they need a surgeon in OR 3.
Anspaugh: What is it?
Shirley: Some kind of penetrating trauma. Something about oil.
Benton: Where's Dr. Corday?
Shirley: Do you want me to page her?
Benton: We're busy here.
Anspaugh: Well, why don't you go take a look Peter? I can finish.
Benton: Uh uh, I've come this far. Is the patient stable?
Shirley: Yeah.
Benton: Who's with the patient?
Shirley: Dr. Finch.
Benton: Ask her to stay until Corday shows.
Shirley exits.

CUT TO: Recovery room.
Elizabeth is still talking to Lucy. Her pager goes off.
Elizabeth: They need me in the OR. I'll be back Lucy.
She moves to leave.
Kit: Hold on. Her sat’s down to 82
Elizabeth: What is it? Chest pain? Sudden onset.
Lucy, visably in pain, nods her head.
Lucy mouths the letters PE.
Elizabeth: Yes Lucy, PE is a possibility.
Romano enters.
Romano: What's going on?
Elizabeth: Sudden onset, chest pain. Dropped her sats. We're going to scan her for a pulmonary embolism. Bolus 5000 heparin. Start a drip at 1000 an hour.
They begin wheeling her out of the room.
Romano: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on.
Kit stops wheeling Lucy.
Keep going. to Elizabeth Come here. Wait till after the scan. I don't want to thin her blood if we don't have to.
Elizabeth: I think she just threw a major clot in her lung.
Romano: Well she just had major surgery, we don't want her to bleed out.
Elizabeth: She can survive some post-op bleeding. If it is PE, and we don't thin her blood, she could throw another clot.
Romano: All right, but we'll have FFP standing by, and we are not going to heparinize for more than 2 hours.
Elizabeth: I won't need that long.
Romano: Let's go.

Mark is at the desk, where Mrs. Sobriki is waiting.
Mrs. Sobriki: Were you the one working on my husband?
Mark: Your husband was hit by a car. Collapsed lung, but we fixed it. No head trauma, and he's seeing the psychiatrist now.
Mrs. Sobriki: Can I see him?
Mark: You might want to wait a minute. We gave him a drug to calm him down.
Mark begins to walk off.
Mrs. Sobriki: I really need to see him.
Mark signals for her to wait a minute.

CUT TO: X-ray room.
Elizabeth and Romano are looking at a film of Lucy's lungs.
Elizabeth: There, right pulmonary artery.
Romano: Yep, get angiography down here for a filter. I'll meet you there. Get the room ready.
He exits.

CUT TO: Lucy
She is being attended to by Kit and Elizabeth.
Kit: Chest and abdominal dressings are soaked through.
Elizabeth: Watch her BP, and send off a hematocrit to Lucy: Ok, there's just a little oozing from the incision. That happens with heparin. Your blood pressure's fine, there's no major hemorrhage. Lucy, the CT shows a pulmonary embolism. Don't worry, we're taking you to angiography. We'll put in a Greenfield filter, we'll reverse the heparin. However, you might need to have another transfusion. Lucy, are you with me?
Lucy nods.
I'll get you through this, All right? All right.
A single tear slides down Lucy's cheek.

CUT TO: Doc Magoo's.
Chen and Malucci enter.
Malucci: Want anything?
Chen: Uh, just coffee.
Malucci: Two coffees, please.
Luka: Hey.
Chen and Malucci turn around and see Luka and Abby seated at a table behind them. They walk towards them.
Malucci: Hey.
Chen: Hi.
Malucci: Guess you didn't want to go home either, huh?
Luka: Yep. Sit down.
Abby: We thought it was better than waiting upstairs.
Luka: Pretty scary, huh?
Malucci: Yeah, pretty scary.
Abby: I was complaining about my day.

CUT TO: Angiography.
Elizabeth is standing over Lucy with Kit standing nearby.
Kit: BP's 112 over 78, pulse 102.
Elizabeth: AP 14, tidal volume 600. 100 percent FIO 2. Another 2 of versed. to Lucy It's just to relax you a bit during the procedure.
Lucy tries say something to Elizabeth, but she still can't speak.
You want to stay awake?
Lucy nods.
Ok, ok. I'm going to numb the inguinal area with lidocane and introduce a catheter into the femoral vain.

Romano enters.
Romano: I'll prep, get gowned.
Elizabeth: Spun crit is 32,
Romano: Good, go.
Elizabeth: I'll be right back Lucy.
She exits.
Romano: Don't worry Ms. Knight. We've put far too much time and energy into your training to lose you now. Greenfield filters are a snap. I've done about a hundred of them. I'll talk you through it if you like.
He turns on an overhead light as Lucy loses consciousness.
Kit: BP's down to 60, pulse ox 72.
Romano: Lucy, Lucy!
Kit: No carotid pulse.
Romano: Dammit, she's thrown another clot. Start chest compressions. He spots a nurse outside the room You! Get in here and bag her. Lizzy, I need you now! Give me a staple remover. Come on, come on, come on! Right now! Pour some betadine on her chest.
Kit: Are you gonna open her right here?
Romano: She won’t make it to the OR.
Kit: to other nurse Call the unit. Tell them we need two more nurses.
Elizabeth re-enters.
Elizabeth: What happened?
Romano: She's in PEA. Stand by with wire cutters.
Kit: Wire cutters?
Elizabeth: We wired the damned breastbone shut.

Carter is still being worked on. Shirley enters.
Shirley: Dr. Corday's tied up.
Benton: Well, what is she doing?
Shirley: I don't know, she went down to CT.
Benton: to Dr. Anspaugh All right, can you take it?
Anspaugh: Peter, I'm suturing.
Benton: Well I've got to run the bowel again.
Anspaugh: That man needs an ex-lap. Now go. I'll page you if anything changes.

CUT TO: Pre-op room.
Cleo is waiting with her patient as Benton enters.
Benton: Vitals.
Cleo: BP's 125 over 85, pulse 92.
Benton: Crit.
Cleo: 42.
Benton: That's normal. Ok, prep for an ex-lap. Cleo, stay here until the surgeon comes.
Cleo: You're not staying?
Benton: I'm still operating on Carter.
He exits.

CUT TO: Lucy's room.
Elizabeth and Romano are trying to fix the PE.
Romano: Start internal compressions as soon as you can.
Elizabeth: The right ventricle's dilated.
Romano: Side-biting clamp. Come on, come on.
Elizabeth: Do you want a fogarty?
Romano: Nope, just a yankauer. Scalpel. Let's try and suck out whatever we can.
Elizabeth: Suction.
Romano: Ok, I've got the right side.
Elizabeth: We've got a few clots here.
Romano: Good, maybe she'll get some oxygen.

Cleo is still waiting for a surgeon to come.
Shirley: Dr. Finch, the pressure’s dropping.
Cleo: This guy can't wait, where the hell are they?
Shirley: Down to 80 palp.
Cleo: Probably tore a mesenteric artery. Get Benton.
Anesthesiologist: Lost a pulse, starting compressions.
Cleo: Betadine.
Anesthesiologist: What are you doing?
Cleo: Thoracotomy tray.
Anesthesiologist: Hold on. He only needs a laparotomy.
Cleo: I don't know how to do that, do you?
Anesthesiologist: You can't operate up here. Wait for the surgeon.
Cleo: He can take over when he gets here. Somebody get me a scalpel. And get Benton up here now!

CUT TO: Lucy's room
Elizabeth: One more 4-0 prolene.
Romano: How's the pulse ox?
Kit: 68 on 100 percent.
Romano: We're not oxygenating. I don't know Lizzy.
Elizabeth: Removing side clamp.
Romano: V-Fib. Resuming compressions.
Elizabeth: Internal paddles. Charge to 15. Clear!
She shocks Lucy's heart.
Kit: Still in V-Fib
Elizabeth: Charge to 30.
Romano: Push an amp of epi.
Elizabeth: Clear!
She shocks her again.
Romano: Nothing.
Elizabeth: Again. Clear!
She shocks her again.
Kit: Sats down to 62.
Elizabeth: Charge again, 100 of lidocane. Clear!
She shocks Lucy again.
Romano: No.
Elizabeth: Again! Clear!
She shocks her again.

Cleo is still performing a thoracotomy when Benton enters.
Benton: What the hell are you doing?
Cleo: Saving his life. Statinsky.
Benton: You cracked his chest?! He needed a laparotomy!
Cleo: You should have been here to do one.
Benton: You should have called me sooner. Gown!
Cleo: Aorta's cross-clamped.
Anesthesiologist: Pressure's coming up.
Benton: This is completely unnecessary. What the hell were you thinking?
Cleo: A minute ago there was no pressure. Now there is.
Benton: Sterile gloves. Step back Dr. Finch, I've got it from here.
Cleo: Peter, he was about to arrest.
Benton: You better step the hell back, now! Ten blade.
Anesthesiologist: Pulse is down to 90.
Benton: All right, lap-pad and bovie. Let's move people.
Cleo: Peter, I'm sorry that Carter is hurt.
Benton: Let's irrigate chest with 3 liters of warm saline. Come on.
Cleo exits.

CUT TO: Lucy.
Elizabeth is preparing to shock her again.
Elizabeth: Clear!
She shocks Lucy.
Romano: Asystole.
Elizabeth: Push an amp of atropine.
Romano: When was the last epi?
Kit: 4 minutes ago.
Elizabeth: Push another 7 milligrams now. Clear!
She shocks her again.
Romano: Okay, that's it. We've done everything we can. Hold compressions.
They both stand there for several moments looking at Lucy, shocked and upset. The monitor flatlines.
Romano: Dammit!
He angrily knocks over a tray of supplies, and cusses.
Son of a bitch. No, no, no. Let's give it a minute for the last epi to circulate. Charge to 30, let's go. Come on Lizzy, let's go!!
Elizabeth: Robert…
Romano: after a few moments Call it.
A nurse unplugs the heart monitor.
Elizabeth: softly Time of death, 2:56

CUT TO: A trauma room in the ER.
Paul Sobriki is talking to Dr. DeRaad.
Paul: When can I go home?
Mark: I don't know.
Paul: I want to go home. I need to feed my dog.
Dr. DeRaad: Paul, we have someone here to see you.
Samantha Sobriki enters.
Samantha: Paul, sweetie.
Paul: Sam. I want to go home
Samantha: Paul, what happened?
Paul: They took my clothes. And they took my shoes.
DeRaad: Who took your clothes Paul?
Paul: Them.
DeRaad: Who's them?
Paul: They had a blue cake.
DeRaad: Is that where you got the knife?
Paul: They wanted to open me…
DeRaad: Paul, where did you get the knife?
Paul: Take my organs.
DeRaad: What organs?
Paul: My internal organs! Don't you understand? I had to - I had to protect them. Don't try and tell me I don't know, because I know! They were trying to take them, and I had…I had to stop them.
Paul's wife begins to cry.
DeRaad: Is he ready?
Mark: Yeah. Do you want to take him upstairs?
Paul: Can I - can I please go home now? I need to feed my dog.
Mark walks out and into the hall, where Kerry is sitting by the phone. It is obvious that she has been crying.

CUT TO: Outside of OR 3.
Benton just finished operating on Cleo’s patient. Cleo is waiting for him.
Benton: I'll meet you in recovery.
He exits the room.
to Cleo Is Carter out of the OR?
Cleo: Yeah, he's extubated in recovery. Vitals are stable.
Benton breathes a sigh of relief. Cleo still looks very upset.
Cleo: Peter…
Benton: No, no, no, listen. Um, you were right. I put you in a tough position and you did what you had to do. pauses What's wrong?
Cleo: There was a complication with Lucy.

CUT TO: Doc Magoo's.
Haleh and Lydia have joined the others, and everyone is sharing Carter and Lucy stories.
Chen: No, not that Vanessa!
Haleh: The one and only. You know her?
Chen: Oh, I saw her when I was in medical school.
Haleh: She comes in with abdominal pain, Carter orders a pelvic. Tells Lucy the patient would feel more comfortable with a woman.
Chen: Oh man!
Malucci: Whoa, Whoa, who's Vanessa?
Haleh: Lucy is all official. She's polite, she gets her tray all in order, puts on her gloves, pulls back the curtain…
Lydia: Meanwhile, Carter's outside waiting.
Luka: Uh, waiting for what?
Chen: The scream.
Malucci: I don't get it.
Chen: Carter sent her in to do a pelvic on a drag queen!
Abby: mmhh, he did not!?
Everyone laughs.
Chen: Oh, you've got to hand it to Vanessa. He's got a better figure than I do.
Chuny enters. Everyone quiets down when they see her solemn face.
Luka: What is it?
Chuny: Lucy…
They all sit in silence.

CUT TO: Carter's hospital room.
Benton is testing Carter's legs and back.
Benton: All right, let me know when the vibration stops.
He places a metal rod against Carter's leg, and hits it with a small hammer.
Carter: Pancreas?
Benton: Totally intact. He just got the descending colon.
Carter: How long will I have the colostomy for?
Benton: About a month, then we'll do a take down.
Carter: Now.
Benton: Good, sensations intact. You were lucky Carter.
Carter: I know. Thank you.
Benton: You're welcome. All right, I've gotta test your motor strength. Lift your leg.
Carter: How's Lucy doing?
Benton: Come on man, lift, lift.
Carter: It hurts.
Benton: I know. All right now, don't let me push it down, ok. Hold it, hold it. Good, good.
Carter: Aw, my back is killing me.
Benton: Yeah, I know. Hematoma around the lumbar plex. I'll give you some morphine. I want you up and walking in 12 hours, ok?
Carter: Lucy's dead, isn't she?
Benton doesn’t answer. As Carter realizes the truth, tears form in his eyes, and he turns away from Benton. They sit in silence.

CUT TO: Elizabeth's house.
Her mother wakes up to find her sitting at the table.
Mrs. Corday: noticing Elizabeth yawn Oh, you're home. Is everything all right?
Elizabeth: No.
Mrs. Corday: You want to tell me about it?
Elizabeth: Not particularly.
Mrs. Corday: I'll make breakfast.

Mark gets off the elevator and stares into Curtain 3.
Carol, just having arrived to work, is walking down the hallway with Malik.
Carol: We still need a pressure transducer for trauma one, and get two units of O neg. down here.
Malik: We're out of ancef.
Carol: Well, call the pharmacy.
She notices Mark watching the police taking photographs of Curtain 3.
Carol: Mark…I just heard. How did this happen?
Mark: Could we, uh, talk about it later?
Carol: Yeah, sure.
She continues to stare into the room, and slowly pulls away, following Mark down the hall.
Mark: Is something coming in?
Carol: Multi-victim trauma. Assembly line accident. I told them we could take 2 majors, 6 minors.
Mark: ETA?
Carol: They're rolling up, but I just realized we're short a doc and a med student.
Abby walks towards them.
Mark: Hey Abby, are you on?
Abby: No.
Mark: We're short, can you cover?
Abby: Uh, sure.
Carol: Great, I need someone to cover triage.
Mark lets them pass and looks as a victim is wheeled into the ER. He leans against a wall for a moment to compose himself, then follows the gurney down the hall.
Mark: Ok, call ortho and vascular. Type and cross and get him into trauma 2.

CUT TO: Lucy.
Romano is standing over her body sewing, when Kerry enters.
Romano: looks at Kerry I had to close her chest.
Kerry stands on the other side of the bed, and helps to cut the thread when Romano is done stitching. Neither says anything for a while.
Romano: Thank you.
Kerry nods. She looks at Lucy's lifeless body for a few moments, then reaches down and attempts to pull the sheet over Lucy's body.
Romano: The nurses can do that.
Kerry: I know.
She finishes covering Lucy's body.
Fade out to closing credits
breath sounds.
Chen: Dr. Benton! Carter's got a bad renal lac.  Foley output is bright red.
Malucci: What's the pulse ox?
Haleh: BP's down to 81
Benton: You got another surgeon coming?
Kerry: Go, Go!

CUT TO: The parking lot.
Elizabeth, Mark, and their parents are getting out of the van. The outside of the hospital is taped off, and there are police officers everywhere.
Elizabeth: talking into a cell phone We're outside, I'll be right there
Mark: Dad, wait for us inside.
Officer: Register around the front of the building.
Elizabeth: I'm a surgeon, I have to get through.
Officer: I have to see ID.
Elizabeth: We don't have time for this.  
She searches through her bag.
Officer: And you have to move the vehicle
Mark heads back towards the van.  Elizabeth succeeds in finding her ID.
Elizabeth: Err, there!
Officer: Ok, go ahead.
She runs inside.

CUT TO: Mark back at the van
His father and Elizabeth's mother are there, both of whom are looking confused and woried.
Mark: Dad, I need you to move the van.
Mark hands him the keys and  heads back towards the hospital.
Mr. Greene: Where do I park it?
Mrs. Corday: You're asking me?

CUT TO: Inside the hospital.  
Carter is on his way to the elevator to be taken to the OR.
Chen:  I want you to stay awake John.  You stay awake until you get up there.  You hear me?
Abby: Do you want FFP?
Benton: Yeah, 2 units.  Come on Carter, stay with me man.
Elizabeth and Mark run up to them.
Elizabeth: How is he?
Benton: Stab wound with renal laceration, he's hypotensive, we're redlining him to the OR.
Mark: Whoa, a patient did this?
Abby: Yeah, they're still looking for him.
Elizabeth: What's his pressure?
Benton: I've got it Elizabeth, Kerry needs you.  Go, Go! Carter, Carter look at me. Come on. Stay with me man, stay with me.
They enter the elevator.

CUT TO: Lucy’s room.  
They are still trying to stabilize her.
Kerry: Xeroform and an elastoplast.
Luka: Belly's distended, intra-abdominal bleed.
Kerry: Why wasn’t this guy sedated?
Luka: I don't know.  Get ultrasound in here!
Kerry: Was, was he on hold? Was there a sitter with him?
Luka: I don't know Kerry, I never saw him!
Kerry: What!?
Elizabeth and Mark enter and are gowned up.
Elizabeth: Where are we?
Malucci: Multiple stab wounds to the left neck and chest, right and left upper quadrants of the abdomen.  We did a chest tube, central line and had to trach her.
Elizabeth: How much blood loss?
Kerry: 400 cc in the thoraseal, could have been another 2000 before we found her.
Mark examining the neck: That looks deep, how long was the blade?
Haleh: Pressure’s down to 60.
Mark: She needs volume now.
Elizabeth: Maybe not, it could be tamponade, open a thoracotomy tray.
Kerry: No, wait, check her CVP.
Luka: Too late, lost her pulse.
Malucci: We're in PEA.
Luka: Starting compressions.
Elizabeth: We need to crack her, prep the chest.
Mark: Ok, amp of epi, sterile gloves please.
Luka: We need better exposure, stab wound is near the midline.
Kerry: Sternal saw now, Lily.  Move.
Mark: Go, go, go!
Lily:  Ultrasound is ready.
Luka: In a minute, in a minute.
Elizabeth: Ten blade, stand back.
Malucci:  Stats are down to 85.
Elizabeth makes the scalpel incision, and Kerry uses the sternal saw as everyone watches sadly.
Kerry: Almost got it….Ok.
Mark: Rib spreader.
Kerry: Suction.
Malucci: V-Fib.
Elizabeth: Start internal compressions.
Mark starts internal heart compressions.  
Mark: You're right, there is an effusion.
Elizabeth: Metz.
Kerry: Prep the internal paddles.
Elizabeth: Pericardium's open.
Mark: We've got a major hemorrhage here.
Elizabeth: More suction.
Kerry: It's at the proximal aorta.
Mark: Keep your finger on it Kerry.
She nods.
Elizabeth: I need a 4-0 prolene on an R.B.-1 needle now.
Luka: working the ultrasound Belly's full of blood, probably from the spleen.
Malucci: We've got to cross-clamp the aorta.
Elizabeth: One thing at a time.
Mark: Auto-transfuse from the cell saver.
Kerry: Charge the paddles to 15.
Elizabeth: having sewed the hemorrhage, holding up the extra thread Cut, cut, cut!
Luka cuts the thread.
Kerry: Clear!
They shock Lucy's heart.
Malucci: We're still in V-Fib.
Luka: Another amp of epi.
Kerry: Clear!
They shock her heart again.
Malucci: Sinus tach.
Luka: Check the pressure.
Elizabeth: Get a portable monitor, we're moving her to the OR now!
Kerry: Hang the other units.
Malucci: Pulse ox is up to 92.
Haleh: Pressure's 90 systolic.
Elizabeth: Let's go.
They begin to move her to the OR, but are stopped by one of her wires still being attached to a machine.
Kerry: Whoa, whoa, pulse ox cable.
She unplugs the cable.
Mark: Is she making urine?
Malucci: Only 50 cc's in the foley.
Mark: That's better than nothing. Let's go
Elizabeth: Call the OR, tell them we have an open chest.  We'll need a laparotomy.
Lily: We're still waiting on the type-specific.
Kerry: Have the blood bank send it upstairs.
Luka: Are you putting her on bypass?
Elizabeth: I don't know, have a perfusionist standing by.
Kerry: Hold the elevator.
Mark: Malucci, don't bag so fast, we don't want to make her alkalotic.
Luka: Did he get anyone else?
Elizabeth: I hope not.
Kerry: Don't forget the drug box, go.
The elevator doors close, taking Elizabeth, Malucci, Haleh and Lucy up to the OR.
Mark: I can't believe this.
Luka: I think we got it in time.
Mark: She has a good chance.
Kerry starts to walk away.
Luka: Kerry?
Kerry ignores him, and hurries down the hall, towards the hospital exit. An officer intercepts her.
Officer: You Dr. Weaver? Are you the one who found them?
Kerry: still walking Excuse me?
Malik: Dr. Weaver, we've got a problem with the Medivac chopper, industrial trauma from Wyden.
Kerry: Try to divert.
Malik: I did, but Lakepoint’s closed.
Kerry: Whatever.
She exits the ambulance bay doors, and vomits in a garbage can.  She then wipes her mouth, composes herself, and re-enters the hospital.

CUT TO: Pre-operating room.  
Dr. Benton is leaning over Carter.  Dr. Anspaugh runs into the room.
Anspaugh: Peter, I just heard.  What the hell happened?
Benton: I'm not quite sure.  Tammy, this is O neg., I asked for type specific.
Tammy: He is O negative.
Anspaugh: All right, I'm gonna scrub in.  Hang in there Dr. Carter.
Benton hangs the unit of blood on the IV stand.
Carter: How many units is that?
Benton: Ah, it's 5, but, uh, you shouldn't be counting.
Carter: It's bad isn't it?
Benton: Well, we're having problems keeping your crit up, but uh, I think that's from the renal lac.
Nurse: I'm gonna give you a couple of versed to relax you a little before I intubate, ok?
Carter nods.
Carter: It could be the aorta.
Benton: Or the Vena Cava, or the mesentery vessels.
Carter: Mmm, God.
Benton: Carter, don't worry, I'm gonna explore the abdomen. And I'm gonna check out everything, ok?
Carter: I'm glad it's you.
Benton: Hey, I'm getting you through this man.  You hear me?  
Carter doesn’t respond.
Nurse: Ok, ready to intubate.
Benton: Let's prep him for a midline incision.  I want to be able to cut in two minutes. I mean it.
Nurse: You got it
Benton exits, and stops to watch Lucy being wheeled into a different room by Elizabeth and Romano.
Elizabeth: Repaired the laceration to the proximal aorta.
Benton: What happened?
Elizabeth: She tamponaded, we had to crack her.
Romano: Move it Peter, I've got this.
Elizabeth: Who's on anesthesia?
Romano: I got her, go scrub. Put her on a table supine and keep her chest covered with moist, sterile lap-pads.
He goes into another room.  Peter and Elizabeth go in and start scrubbing with Dr. Anspaugh.

CUT TO: The desk area.
Luka is arguing with Amira.
Luka: I don't understand, you need a 6-inch butcher knife to cut a cake?
Amira: Hey, I didn't bring it.  They just told me that's what we use.
Luka: Yes, and we just leave it out?
Amira: I didn't.
Mark: Ok, was it in admit, or was it in the lounge?
Amira: I don't know, somebody said it was in the lounge, but I couldn't find it.
Kerry walks over.
Kerry:  Amira, go upstairs and get security to open up the personnel office.  I need emergency contact numbers for Carter and Lucy.
Amira: Do you want me to look through their cards?
Kerry: No, I want you to bring them down, go.  Ok, he presented with a headache?
Luka: Who?
Kerry: Paul Sobriki. Mark, please tell me that you saw him.
Mark: Yeah, I saw him.  Lucy worked him up, Carter supervised.
Kerry: And who supervised him?
Mark: The LP came back negative.
Kerry: You know what, if you wanted to leave early, you could of at least rounded.
Mark: Kerry, I ran the board with Dr. Kovac.
Kerry: For how long, for 30 seconds?
Mark: He was up to speed.
Luka: Hold on, you didn't tell me he was psychotic.
Mark: I didn't know he was psychotic. Did he present to you?
Luka: No, I didn't see him, I thought we were waiting for a psych consult.
Kerry: Unless his status changes!
Luka: Yeah, but someone should tell me that.  I was managing the whole board.
Kerry: You were having a party!
Mark: Hold on, hold on, Kerry! We both thought that Lucy and Carter had it covered.
Kerry: Well they didn't, did they?
Chuny enters with another woman.
Chuny: Excuse me.
Mark: We both know that we use the residents to keep us informed.
Kerry: Are you blaming Carter, Mark?
Mark: No! I'm not blaming anyone, are you?
Chuny:  Excuse me, I have Samantha Sobriki with me.  She's looking for her husband.
Samantha: I got a message on my answering machine from Lucy Knight.  She said to come down, that Paul's okay, but she didn't say what was wrong.
Kerry, Mark, and Luka exchange glances, and Kerry motions for Luka to take care of it.
Luka: I think you better come with me.
He leads her towards chairs.
Malik: Dr. Weaver, the chopper’s landing right now.
Kerry: What?
Malik: The Medivac from Wyden.
Mark: Kerry, you go and change, I'll take it.
Kerry: All right.
Mark walks past the front doors and runs into Cleo.
Cleo: What happened?
Mark: Oh good, you're here.  I need you.  The air squad's here.
Cleo: Was there a bomb scare or something?
Mark: I wish.

CUT TO: Luka and Mrs. Sobriki talking in chairs
Samantha: No, I don't believe you.  Where's Paul? I want to see him.
Luka: He's not here.
Samantha: Paul wouldn't hurt anyone, he couldn't.
Luka: He needs help Mrs. Sobriki.
Samantha: There's been some kind of mistake.
Luka: We believe he may have schizophrenia.
Samantha: What?
Luka: The first psychotic break can happen in your twenties.
Samantha: Your wrong, okay. You're wrong.

Benton and Dr. Anspaugh are operating on Carter.
Benton: More lap pads.  The kidney won’t taponade.
Anspaugh: You didn't have time to get a three-way or IVP?
Benton: His crit was falling, I didn't want to chance it.
Anspaugh: The colon is lacerated all right. Three-O silk and a G.-I. Needle.
Benton: Dr. Anspaugh, there's blood welling in the hylum.
Anspaugh: All right, all right, all right. Isolate the renal artery and get a clamp on it.
A machine beeping is heard in the background.
Nurse: Hypotensive, heart rate's up to 120.
Benton: Ok, we've got to get this kidney out of him before we lose him. Move!
Anspaugh: Hold on. Let me finish suturing his colon before we do something drastic.
Benton: I'll dissect out the arteries and tie them off. Come on, come on mister, move!
Anspaugh: I said wait, Peter!
Benton: Why? He's lost too much blood,  his hylum is trashed.
Nurse: Dr. Anspaugh, he's getting shocky, his pressure is 78 palp.
Benton: All right, we've got to get clear.
Anspaugh: We still have some time.
Benton: No we don’t!
Anspaugh: Peter! Will you calm down and you listen to me!  Before there's no turning back, let's check the source of the bleeding one more time.
Benton: Too many vessels are injured.
Anspaugh: Squeeze in another unit.  Let's be sure!

CUT TO: OR 2.  
Elizabeth and Romano are operating on Lucy.
Elizabeth: There's too much bleeding, I can't identify the source.
Romano: More suction.
Elizabeth: Abdominal lap pads, I'll pack off the liver.
Nurse: BP's 105 over 70.
Romano: All right, angled potts, now.
Elizabeth: What are you doing?
Romano: Pringle maneuver.  I have to cut down this blood loss.  More suction dammit!
Elizabeth: Robert, the spleen’s still bleeding.
Romano: Ok, give me a second, I'll be right there.
Nurse: BP's falling 80 over 60.
Romano: Run another unit.
Elizabeth: She's losing it as fast as we can get it.
Romano: Then do it quickly.

CUT TO: Cleo and Mark wheeling the injured man who has just arrived by helicopter out of the elevator.
EMT:  A and O times four. BP's 132 over 82. Pulse 110.
Cleo: You sure there wasn't a projectile? A bolt? Some hardware?
Man: No, just the oil.  Must have been a loose fitting.
EMT: Foreman said a small stream, at that pressure, will cut through you like a .22.
Mark's dad comes up behind them.
Mr. Greene: Mark?
Mark: Hey, Dad.
Mr. Greene: What's going on?
Mark: Hold on.  Ok, get a trauma panel, type and cross for 4 and an upright chest, I'll be there in a minute.  to his dad A couple of our staff were hurt.
Mr. Greene: Oh, I heard that part. Who's that?
Mark: Uh, I'm just covering, everything's a little off balance.
Mr. Greene: Where's Elizabeth?
Mark: She's upstairs in surgery.
Abby walks up to them.
Abby: Dr. Greene, uh, sorry, we've got an MVA coming in.  Auto vs. pedestrian. ETA 5 minutes.
Mark: Grab Chen and Malucci, and, uh, Weaver should be around.
Mr. Greene: What'll I do with her mother?
Mark: Uh, just give me a half hour, ok, and I'll drive you guys home.
Mr. Greene: Are they gonna be all right?
Mark: Who?
Mr. Greene: Your friends.
Mark: I don't know, Dad.

CUT TO: Luka, a detective, and Mrs. Sobriki in the lounge.
Mrs. Sobriki: You're acting like you know he did it.  You don't know he did it.
Detective: You're right, we don't know for sure, but we still really need to find him.
An officer enters.
Officer: He's not at the home address, and nobody's seen him at the diner.
Detective: Is there any place he might go, if he needs to feel safe?
Mrs. Sobriki: So he's a little depressed, that doesn't make him crazy.
Detective: Maybe not, but at the moment, we have to assume he could be a danger to himself or other people.
Mrs. Sobriki: That doesn't make any sense.  If he was that dangerous, then why did they leave him alone?
Luka: I understand, this doesn't make much sense to any of us, but if Paul is in trouble, he needs help. And it's better if we can find him now.
Mrs. Sobriki: Sometimes he goes to the roof, when he wants to be alone.
Luka: The roof?
Mrs. Sobriki: Of our apartment building
The detective nods at the officer, who leaves the room.
Mrs. Sobriki: He didn't do this.

Elizabeth and Romano are continuing to operate on Lucy.
Elizabeth: Bleeding's under control.
Romano: Mhmm, just keep it there.
Elizabeth: Pean clamp.
Romano: Ok, watch the pancreas.
Elizabeth: Hold on.
Romano: I'll enlarge the incision in the posterior peritoneum, and watch out for the spleenic flexure.
Elizabeth: Got it.  I'll clamp, you cut.
They proceed to remove Lucy's spleen.
Elizabeth: Senseless, having to cut up this poor girl like this.
Romano: Better than the alternative, isn't it?

Benton and Anspaugh are still operating on Carter.
Anspaugh: Let the renal artery flush retrograde before closing the defect.
Benton: There, you think we got it?
Anspaugh: Well, there's only one way to find out.  Release the clamp, let the kidney perfuse.
Benton: Ok, go ahead.
Anspaugh: No bleeding, hylum’s intact, and the kidney is pinking up.
Benton: All right, we did it.  You were right, thanks.
Anspaugh: Well, he could have lived without a kidney, I just didn't want to have to tell him.
Nurse: Pressure's still down, 80 over 60.
Benton: Have we caught up on volume?
Nurse: Almost.
Benton: Why is he still hypotensive?
Anspaugh: There's some swelling in the para-aortic area.  There's a hematoma forming.
Benton:  From the lumbar artery?
Anspaugh: I hope so.
Benton: You hope so?  If we have to tie it of it could paralyze him.
Anspaugh: Well it's better than his aorta. Dissect down to the artery, Peter.

CUT TO: Chairs
Mark and Elizabeth's parents are drinking sodas as they wait patiently for Mark to bring them home.
Mr. Greene: Some kind of life to lead, huh?
Mrs. Corday: Well I hope this is not normal.
Mr. Greene: No, no, I don't think so.   You've got quite a girl there, in Elizabeth.
Mrs. Corday: Hmph. I wish I could take the credit.  The boarding school raised her.
Mr. Greene: disturbed Oh.
Mrs. Corday: I was teasing! laughs
Mr. Greene:  chuckles Oh. Her father passed on?
Mrs. Corday: No.  He was still alive, the last I heard.
Mr. Greene: Oh. I'm sorry.
Mrs. Corday: Well don't be, it wasn't your fault.
Abby and Chen walk by.
Abby: Have you heard anything?
Chen: They're both still in the OR.
Abby: Think we should go up there?
Chen: Nah, I'm sure they'll call when everything's okay.
They walkl outside. An ambulance pulls up outside, and unloads a patient.
Chen: What have you got?
EMT: John Doe, hit by a van running across Michigan Ave.  No apparent head trauma, but repeating questions.
The man rambles on about a cab, and his dog.
2nd EMT: He's a loony tune.
Chen: Why?
2ND EMT:  For one, he was running around buck naked in the freezing cold.
They bring him inside to a trauma room.
Chen: Get Weaver, now!
Man: You're not allowed to be doing this to me.
Yosh: You're sure it's him?
Malik: Yeah it's him.
Sobriki: What are you doing to me?  I can't tell you anything.
Kerry enters.
Chen: Trauma Panel, C-spine, chest and pelvis.
Kerry: Get the police detective in here!
Chen: Diminished breath sounds on the right.
Kerry: Get X-ray in here.
Sobriki: I won't talk.  I won't talk!  I made promises to people.
Chen: Pupils 4 millimeters, equal and reactive.
Kerry: Paul, do you know where you are?
Sobriki: Who told you my name? I don't even know you!
Kerry: Paul! Do you remember what happened?
Sobriki: You can't trick me! I don't even know you!
Malik: Abrasions on the feet, no deformity.
Sobriki: I'm not deformed!
Abby: Temperature’s 95 degrees.
Sobriki: No!
He violently knocks over a tray of supplies.
Sobriki: Get off of me now!  Leave me alone. Don't stick me!
Kerry slowly backs towards the door.
Yosh: Do you want some haldol?
Sobriki: Stop sticking me!
Yosh: Dr. Weaver, do you want some haldol? Dr. Weaver?
Sobriki: You have no right to do this to me.
Kerry: Yeah, 2 liters of warm saline, 5 of haldol, IV.
She backs into the room where Mark and Cleo are preparing to send their patient up to the OR.
Chen: Where are you going?
Mark: Looks like fluid in Morrison's pouch.
Kerry: Can you take this patient?
Mark: You okay?
Kerry: That's the guy.  That’s the guy, the psych patient got hit by a car.
Mark: What is it?
Kerry: Can you just take it?
Mark: Yeah, okay.  Send him up to the OR.
Chuny: BP 124 over 82 after a liter.
Mark: Probably just some venous oozing.  Cleo, can you go up with him?
Cleo: Who's our surgeon?
Mark: Whoever’s free.
Kerry: He needs a chest tube and a head CT.
Mark: Okay
He goes into the next room.
Sobriki: Let me go! Don't touch me! Stop sticking me! Don't cut me! Don't cut me!

CUT TO: Outside the OR.  
Elizabeth is sitting against a wall, still in her surgical cap and scrubs.  Romano ealks up to her.Romano: Hell of a way to spend Valentines Day, huh?
Elizabeth: She's sating at 98 on 30 percent oxygen.
Romano: Well, you can't ask for better than that. Good work.
Elizabeth: How's Carter?
Romano: Well, it took a while to control the bleeding.  They salvaged his kidney, now they're working on a colostomy.
Elizabeth: Unbelievable.
Romano: Yeah.
His secretary enters.
Secretary: Dr. Romano?
Romano: Huh?
Secretary: County supervisor’s on the phone.  He just heard what happened.
Romano: Tell him I'm in surgery
Secretary: I just told him you got out.
Romano: Thank you, I appreciate that. to Elizabeth I'll be right back.
He follows the secretary down the hall. Kit sticks her head out of the recovery room door.
Kit: Dr. Corday, she's waking up.
She gets up and heads into the room.
Elizabeth: Lucy, Lucy can you hear me?
Lucy nods.
Elizabeth: Do you know what happened to you?
She nods again.
Elizabeth: There were several stab wounds, one laceration to your proximal aorta.  We had to perform a thoracotomy after you arrested.   They gave you a trach to maintain your airway, and brought you to the OR.  Your liver was damaged, but we were able to repair it.  However, we did have to remove your spleen.  I'm sorry.
Lucy tries to say something, but no sound comes out.
Elizabeth:  Lucy, you can't speak.  You can whisper if I plug the trach.  Do you want to try that?
Lucy nods.
Elizabeth: Okay. Remember, only whisper.
She plugs the tube.
Lucy: whispers Thank you.

CUT TO: OR 1.  
Carter is still being worked on.
Anspaugh: Bring the proximal colon to the skin surface.
Benton:  3-0 chromic.
Anspaugh: Are you hanging in there Peter? You look a little ragged.
Benton: I'm fine.
Anspaugh: All and all, I think our young Dr. Carter here is very fortunate.
Benton: Well, that depends on how you look at it.
Shirley enters.
Shirley: Dr. Anspaugh, they need a surgeon in OR 3.
Anspaugh: What is it?
Shirley: Some kind of penetrating trauma.  Something about oil.
Benton: Where's Dr. Corday?
Shirley: Do you want me to page her?
Benton: We're busy here.
Anspaugh: Well, why don't you go take a look Peter? I can finish.
Benton: Uh uh, I've come this far.  Is the patient stable?
Shirley: Yeah.
Benton: Who's with the patient?
Shirley: Dr. Finch.
Benton: Ask her to stay until Corday shows.
Shirley exits.

CUT TO: Recovery room.  
Elizabeth is still talking to Lucy. Her pager goes off.
Elizabeth: They need me in the OR.  I'll be back Lucy.
She moves to leave.
Kit: Hold on.  Her sat’s down to 82
Elizabeth: What is it?  Chest pain? Sudden onset.
Lucy, visably in pain, nods her head.
Lucy mouths the letters PE.
Elizabeth: Yes Lucy, PE is a possibility.
Romano enters.
Romano: What's going on?
Elizabeth:  Sudden onset, chest pain.  Dropped her sats.  We're going to scan her for a pulmonary embolism.  Bolus 5000 heparin.  Start a drip at 1000 an hour.
They begin wheeling her out of the room.
Romano: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on.  
Kit stops wheeling Lucy.
Keep going.  to Elizabeth Come here. Wait till after the scan.  I don't want to thin her blood if we don't have to.
Elizabeth:  I think she just threw a major clot in her lung.
Romano: Well she just had major surgery, we don't want her to bleed out.
Elizabeth: She can survive some post-op bleeding.  If it is PE, and we don't thin her blood, she could throw another clot.
Romano: All right, but we'll have FFP standing by, and we are not going to heparinize for more than 2 hours.
Elizabeth: I won't need that long.
Romano: Let's go.

CUT TO: The ER.  
Mark is at the desk, where Mrs. Sobriki is waiting.
Mrs. Sobriki: Were you the one working on my husband?
Mark: Your husband was hit by a car.  Collapsed lung, but we fixed it.  No head trauma, and he's seeing the psychiatrist now.
Mrs. Sobriki: Can I see him?
Mark:  You might want to wait a minute.  We gave him a drug to calm him down.
Mark begins to walk off.
Mrs. Sobriki: I really need to see him.
Mark signals for her to wait a minute.

CUT TO: X-ray room.  
Elizabeth and Romano are looking at a film of Lucy's lungs.
Elizabeth: There, right pulmonary artery.
Romano: Yep, get angiography down here for a filter.  I'll meet you there.  Get the room ready.
He exits.

CUT TO: Lucy
She is being attended to by Kit and Elizabeth.
Kit: Chest and abdominal dressings are soaked through.
Elizabeth: Watch her BP, and send off a hematocrit  to Lucy: Ok, there's just a little oozing from the incision.  That happens with heparin.  Your blood pressure's fine, there's no major hemorrhage.  Lucy, the CT shows a pulmonary embolism.  Don't worry, we're taking you to angiography. We'll put in a Greenfield filter, we'll reverse the heparin.  However, you might need to have another transfusion.  Lucy, are you with me?
Lucy nods.
I'll get you through this, All right? All right.
A single tear slides down Lucy's cheek.

CUT TO:  Doc Magoo's.  
Chen and Malucci enter.
Malucci: Want anything?
Chen: Uh, just coffee.
Malucci: Two coffees, please.
Luka: Hey.
Chen and Malucci turn around and see Luka and Abby seated at a table behind them. They walk towards them.
Malucci: Hey.
Chen: Hi.
Malucci: Guess you didn't want to go home either, huh?
Luka: Yep.  Sit down.
Abby: We thought it was better than waiting upstairs.
Luka: Pretty scary, huh?
Malucci: Yeah, pretty scary.
Abby: I was complaining about my day.

CUT TO:  Angiography.  
Elizabeth is standing over Lucy with Kit standing nearby.
Kit:  BP's 112 over 78, pulse 102.
Elizabeth: AP 14, tidal volume 600.  100 percent FIO 2.  Another 2 of versed. to Lucy It's just to relax you a bit during the procedure.  
Lucy tries say something to Elizabeth, but she still can't speak.  
You want to stay awake?  
Lucy nods.
Ok, ok.  I'm going to numb the inguinal area with lidocane and introduce a catheter into the femoral vain. 

Romano enters.
Romano: I'll prep, get gowned.
Elizabeth:  Spun crit is 32,
Romano: Good, go.
Elizabeth: I'll be right back Lucy.
She exits.
Romano: Don't worry Ms. Knight.  We've put far too much time and energy into your training to lose you now.  Greenfield filters are a snap.  I've done about a hundred of them.  I'll talk you through it if you like.
He turns on an overhead light as Lucy loses consciousness.
Kit: BP's down to 60, pulse ox 72.
Romano: Lucy, Lucy!
Kit: No carotid pulse.
Romano: Dammit, she's thrown another clot.  Start chest compressions. He spots a nurse outside the room You! Get in here and bag her.  Lizzy, I need you now!  Give me a staple remover.  Come on, come on, come on!  Right now! Pour some betadine on her chest.
Kit: Are you gonna open her right here?
Romano: She won’t make it to the OR.
Kit: to other nurse Call the unit.  Tell them we need two more nurses.
Elizabeth re-enters.
Elizabeth: What happened?
Romano: She's in PEA.  Stand by with wire cutters.
Kit: Wire cutters?
Elizabeth: We wired the damned breastbone shut.

Carter is still being worked on.  Shirley enters.
Shirley: Dr. Corday's tied up.
Benton: Well, what is she doing?
Shirley: I don't know, she went down to CT.
Benton: to Dr. Anspaugh All right, can you take it?
Anspaugh: Peter, I'm suturing.
Benton: Well I've got to run the bowel again.
Anspaugh: That man needs an ex-lap.  Now go.  I'll page you if anything changes.

CUT TO:  Pre-op room.  
Cleo is waiting with her patient as Benton enters.
Benton: Vitals.
Cleo:  BP's 125 over 85, pulse 92.
Benton: Crit.
Cleo: 42.
Benton: That's normal.  Ok, prep for an ex-lap.  Cleo, stay here until the surgeon comes.
Cleo: You're not staying?
Benton:  I'm still operating on Carter.
He exits.

CUT TO:  Lucy's room.
Elizabeth and Romano are trying to fix the PE.
Romano: Start internal compressions as soon as you can.
Elizabeth: The right ventricle's dilated.
Romano: Side-biting clamp.  Come on, come on.
Elizabeth: Do you want a fogarty?
Romano: Nope, just a yankauer.  Scalpel. Let's try and suck out whatever we can.
Elizabeth: Suction.
Romano: Ok, I've got the right side.
Elizabeth:  We've got a few clots here.
Romano: Good, maybe she'll get some oxygen.

Cleo is still waiting for a surgeon to come.
Shirley: Dr. Finch, the pressure’s dropping.
Cleo: This guy can't wait, where the hell are they?
Shirley: Down to 80 palp.
Cleo: Probably tore a mesenteric artery. Get Benton.
Anesthesiologist: Lost a pulse, starting compressions.
Cleo: Betadine.
Anesthesiologist: What are you doing?
Cleo: Thoracotomy tray.
Anesthesiologist: Hold on.  He only needs a laparotomy.
Cleo: I don't know how to do that, do you?
Anesthesiologist: You can't operate up here.  Wait for the surgeon.
Cleo: He can take over when he gets here.  Somebody get me a scalpel. And get Benton up here now!

CUT TO: Lucy's room
Elizabeth: One more 4-0 prolene.
Romano: How's the pulse ox?
Kit: 68 on 100 percent.
Romano: We're not oxygenating.  I don't know Lizzy.
Elizabeth: Removing side clamp.
Romano: V-Fib.  Resuming compressions.
Elizabeth: Internal paddles.  Charge to 15.  Clear!
She shocks Lucy's heart.
Kit: Still in V-Fib
Elizabeth: Charge to 30.
Romano: Push an amp of epi.
Elizabeth: Clear!
She shocks her again.
Romano: Nothing.
Elizabeth: Again.  Clear!
She shocks her again.
Kit: Sats down to 62.
Elizabeth: Charge again, 100 of lidocane.  Clear!
She shocks Lucy again.
Romano: No.
Elizabeth: Again!  Clear!
She shocks her again.

Cleo is still performing a thoracotomy when Benton enters.
Benton: What the hell are you doing?
Cleo: Saving his life.  Statinsky.
Benton: You cracked his chest?! He needed a laparotomy!
Cleo: You should have been here to do one.
Benton: You should have called me sooner.  Gown!
Cleo: Aorta's cross-clamped.
Anesthesiologist: Pressure's coming up.
Benton: This is completely unnecessary.  What the hell were you thinking?
Cleo: A minute ago there was no pressure.  Now there is.
Benton: Sterile gloves.  Step back Dr. Finch, I've got it from here.
Cleo: Peter, he was about to arrest.
Benton: You better step the hell back, now!  Ten blade.
Anesthesiologist: Pulse is down to 90.
Benton: All right, lap-pad and bovie.  Let's move people.
Cleo: Peter, I'm sorry that Carter is hurt.
Benton: Let's irrigate chest with 3 liters of warm saline.  Come on.
Cleo exits.

CUT TO: Lucy.  
Elizabeth is preparing to shock her again.
Elizabeth: Clear!
She shocks Lucy.
Romano: Asystole.
Elizabeth: Push an amp of atropine.
Romano: When was the last epi?
Kit: 4 minutes ago.
Elizabeth: Push another 7 milligrams now.  Clear!
She shocks her again.
Romano: Okay, that's it.  We've done everything we can. Hold compressions.
They both stand there for several moments looking at Lucy, shocked and upset.  The monitor flatlines.
Romano: Dammit!
He angrily knocks over a tray of supplies, and cusses.
Son of a bitch.  No, no, no.  Let's give it a minute for the last epi to circulate.  Charge to 30, let's go.  Come on Lizzy, let's go!!
Elizabeth: Robert…
Romano: after a few moments Call it.
A nurse unplugs the heart monitor.
Elizabeth: softly Time of death, 2:56

CUT TO:  A trauma room in the ER.  
Paul Sobriki is talking to Dr. DeRaad.
Paul: When can I go home?  
Mark: I don't know.
Paul: I want to go home.  I need to feed my dog.
Dr. DeRaad: Paul, we have someone here to see you.
Samantha Sobriki enters.
Samantha: Paul, sweetie.
Paul: Sam. I want to go home
Samantha: Paul, what happened?
Paul: They took my clothes. And they took my shoes.
DeRaad: Who took your clothes Paul?
Paul: Them.
DeRaad: Who's them?
Paul: They had a blue cake.
DeRaad: Is that where you got the knife?
Paul: They wanted to open me…
DeRaad: Paul, where did you get the knife?
Paul: Take my organs.
DeRaad: What organs?
Paul: My internal organs! Don't you understand?  I had to - I had to protect them.  Don't try and tell me I don't know, because I know! They were trying to take them, and I had…I had to stop them.
Paul's wife begins to cry.
DeRaad: Is he ready?
Mark: Yeah.  Do you want to take him upstairs?
Paul: Can I - can I please go home now?  I need to feed my dog.
Mark walks out and into the hall, where Kerry is sitting by the phone. It is obvious that she has been crying.

CUT TO:  Outside of OR 3.  
Benton just finished operating on Cleo’s patient.  Cleo is waiting for him.
Benton: I'll meet you in recovery.
He exits the room.
to Cleo Is Carter out of the OR?
Cleo: Yeah, he's extubated in recovery.  Vitals are stable.
Benton breathes a sigh of relief.  Cleo still looks very upset.
Cleo: Peter…
Benton: No, no, no, listen.  Um, you were right.  I put you in a tough position and you did what you had to do.  pauses What's wrong?
Cleo: There was a complication with Lucy.

CUT TO: Doc Magoo's.  
Haleh and Lydia have joined the others, and everyone is sharing Carter and Lucy stories.
Chen: No, not that Vanessa!
Haleh: The one and only.  You know her?
Chen: Oh, I saw her when I was in medical school.
Haleh: She comes in with abdominal pain, Carter orders a pelvic.  Tells Lucy the patient would feel more comfortable with a woman.
Chen: Oh man!
Malucci: Whoa, Whoa, who's Vanessa?
Haleh: Lucy is all official.  She's polite, she gets her tray all in order, puts on her gloves, pulls back the curtain…
Lydia: Meanwhile, Carter's outside waiting.
Luka: Uh, waiting for what?
Chen: The scream.
Malucci: I don't get it.
Chen: Carter sent her in to do a pelvic on a drag queen!
Abby: mmhh, he did not!?
Everyone laughs.
Chen: Oh, you've got to hand it to Vanessa.  He's got a better figure than I do.
Chuny enters. Everyone quiets down when they see her solemn face.
Luka: What is it?
Chuny: Lucy…
They all sit in silence.

CUT TO:  Carter's hospital room.  
Benton is testing Carter's legs and back.
Benton: All right, let me know when the vibration stops.
He places a metal rod against Carter's leg, and hits it with a small hammer.
Carter: Pancreas?
Benton: Totally intact.  He just got the descending colon.
Carter: How long will I have the colostomy for?
Benton: About a month, then we'll do a take down.
Carter: Now.
Benton: Good, sensations intact.   You were lucky Carter.
Carter: I know.  Thank you.
Benton: You're welcome.  All right, I've gotta test your motor strength.  Lift your leg.
Carter:  How's Lucy doing?
Benton: Come on man, lift, lift.
Carter: It hurts.
Benton: I know.  All right now, don't let me push it down, ok.  Hold it, hold it.  Good, good.
Carter: Aw, my back is killing me.
Benton: Yeah, I know.  Hematoma around the lumbar plex.  I'll give you some morphine.  I want you up and walking in 12 hours, ok?
Carter: Lucy's dead, isn't she?
Benton doesn’t answer.  As Carter realizes the truth, tears form in his eyes, and he turns away from Benton.  They sit in silence.

CUT TO:  Elizabeth's house.  
Her mother wakes up to find her sitting at the table.
Mrs. Corday: noticing Elizabeth  yawn Oh, you're home.  Is everything all right?
Elizabeth: No.
Mrs. Corday: You want to tell me about it?
Elizabeth: Not particularly.
Mrs. Corday: I'll make breakfast.

CUT TO: The ER.  
Mark gets off the elevator and stares into Curtain 3.
Carol, just having arrived to work, is walking down the hallway with Malik.
Carol:  We still need a pressure transducer for trauma one, and get two units of O neg. down here.
Malik: We're out of ancef.
Carol: Well, call the pharmacy.
She notices Mark watching the police taking photographs of Curtain 3.
Carol: Mark…I just heard.  How did this happen?
Mark: Could we, uh, talk about it later?
Carol: Yeah, sure.
She continues to stare into the room, and slowly pulls away, following Mark down the hall.
Mark:  Is something coming in?
Carol: Multi-victim trauma.  Assembly line accident.  I told them we could take 2 majors, 6 minors.
Mark: ETA?
Carol: They're rolling up, but I just realized we're short a doc and a med student.
Abby walks towards them.
Mark: Hey Abby, are you on?
Abby: No.
Mark: We're short, can you cover?
Abby: Uh, sure.
Carol: Great, I need someone to cover triage.
Mark lets them pass and looks as a victim is wheeled into the ER.  He leans against a wall for a moment to compose himself, then follows the gurney down the hall.
Mark: Ok, call ortho and vascular.  Type and cross and get him into trauma 2.

CUT TO: Lucy.  
Romano is standing over her body sewing, when Kerry enters.
Romano: looks at Kerry I had to close her chest.
Kerry stands on the other side of the bed, and helps to cut the thread when Romano is done stitching. Neither says anything for a while.
Romano: Thank you.
Kerry nods.  She looks at Lucy's lifeless body for a few moments, then reaches down and attempts to pull the sheet over Lucy's body.
Romano: The nurses can do that.
Kerry: I know.
She finishes covering Lucy's body.
Fade out to closing credits

Kikavu ?

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diana62800  (13.02.2018 à 17:15)

Un des épisodes les plus marquant de la série 


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