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#615 : Etre patient

Episode 6.15 Etre patient Urgences ER

¤ Scénario : Sandy Kroopf - Réalisation : Ken Kwapis


En rentrant chez elle, Elizabeth découvre sa mère et le père de Mark prenant le petit-déjeuner dans sa cuisine.
Kovac est témoin d'un accident de voiture. Et alors qu'il tente de soigner une petite fille qui est dans une situation critique, il lui perce une artère. La petite est finalement amenée au bloc pour faire cesser les hémoragies. L'opération se passe bien.
Les urgences sont bouleversées par la venue de la mère de Lucy qui est venue récupérer les affaires de sa fille.
Mark apprend que son père a un cancer du poumon.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
Be Patient

Titre VF
Etre patient

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En rentrant chez elle après avoir passé la nuit chez Mark, Corday surprend sa mère avec le père de Mark, alors que ce dernier devait partir à la pêche. Corday a du mal a accepter la situation et fait des reproches à sa mère. De retour aux urgences, Corday raconte ce qu'elle a vu à Mark. Contrairement à elle, Mark prend la nouvelle avec humour. Le père de Mark, de passage aux urgences pour un rendez-vous chez le pneumologue, en profite pour discuter avec Corday et lui proposer une sortie à quatre. Pendant ce temps, Mark va voir les radios de son père. Il découvre qu'il a un cancer des poumons qui s'est étendu jusqu'au fois. Le père de Mark amène tout le monde au bowling. Corday et sa mère peuvent alors s'expliquer. Une fois rentré chez eux, Mark annonce à son père qu'il est malade. Mais ce dernier était déjà au courant et il explique à Mark qu'il ne veut pas que les gens soient au courant.

Abby a des problèmes avec son futur ex-mari. Il lui doit de l'argent et elle a du mal à le récupérer. Pendant sa garde elle s'occupe d'un patient chez qui elle soupçonne une hémorragie digestive. Les examens ne confirment pas son diagnostic et Kerry lui demande de faire sortir le patient. Abby le fait à contre cœur et demande au patient de ne pas hésiter à revenir s'il se sentait pas bien. Le patient suit son conseil et revient aux urgences où Chen confirme le diagnostic d'Abby.

En rentrant chez lui après sa garde, Luka manque de renverser une fillette qui jouait sur la route. Mais une voiture était en train de le doubler et le conducteur n'avait pas vu la fillette. Après l'avoir renversé, le conducteur prend la fuite. Luka lui donne les premiers soins puis demande à un plombier de les amener aux urgences car les ambulanciers sont trop long. Une fois au Cook County, Luka continue de s'occuper d'elle avec Benton et Cléo. L'état de la fillette s'aggrave. Elle fait une hémorragie interne et Benton l'emmène en chirurgie. En sortant des urgences, Luka reconnaît le conducteur qui s'est enfui et le fait arrêter par la sécurité. En sortant du bloc opératoire, Benton annonce à Luka et à la mère de la fillette qu'elle est hors de danger.

Carol s'occupe de deux adolescente qui ont peur d'avoir une maladie sexuellement transmissible. Les examens montrent que l'une d'entre elles a un cancer du col de l'utérus. La maladie a été transmise par son partenaire sexuel. L'adolescente avoue à Carol qu'elle en a eu plusieurs partenaires dans des soirées. Quand elles découvrent que Carol doit prévenir leurs parents et l'école, elles prennent la fuite. Carol se rend à l'école pour les prévenir. Les filles la surprennent. Par peur des conséquences, la patiente de Carol tente de se suicider avec des médicaments.

Chen passe voir Carter. Elle lui donne des nouvelles de ses patients. La mère de Lucy vient récupérer les affaires de sa fille et rend visite à Carter. Lorsqu'elle lui demande s'il a souffert lorsqu'il a été poignardé. Carter préfère lui mentir et lui dire qu'il n'a rien senti.

Mark and Elizabeth walk to work.
ELIZABETH: So is he standing on the frozen lake, or will he be sitting in one of those little huts?
MARK: It beats me.
ELIZABETH: What kind of fish do they catch?
MARK: Beats me.
Malucci comes riding by on his bicycle.
MALUCCI: Yo, morning.
MARK: I can't believe he rides that thing in the winter.
ELIZABETH: Damn. Malucci.
MARK: What?
ELIZABETH: Case conference with Romano. Malucci admitted a patient and I've left my notes in my apartment.
MARK: Ah, that will teach you, sleeping at my place.
ELIZABETH: Yeah. I'll see you later. (turns to leave, then) Oh. (she kisses him and runs off) EXT. AMBULANCE BAY
Malucci is locking up his bike as Mark walks up.
MARK: You should get a U- lock. A pair of bolt-cutters and somebody's gonna leave you with a broken chain and no ride.
MALUCCI: Thanks, Mom. Tired of scolding me for not wearing a helmet?
MARK: Dr. Dave, I'd never want to get between you and your personal path to brain death. INT. ER - FRONT DESK
Mark enters as Luka talks to Kerry. Abby's there.
LUKA: Abdominal pain, possible ischemic bowel, just went to C.T. and needs a surgical consult.
MALIK: (passing by) Got those x-rays back from Mr. Wyatt.
KERRY: Oh, good. Hey, Mark, could you finish up with Luka, please? (walks off)
MARK: Sure. What's left?
LUKA: Exam Two, Mr. Kechevsky, rule out M.I. and if somebody could call me with the enzyme results I would like the follow-up.
MARK: (hands chart to Abby) Abby, can you handle that?
ABBY: Of course.
MARK: Okay, so, that's it?
LUKA: Yep.
MARK: All right. (heads for (presumably) the lounge)
The phone rings. Carol goes to pick it up, but Andrew grabs it.
ANDREW: (into phone) ER. Yeah. Hang on a second. (puts phone on hold) Abby? It's for you. (to Carol) It's my job to answer the phones.
CAROL: Just trying to help.
ANDREW: And I appreciate it.
ABBY: (into phone) Abby Lockhart. Yes I did call; three days ago. Look, whatever, I just-- I need to talk to you about the late payments. I-- What? Well, you'll just have to sell them. I don't-- Look, I don't really care how you do it, just make the payments. I-- Just make the payments. Bye. (sighs) (to Carol) That was my soon-to-be-ex husband.
They start walking.
CAROL: Sounds bad.
ABBY: Yeah, he's taking a flyer on some text stocks with my loan money.
CAROL: Ow. Well, maybe they'll go up.
ABBY: I'll never see the cash.
Luka's leaving the lounge as Carol and Abby arrive there.
LUKA: Okay, I'm leaving before I fall over. 'Til next time, ladies.
Carol and Abby enter the lounge. INT. ELIZABETH'S APARTMENT
Elizabeth enters. Her mother is seated at the dining table in her dressing gown, having coffee. David is in the kitchen wearing boxers and a t-shirt.
ISABEL: (surprised) Elizabeth!
ELIZABETH: Morning! I forgot some notes for a meeting. You look tired. Were you watching Charlie Rose again? (stops short when she sees David)
ISABEL: Not exactly.
DAVID: Uh. Morning, Elizabeth.
ISABEL: David came over for breakfast.
ELIZABETH: In boxers and slippers? (sees more closely) My slippers.
DAVID: Uh, hope you don't mind.
ELIZABETH: I thought you were ice fishing.
DAVID: Well... Didn't make it.
Isabel is seeing a fully- dressed David to the door. Elizabeth sits stiffly on the sofa.
DAVID: Goodbye, Elizabeth!
ELIZABETH: (without turning around) See you!
David leaves.
ISABEL: Can I freshen your cup?
ELIZABETH: Good Lord. Mother, I practically drank the whole pot while the two of you were saying goodbye.
ISABEL: (giggles) Are you amused? (no response) Bemused? (no response) Irritated, shocked, chagrined?
ELIZABETH: That's a start.
ISABEL: I suppose you think that at my age I shouldn't--
ELIZABETH: Mother. Mother, please. Do you really think what the two of you are doing is a good idea?
ISABEL: I may be older, but I'm not dead.
ELIZABETH: His wife is. Recently.
ISABEL: Then bloody well good for him, getting on--
ISABEL: (sits down) Is it so difficult to imagine that two people could be attracted to each other and actually act on it?
ELIZABETH: Were you using, you know, protection? There are diseases.
ISABEL: You think he's diseased?
ELIZABETH: That's not the point.
ISABEL: And you really want to discuss this?
ELIZABETH: No! No! No. He's my boyfriend's father.
ISABEL: Oh... You always cared to much about what other people think, even as a little girl.
ELIZABETH: I did not!
ISABEL: Yes, you did.
ELIZABETH: Well, how would you know? Did the nanny tell you?
ISABEL: (sarcastic) Yes, Elizabeth, you were so neglected.
ELIZABETH: Don't pretend to know me when you don't.
ISABEL: I know you a lot better than you think.
ELIZABETH: (putting on her gloves) I'm just trying to say this could get very complicated.
ISABEL: Why are you always afraid relationships will go wrong?
ELIZABETH: (standing) Well, perhaps because ours hasn't exactly gone right. I have to get to work. INT. ER - FRONT DESK
Chen is working on charts. Malucci walks up.
MALUCCI: Hey, no fair doing paperwork when there are patients to see.
CHEN: I'm not even on yet, Dave.
MALUCCI: I get it, just making the rest of us look bad?
CHEN: I'm doing chart reviews for Carter and Lucy's patients.
MALUCCI: Sorry. Need my help?
CHEN: I've got it.
Pan to another part of the desk. Kerry approaches Abby, who's on the phone.
KERRY: Hey, Abby, I got a couple of cases for you. Foreign body up the nose and hemorrhoids.
ABBY: (to Kerry) Be right there. (into phone) Um, and the C.P.K. was normal. INT. LUKA'S CAR
Where he's driving while carrying on his half of the conversation.
LUKA: Good, good. Discharge him, Abby. Yeah. He should follow up with cardiology. No, I have the night shift all week. Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow. Okay. Bye-bye.
He puts his cell phone away. A girl of about 10, Laura, runs out in front of Luka's car. He brakes hard.
LAURA'S SISTER: (calling from curb) Laura!
Laura freezes like a deer in headlights, but Luka manages to brake in time. Panicked, Laura continues to run across the street, only to be hit -- hard -- by another car. The driver of that car panics and drives off. Luka leaps out of his car.
LUKA: Hey! Stop! Stop!
Luka goes to attend to Laura, who is lying flat on her back in the middle of the street, whimpering in pain.
LAURA: It hurts! Oh!
LUKA: I know it hurts. I know it hurts. I'm a doctor, I'm going to help you, all right? Okay. Look at me, please. Try and breathe, slow and easy, okay? Now, tell me your name and where it hurts, huh?
LAURA: (in pain) Laura. My leg...
LUKA: Okay, try to keep your head still. INT. ER - EXAM ROOM
Kerry watches Abby attend to the foreign-body-up-the-nose patient.
ABBY: I didn't think that you removed nose piercings.
PATIENT: I got a new stud, I thought I'd put it in the old hole.
KERRY: (instructing Abby) Okay, just inject two CCs of air into the foley and pull it back gently...
The stud falls out. The patient sneezes.
ABBY: Bless you.
PATIENT: Hey, thanks.
ABBY: You're welcome.
PATIENT: Can I go now?
ABBY: In a minute. (to Kerry) Um, hemorrhoids next?
KERRY: Do the initial work-up, then find me or Mark.
ABBY: Okay.
Kerry leaves. Abby turns around to the hemorrhoids patient.
RON: You're not planning to use that thing on me, are you?
ABBY: We'll see. I'm Abby.
RON: Ron Perth. Listen, I feel kind of stupid coming in. I mean, I didn't expect to feel great, but I'm concerned. I'm still bleeding from the, you know, hemorrhoids.
ABBY: (looking at chart) Um, what, they were banded just last week?
RON: Yeah.
ABBY: You look kind of pale. How much bleeding?
RON: Oh, it's not that much. Listen, I'm supposed to fly back to Denver at five; it's my girlfriend's birthday. And, uh, I was hoping that you could give me a cream or something to shrink it down.
ABBY: Sorry.
RON: I was planning to take her dancing.
ABBY: You might want to just make it a candlelit dinner.
Lily enters.
LILY: Need a hand?
ABBY: Uh, yeah. Could you order a CBC, chem seven and coags and prep for anoscopy.
RON: Is that what I think it is?
ABBY: I'll be gentle.
RON: Oh, man.
Abby draws the curtain around Ron's bed. EXT. STREET
Laura's still lying on the street. Luka kneels beside her. A crowd has gathered.
LAURA: (crying) Where's my mom? Somebody get my mom!
LUKA: She'll be here, Laura. Your sister went to get her. Laura, I need to cut open your pants now so I can look at your leg, okay?
Laura's mom runs up, with Laura's sister in tow.
MOM: (kneels beside Laura) Oh my God! Is she okay?
LUKA: It's okay. I'm Dr. Kovac. I already called 911.
MOM: (leaning over Laura) Laura...
LUKA: Hey, be careful. Her left leg is broken, and maybe a rib too.
LAURA: Mom, it hurts!
MOM: I know, baby, it's okay, it's okay. (to Luka) Can't you do something?
LUKA: (glances around) Can you go tell that lady we need her broom?
MAN: I'll get it. (runs off)
MOM: What are you doing?
LUKA: I'm going to splint her leg.
MOM: Why?
LUKA: I need to check if there is any damage to the artery. INT. ER - CHAIRS
Carol sits with two teenage girls. The girls wear school uniforms.
ANDREA: We... We heard you can't tell anybody anything we say to you.
CAROL: Well, that depends on what you tell me.
ANDREA: It's uh... It's about...
The girls nod.
CAROL: Well, uh, if there's no abuse involved, and the guys are under 18 then everything you tell me has to remain confidential.
TERRI: So you couldn't tell our parents?
CAROL: No, I couldn't.
ANDREA: You promise?
CAROL: Go ahead; what is it?
The girls exchange glances.
CAROL: Look, I can't help you I you don't tell me what it is.
ANDREA: Well. um, we're afraid we might have caught something.
CAROL: Well what do you think you might've caught?
TERRI: We heard some syphilis was going around school.
CAROL: I see. Why don't you girls come with me, okay?
They get up. EXT. STREET
As before. Luka now has his stethoscope out.
LAURA: My chest hurts!
MOM: What is it?
LUKA: I'm worried she's bleeding internally.
MOM: Oh, no. Do something. I mean, where's the ambulance?
LUKA: It'll be here.
MOM: No, let's just, let's drive her. It's okay, baby. It's going to be okay.
Luka glances around. His eyes land on a plumber and his truck. Luka goes over.
LUKA: Sir! You, the plumber. (Plumber turns around) Yeah. I'm Dr. Kovac, I need your help. Can you make room for this girl?
PLUMBER: You want to put her in the van?
LUKA: Yeah. She needs to get to the hospital right now. It's urgent.
PLUMBER: Okay, let's go.
LUKA: Okay, thanks. INT. ER - HALLWAY
Mark and Elizabeth walk and talk.
MARK: In his underwear? My father?
ELIZABETH: I couldn't believe it either.
MARK: What did you say?
ELIZABETH: What could I say? I tried to talk to her about it after he left but it just turned into an argument.
Mark chuckles.
ELIZABETH: I didn't find it that amusing.
MARK: Well, it beats ice fishing.
ELIZABETH: Well, don't you find it a little bizarre?
MARK: Well, they're adults. That's not such a bad thing.
ELIZABETH: So, what, they're going to keep doing it? Where, your place or mine?
They've arrived at Trauma Green.
MARK: He's coming in to see the pulmonologist this afternoon. I'll talk to him, okay.
ELIZABETH: Yeah, thanks.
Mark enters Trauma Green. Elizabeth leaves. INT. BACK OF PLUMBER'S TRUCK
Mom and Luka are with Laura.
LAURA: (moans) I can't breathe.
MOM: Okay, hang on.
LUKA: Her broken rib could've punctured the lung. (pulls out a flashlight and shines it in Laura's eyes) Look to the right, Laura. Now to the left.
Laura's eyes close.
LUKA: Laura? Laura?
MOM: Oh my God!
LUKA: (using stethoscope) No breath sounds.
MOM: What's happening?
LUKA: She has a tension pneumothorax. An air leak has collapsed the lung and the tension is keeping her heart from beating.
Luka preps Laura's chest for a needle.
LUKA: I have to put this needle in her chest to relieve the pressure. (inserts needle)
MOM: Oh...
The truck goes over quite a bump.
MOM: Oh my God!
LUKA: Damn it!
Luka removes the needle. There is bleeding.
MOM: Wait, why is she bleeding?
LUKA: I might've nicked an artery when we hit that bump.
MOM: An artery?
LUKA: (hands her cloth) Here. Keep pressure where the bleeding's coming out.
She applies pressure.
MOM: Oh God.
PLUMBER: Is something wrong back there?
MOM: These pads are soaked.
LUKA: Just keep pressing them, okay? (pulls out cell phone, dials) (mutters to self) Come on, dammit. (into phone) Yeah, this is Kovac. Yeah, I'm coming in with a major trauma. Clear a room, and get four units of o-neg. Yeah. (to plumber) Go faster! We need to be there now! COMMERCIAL

Benton, Cleo and Chuny are there to meet the plumber's truck. Plumber helps get Laura on the gurney. Luka and Mom follow, but Plumber doesn't.
LUKA: Automobile versus 10- year-old girl. Blunt trauma to the right lower chest and fractured left femur.
MOM: Hang on, honey!
LUKA: We need to set up for a chest tube right away.
CHUNY: Pulse is ready. Get her on 10 litres blood mass.
PLUMBER: Need any help?
LUKA: No, I got it. Thank you.
They enter the hospital.
LUKA: She was stable, but then I lost her pulse with decreased breath sounds on the right. Some improvement with needle thoracostomy but I may have nicked her intercostal.
Mark joins them.
MARK: What happened?
LUKA: The van hit a bump when the needle was inside.
BENTON: Why didn't you wait for the paramedics?
LUKA: I waited 7 minutes but I thought I might lose her if I didn't get here right away.
They enter the trauma room, minus Mom.
MARK: The paramedics called in, they arrived two minutes after you left.

Lydia joins them.
LYDIA: (closing trauma room doors) I'm sorry, ma'am, you'll have to wait outside.
They start working on Laura.
CLEO: Get a trauma panel, U.A., type and cross for four.
BENTON: Two large bore I.V.s, squeeze in a saline. Prep the chest.
CHUNY: B.P.'s 80 Palp, pulse 110.
LAURA: I want my mom! Where's my mom?
LUKA: She's just outside. How are you doing?
LAURA: (in pain) Mooom!
LUKA: We'll give you something for the pain, huh?
CHUNY: One percent lidocaine.
BENTON: Ten blade.
MARK: I need ultrasound.
BENTON: 28 French, let's move.
MARK: Luka, you've been off for an hour. We've got it from here.
LUKA: I'll stay.
CLEO: Get an x-ray up here for a portable chest.
CHUNY: Pulse ox 92 on 10 litres.
LUKA: We need to intubate. Six and a half...
BENTON: All right, I'm in. Hook me up.
CLEO: (sees) Whoa.
BENTON: Chest full of blood.
CHUNY: Pressure is down to seventy. Looks like he did hit the artery.
MARK: Lydia, call the OR, have them hold a room. It looks like it was more than a nick.
BENTON: We got more than a litre out.
CHUNY: Pressure's down to fifty.
LUKA: Laura... Laura...
MARK: She's unresponsive.
BENTON: Chest tube output is 1200ccs. All right, let's prep for right-sided thoracotomy. INT. EXAM ROOM
Carol is there while Kerry performs some kind of cervical exam on Andrea, who's wearing a hospital gown.
CAROL: Not much longer now, Andrea.
ANDREA: Is Terri okay?
CAROL: She's fine. She's sitting over in chairs.
KERRY: There's cervical bleeding. And think and white dysplasia with papules.
ANDREA: Is that syphilis -- dysplasia?
KERRY: There's no sign of syphilis but we have to wait for the blood test to be sure.
CAROL: You can go ahead and get dressed.
ANDREA: So I can go?
KERRY: No. Your HIV test won't take long. I'd like you to wait.
ANDREA: Well, am I all right?
CAROL: Let's wait and see what the test says.
Kerry pulls Carol aside.
KERRY: The other girl looks all right, but get pathology to do a stat pap smear on this one.
Carol nods. Kerry leaves.
CAROL: All right, let's get you dressed. INT. ER - RON'S ROOM
Abby enters.
ABBY: Well, Mr. Perth...
RON: Ron, please.
ABBY: Ron. Your blood count's normal.
RON: That's good, right?
ABBY: Right. Uh, although it sometimes takes awhile for a crit to show a blood loss.
RON: Yeah, but I feel okay.
ABBY: Yeah, but I'd hate to have you on that plane and start to bleed out at 35000 feet. (dons gloves)
RON: You want to do another test.
ABBY: Yeah. I'm going to draw some blood, which is then tagged with a radionecleotide, which I then reinject by I.V., and then a scan lets me trace for bleeding.
RON: Yeah, okay, as long as I won't glow in the dark.
ABBY: Nah. Quick and painless, I promise.
Abby begins to draw blood.
RON: So, honestly, is it really the thought that counts?
ABBY: Uh, about what?
RON: Oh, uh, for my girlfriend's birthday. I was thinking of jewelry. But if I go there, I've got to go big, right?
ABBY: I don't know. The best present my husband ever gave me was a surprise picnic that he packed himself.
RON: Ah, romantic.
ABBY: Or cheap.
Kerry enters.
KERRY: Hello.
RON: Hi.
ABBY: Uh, Dr. Weaver, Mr. Perth.
KERRY: How's he doing?
ABBY: Ruling out. G. I. bleed. I'm drawing some blood for a nuclear medicine scan.
KERRY: Well, we don't do those very often down here. C.B.C. and lytes come back?
Abby finishes drawing the blood.
ABBY: Yeah. They were normal.
KERRY: Abby, can I talk to you for a minute?
ABBY: Sure.
They step out into the hallway.
KERRY: Okay, the belly's benign, there's no evidence of a bleed, so why order such and expensive test?
ABBY: He just doesn't look well to me. His skin is pale, his eyes are dull.
KERRY: Yeah, that's hardly diagnostic of a bleed. I really don't think this scan is necessary. You should discharge him.
Kerry leaves. Abby reenters the room.
RON: Is there a problem?
ABBY: No. I just have to... get this to the lab.
She walks off with the blood sample. INT. ER - LAURA's TRAUMA ROOM
Still working on Laura.
BENTON: More suction.
CLEO: Got it.
MARK: Are you going to stick the bleeder?
BENTON: No, too close to the bone. All right, let me get the o- silk on a Keith needle.
MARK: What are you doing?
BENTON: Kennedy maneuver. Transmural hemostatic suture.
NURSE: Second unit's in!
LUKA: Hang another.
CLEO: And autotransfuse another from the cell saver.
BENTON: Okay, take the superior and the inferior and tie them tight on the outside.
MARK: Dry as bone. Nice.
Yosh comes in.
YOSH: (comes in) New seizure in two. (leaves)
MARK: All right, I should get this. You okay, Peter? (leaves)
BENTON: Mm-hmm. Check the B.P!
LUKA: Another crit?
BENTON: Yeah, fine.
CLEO: (pulling Luka out of the room) Luka, let's go talk to the mother.
LUKA: All right.
They start to exit.
NURSE: Pressure's crashing!
Luka and Cleo dart back.
BENTON: But the chest is dry.
LUKA: Ultrasound. Check the belly again. She dropped her pressure; she must still be bleeding.
CLEO: (looking at ultrasound) You're right -- her belly's full of blood.
LUKA: It's the liver. She blew the capsule.
BENTON: We should've checked the belly all along. All right, let's hang two units. Let's get her up to the OR! Let's move now!
They're moving, into the hallway, and to the elevator.
MOM: What is it?
LUKA: We're taking her to surgery. This is her mother.
BENTON: Come with us, come on.
They're boarding the elevator.
BENTON: Dr. Kovac, you've done enough. Why don't you let us take it from here?
LUKA: I want to stay with her. She's my patient.
BENTON: No, no, no. Not anymore.
The elevator closes on Lily, Chuny, Benton, Laura and her mom, leaving Cleo and Luka behind. Luka is frustrated.
CLEO: Why don't you go home, get some sleep?
LUKA: You think I'm going to sleep?
And with that he charges up the stairs, taking them two at a time. INT. ER - EXAM ROOM
Andrea (now dressed) and Terri are chatting on a cell phone. Carol enters.
ANDREA: (into phone) Oh my God!
TERRI: That's hilarious!
ANDREA: I can't believe it. That's great.
They notice Carol.
TERRI: (into phone) Oh, wait. We got to go. Bye. (to Carol) Sorry, we were just talking to some friends.
CAROL: Terri, I need to talk to Andrea privately.
TERRI: Is she all right?
CAROL: Um, could you just go wait in Chairs, please?
The girls exchange glances.
ANDREA: Hey, it's okay.
CAROL: Thanks.
Terri leaves.
CAROL: Andrea, we got your test results. They found some abnormal cells in your pap smear. You might have cervical cancer. We need to do a biopsy, just to make sure.
ANDREA: Cancer? Was it caused by having sex?
CAROL: Well, you get it from an infected partner. It's called HPV -- humanpapilloma virus. But not everybody with HPV...
ANDREA: (quickly) No, you can't tell my parents.
CAROL: Andrea, if you have this, you have to be admitted to the hospital.
ANDREA: Anyway, they're in Europe. And you said everything I told you was confidential.
CAROL: If you're not tested, you could get very sick. We also have to inform your partner.
No response.
CAROL: Andrea.
ANDREA: I don't know who it is. I mean, which one.
CAROL: Well, how many have you had?
ANDREA: I'm not sure. We... We have these parties... INT. SURGICAL FLOOR - HALLWAY
Laura's being brought into surgery. Luka catches up to them.
LUKA: Peter. I want to scrub in.
LUKA: Why not?
BENTON: You're not a surgeon.
LUKA: I'm not asking to operate.
BENTON: I'll find you when I'm finished. Okay, Chuny, I got it from here. Let's go! She'll be all right.
The envoy travels through the "Authorized Personnel Only Beyond This Point" doors, leaving Chuny, Luka and Mom on the other side.
CHUNY: Coming back down to the ER?
LUKA: In a minute.
CHUNY: (to Mom) Come with me. I'll show you where you can wait.
Chen sits on the bed taking to Carter, who sits in a wheelchair.
CHEN: (looking at some charts) Then there was Mr. Saltzman in for shoulder pain and you sent her for an MRI and you were right -- C56 herniated disc. And, uh, Mr. Blandeneau, chest pain. Ruled in for an MI, had angoplasty and, uh, he's doing okay. (looks up) That's it.
CARTER: Thanks.
CHEN: No problem.
CARTER: Are you doing Lucy's cases too?
CHEN: Told Weaver I didn't mind.
CARTER: How was the memorial service?
CHEN: Okay. It was nice... And a little weird.
CARTER: How's everyone else downstairs?
CHEN: (sighs)Hey, same old thing. How are you doing?
CARTER: I'm doing fine. I know everyone who works here, people drop by all day.
CHEN: (chuckles) I bet.
CARTER: Even my grandmother came by.
CHEN: I thought you didn't talk to her anymore.
CARTER: Nothing like a near- fatal stab wound to put a different spin on things. (then) Hey, I'm going to e back to work in a couple weeks; get rid of this bag. Maybe take up skydiving.
CHEN: You do that.
CARTER: Get out of here, I need my rest.
CHEN: All right, um... You need help back on the bed?
CARTER: No, I'm good.
CHEN: Well... Catch you tomorrow. (stands, moves to door)
He turns the wheelchair away from her and grimaces in pain. Chen is just about out the door, but turns around.
CHEN: Oh, uh, John, uh...
He quickly holds up his hands to block his face from her.
CHEN: (sees what he's doing) Are you okay?
CARTER: (in pain) Yeah, fine.
CHEN: Listen, take it easy, okay?
CARTER: (wanting her out of the room) Yeah, thanks, Deb.
She leaves. He grimaces in pain. INT. ER - HALLWAY
David enters the building. Mark sees him.
MARK: Dad. You're late.
DAVID: (looking at watch) Three minutes. Appointment was 11:45.
MARK: Yeah, well, I didn't know how long it would take you to drive back from the lake, and I was worried you might have fallen through the ice.
DAVID: Yeah, very funny, Mark. Like you don't know.
They walk.
MARK: Just having a little fun... Which apparently is what you were doing. (chuckles)
DAVID: I don't think Elizabeth was too amused.
MARK: I'd say that's pretty accurate.
DAVID: I suppose it's wrong, being in her place and all.
MARK: Ah, don't worry about it.
DAVID: We'll go to a hotel tonight.
MARK: What?
DAVID: It'll make it easier for everyone.
They reach the elevator.
MARK: So it's kind of an ongoing thing.
DAVID: (steps on to elevator) What do you think? This is a one- night stand?
MARK: I don't know.
DAVID: What floor is the pulmonologist on?
MARK: Fifth floor.
DAVID: (pushes button) I like her, Mark. She makes me happy. Now I'm sorry if that makes you unhappy...
The elevator door closes. Mark shakes his head. INT. ER - HALLWAY
Kerry and Carol walk.
KERRY: How many has she slept with?
CAROL: I don't know. Both girls have been going to sex parties that school-friends have.
KERRY: Oh, my God, at their age?
CAROL: I promised her I wouldn't tell her folks, and legally I can't.
KERRY: W-w-wait. She's a minor and she needs surgery.
CAROL: Well maybe I can talk her into letting me tell her parents.
KERRY: Carol, I understand you don't want to break confidentiality, but this is a public health issue now. At least one of those boys is spreading H.P.V. And the girls at the parties all need to have pelvic exams and pap smears. So whatever she says, you also have to call the school.
Carol nods, and enters the room where Andrea and Terri were. But the room's empty. She dashes out into the hallway, and passes Malik.
CAROL: Hey, Malik, have you seen a girl in a school uniform?
MALIK: I saw two of them! They went out that door.
CAROL: Damn it!
Carol dashes out that door, as Mrs, Knight enters, carrying an empty cardboard box. She approaches the front counter, where Malik is.
MRS. KNIGHT: Excuse me?
MALUCCI: Uh... yeah?
MRS. KNIGHT: My name is Barbara Knight. I'm looking for Dr. Greene.
MALUCCI: Uh, he was here just a minute ago.
MRS. KNIGHT: Or maybe Dr. Weaver?
MALUCCI: She was here just a minute ago, too, but it looks like right now I'm all you've got.
MRS. KNIGHT: Actually, I just need to find your lounge area.
MALUCCI: Can I help you? We don't usually let people wait in the lounge area.
MRS. KNIGHT: No. No, I just need to check my daughter's locker.
MALUCCI: Um, uh, sorry, you name...?
MRS. KNIGHT: Barbara Knight. I'm Lucy's mother.
Elizabeth is seated at her desk. Isabel comes in.
ISABEL: I've checked into the Ritz-Carlton. (lays keys on Elizabeth's desk) So I won't be needing that. (walks out)
ELIZABETH: (gets up and follows her) Mother, this is completely unnecessary.
ISABEL: They have a lovely view of the lake. If you'll excuse me, I have a meeting.
ELIZABETH: Oh, stop it.
ISABEL: Just being practical, dear. At our age, there's no reason for mothers and daughters to be living together.
ELIZABETH: You say that as if we ever really lived together.
ISABEL: I love you, Elizabeth. But I swear, at times, you can be insufferable.
ELIZABETH: Me? I can be insufferable?
ISABEL: What exactly do you blame me for?
ELIZABETH: I don't blame you for anything.
ISABEL: Then stop acting as if you do. So, I wasn't the conventional mother. How much time did your father offer you?
ELIZABETH: This isn't about Dad!
ISABEL: No. It's about what I couldn't provide. Fathers are rarely blamed for working to much whereas mothers are blamed if they choose to work at all. (starts to leave, but turns back to say) Should you get married sometime and have a child, will you give up your work?
ELIZABETH: I don't know. I don't know if that's going to happen.
ISABEL: Then I'm sorry I set you such a terrible example.
Isabel leaves. Elizabeth sighs. INT. ER - HALLWAY OUTSIDE RON'S EXAM ROOM
Kerry talks to Abby.
KERRY: Technicium?
ABBY: Yeah?
KERRY: Didn't show any signs of bleeding, did it?
KERRY: And why did you order a test that I said was unnecessary?
ABBY: It's just a feeling that I have. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's a nursing instinct or something, but the guy does not look well.
KERRY: It's the middle of winter, nobody looks well.
ABBY: I know --
KERRY: And medical students don't order tests when they're told not to. It's a waste of your time an his money. Cut him loose.
Kerry walks off. Abby sighs. Luka approaches.
LUKA: Abby, if Benton calls down can you get me? I'm going across the street to get something to eat, okay?
ABBY: I thought you weren't on.
LUKA: N-no, I'm not.
He continues out of the building, passes the driver who hit Laura, who's sitting on a gurney getting a head wound fixed up by Malik. Luka does a double take, then walks back to Abby at the front desk.
LUKA: (softly) Abby, call the police.
ABBY: What?
Driver notices Luka noticing him, and tries to leave.
MALIK: Hey, hold on, man. I'm not done yet.
LUKA: Call them now!
DRIVER: (shoves Malik) Get out of my way!
Driver starts to run out of the building. Luka chases him.
LUKA: You're not leaving!
DRIVER: Leave me alone!
Luka grabs Driver to stop him.
LUKA: What the hell is WRONG with you?!
DRIVER: Get off of me!
LUKA: You just left her there!
DRIVER: I don't know what you're talking about.
LUKA: You hit her and then left. Malik, call security.
DRIVER: I don't know what you're talking about!
LUKA: Yes, you know. I saw you, and I can identify you.
DRIVER: It was an accident.
LUKA: Yeah, and you just, drove off, hit and run?
DRIVER: I was scared, okay? I was -- I was --
LUKA: So was that little girl!
DRIVER: I panicked, all right? I had a couple of DUIs, but I wasn't drinking today, okay? I just -- It all happened so fast, I-I-I didn't know what to do.
LUKA: Yeah, but you knew enough to run away, huh?
DRIVER: Did you... Did you bring her here? Is she all right?
LUKA: You don't have the right to ask. EXT. OUTSIDE A PRIVATE SCHOOL
Carol walks up and surveys the building and the students around it. Then she starts to walk up to the building. EXT. AMBULANCE BAY
Abby walks Ron out.
RON: Maybe I was just being a hypochondriac, thinking something was wrong.
ABBY: No, you were right to come in. And you'd be right to come back.
RON: Well, thanks. I'll keep an eye on it.
ABBY: I mean, say for example in fifteen or twenty minutes if you're feeling feverish or sick to your stomach, you might want to get that checked out.
RON: Yeah, but you just saw me.
ABBY: Well, it might not be me who sees you, but somebody would have to see you, and I'm sure they'd want to examine you thoroughly.
RON: Are you saying I'm not okay?
ABBY: I'm just saying... it's been an awfully bad flu season.
Abby reenters the hospital. Ron thinks about what Abby's said -- and hasn't said. INT. ICU - HALLWAY
With an aide present, Carter walks with the aid of a walker down the hallway toward his room. He goes a few steps, then stumbles. The aide steadies him.
AIDE: You want to take a break?
CARTER: No, I'm okay.
AIDE: That's enough for today.
CARTER: Just hang on a second.
AIDE: You did great. I'll get the chair.
CARTER: I said I can do it! I just want to get back to my room.
He starts going forward again, and sees Mrs. Knight standing in his doorway.
MRS. KNIGHT: Dr. Carter?
Carol leaves the building, and runs smack into Andrea and Terri.
TERRI: What are you doing here? You narked us out, didn't you?!
CAROL: Andrea, I need to talk to you.
TERRI: Get away! You promised, you bitch!
CAROL: (to Andrea) You need to come back in.
ANDREA: You said there were rules and that you couldn't break them.
CAROL: I know what I said, but I can't.
ANDREA: You lied to me.
TERRI: To both of us.
CAROL: Look, it is a lot more complicated than that. Your health is in danger. And other girls could get infected, too.
ANDREA: Now everyone's going to know everything.
Furious, the two girls storm off.
CAROL: Andrea? Andrea!
They keep going. INT. SURGICAL FLOOR
Elizabeth studies the board and talks to an aide.
ELIZABETH: So, uh, we'll have to reschedule to bowel resurrection for 4:30. Yep.
Aide nods and walks up. David approaches from behind.
DAVID: Hello.
Elizabeth turns, a little startled.
DAVID: Sorry. Didn't mean to surprise you... Certainly not twice in one day.
ELIZABETH: You're here for your appointment. Uh, I think it's on the fifth floor.
Elizabeth starts walking. David follows.
DAVID: I've already been. Got poked and proded and x-rayed out the wazoo. Damn doctors. No offense.
ELIZABETH: None taken.
DAVID: And I'm sorry if my presence offended you this morning.
ELIZABETH: Oh... I was just, uh... Well, you said it. Surprised.
DAVID: I didn't mean to make trouble with you and your mother.
ELIZABETH: Oh, no, none that wasn't there already.
They pass a man pushing a gurney going the other direction.
Elizabeth and David step aside.
DAVID: And why is that? I mean, why is there trouble?
ELIZABETH: Mothers and daughters, I suppose.
DAVID: Oh, well, you don't get to own the whole ranch on that one. Let's save a little corner for fathers and sons.
Elizabeth laughs.
DAVID: Although, I will admit mothers and daughters are worse. But that's just a woman thing. You know, the only problem with children is that they grow up to be adults.
ELIZABETH: Yes, we do eventually have opinions of our own.
DAVID: I know, but do you have to express them?
ELIZABETH: It's a learned response.
DAVID: I'll give you that. I suggest that the four of us go out tonight. You know, sort of... bury the hatchet. Mark thinks it's a great idea.
ELIZABETH: (smiling) He doesn't.
DAVID: He will.
Elizabeth laughs. INT. ER - HALLWAY
Kerry hurries down the hallway with Lily.
KERRY: Abby didn't discharge him?
LILY: No, she did, but he bounced back with complaint of fever and abdominal pain.
They enter an exam room, where an unconscious and bleeding Ron is being treated by Chen and Conni.
CONNI: B.P.'s falling, eighty over sixty.
CHEN: Hang a unit on the rapid infuser.
KERRY: What happened?
CHEN: G.I. bleed. I began a rectal, he started gushing.
KERRY: Probably a bleeding tic. Type and cross four units and call the OR.
CHEN: Yep, I already did. I'm in.
KERRY: 'Kay, hook him up.
CHEN: Thank God he came back in. INT. ICU - WAITING AREA
MRS. KNIGHT: Chicago wasn't even her first choice. She was hoping for something in San Fransisco. It took her when she was about eight. One ride on a cable car, and it was her city. A-Although she grew to love this one.
Carter shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Mrs. Knight notices.
MRS. KNIGHT: You don't need to hear all this.
CARTER: No, it's fine.
MRS. KNIGHT: I really just wanted to stop by and thank you. Lucy always talked about you when she called -- about how she was first assigned to you and, and everything. She had a lot of respect for you, and I know that you must have taught her a lot.
CARTER: (clears throat) She worked with all the residents, not just me.
MRS. KNIGHT: I know, but you're the one she used to mention. (Carter doesn't say anything, so she barrels on) But she... she loved her work.
CARTER: Sh... She was better than I ever gave her credit for.
MRS. KNIGHT: Um... Can I ask you something?
MRS. KNIGHT: When you were... Well, when that man stabbed you, what did you think. No -- I mean, what did it feel like?
CARTER: Well, um... It happened really fast and I didn't really know what was going on. But I didn't feel a thing.
MRS. KNIGHT: No pain?
CARTER: (shakes head) Mm- mm. No pain.
Mrs. Knight nods and smiles. That's what she needed to hear. INT. HOSPITAL - LAB
Mark enters. Steve sits at a computer.
MARK: Hey, Steve, did you get that venogram? I ordered it two hours ago.
STEVE: I had a CT guided biopsy.
MARK: Are you going to be able to get it?
STEVE: After my embolization.
MARK: So does that mean sometime tomorrow afternoon?
STEVE: With that attitude.
Mark wanders over to the x-rays.
MARK: Hey, did you read a chest CT on a David Greene today?
MARK: My father, he came in for a scan.
STEVE: I don't know, check the pile.
Mark goes to the pile.
MARK: That's a big stack.
STEVE: Well, while you're at it, maybe you can help me out and read a few plain films.
MARK: Oh, yeah, or maybe you could just work a few more hours.
STEVE: Don't start. You ER guys come in and want wet reads yesterday.
Mark finds his father's file.
MARK: Here we go.
STEVE: ICU portables for every damn feeding tube placement. You guys think you have high volume in the ER. I have get volume from the hospital.
Mark has put the chest x- ray from his father's file up on the board and is studying it. When Mark doesn't reply to what Steve's saying, Steve comes to look at the x-ray.
STEVE: Hey, Mark, you okay? (sees x-ray) That's your dad?
MARK: Yeah.
Elizabeth is leaving for the day, and Mark is walking her to the door.
MARK: (looking at a note) Just an address.
ELIZABETH: It's the "wear jeans" part that scares me. Not to mention, I don't think my mother owns a pair of jeans. And I don't know if I want to see her.
MARK: (distracted) Right.
ELIZABETH: I wish you were off so we could face them together.
MARK: Yeah.
ELIZABETH: Are you all right, Mark?
MARK: What?
ELIZABETH: You've limited yourself to one-word responses.
They reach the front desk.
MARK: Oh, you know, I'm sorry. I just... I got to finish some cases. I'm going to have to meet you there.
ELIZABETH: All right.
They kiss.
ELIZABETH: I'll see you.
We pan over to Kerry and Carol. Carol's just gotten back from the school, presumably, because she's still wearing her coat.
KERRY: What did the school say?
CAROL: Oh, they said they'd follow through, but the girls saw me there.
KERRY: I suppose they didn't listen this time.
CAROL: No, they ran away.
KERRY: Carol, you did the right thing.
CAROL: I'm still going to call Andrea later.
Kerry walks over to Abby.
KERRY: Abby? Your hemorrhoids patient, Mr. Perth, is in the OR. They're doing a laparotomy.
ABBY: I heard he went up. Is he going to be okay?
KERRY: He should. He's got a bleeding diverticulum. You know, it's pretty lucky that he checked himself back in.
ABBY: Yeah? I'm going to go check on him later.
KERRY: Good. You were right, there was something else wrong with him.
ABBY: Just a gut feeling.
KERRY: He could have bled to death if he hadn't come back.
ABBY: Well, it's a good thing that he felt fluish.
KERRY: That's exactly what he said -- fluish. INT. OR - WAITING ROOM
Luka and Mom wait. Benton enters.
BENTON: Mrs. Williams. Laura came out of surgery very well.
Mom signs in relief.
BENTON: The nurses will take you now to see her, if you like.
MOM: Yes. (gets up, then turns back) Thank you. Both of you.
She leaves with the nurse. Benton leaves too, and Luka follows.
LUKA: I was, uh, out of line before. I'm sorry.
BENTON: Yeah, come on, I understand.
LUKA: Did you repair her hepatic vein?
BENTON: Atria-caval shut. It'll be a long recovery, but she'll be fine. You saved her life.
LUKA: Yeah, I'm not so sure. You had to open her chest in the ER to fix my mistake.
BENTON: Yeah, but we would have had to do that anyway. The liver-laceration was a life- threatening injury. Look, if you had waited for the ambulance, she might not have made it.
LUKA: It's impossible to know.
BENTON: Listen to me. You made a call. Took a lot of guts.
Benton walks off, leaving Luka standing there. EXT. AMBULANCE BAY
Andrea is being unloaded from an ambulance by Malucci and two paramedics.
MALUCCI: What do we got?
PARAMEDIC: Andrea Parks -- found down on the bathroom floor - - presumed overdose. No suicide note. But a lot of bottles on the counter.
They enter the hospital, where Kerry and Carol see and follow the gurney.
MALUCCI: Any narcotics?
KERRY: Andrea!
PARAMEDIC: no, she's lethargic, but arousable. BP's 110/ 65, pulse 80.
MALUCCI: How long since she took the pills?
PARAMEDIC: Probably an hour or two. Her friend found her.
MALUCCI: Where is she?
PARAMEDIC: On her way.
MALUCCI: (to Andrea) What kind of drugs did you take?
KERRY: Malucci.
ANDREA: (groggy but upset) Leave me alone!
MALUCCI: (to Carol) Polydrug indigestion.
CAROL: Oh God, Andrea, what'd you take?
ANDREA: Shut up!
MALUCCI: You know her?
CAROL: She came in this morning -- newly diagnosed cervical cancer.
They enter a trauma room.
KERRY: CBC, chem panel, blood and urine tox screen.
CAROL: On my count -- one, two, three.
They transfer Andrea from the gurney to the bed.
CAROL: We're going to have to pump her stomach. I'll get an ewald.
MALUCCI: Take it easy, Carol. She may not need lavage.
CAROL: (to paramedic) Hey, did you get the pill bottles?
MALUCCI: Yeah, I had 'em in a bag, they must've fallen off the gurney.
CAROL: Well, go and find them, we're going to need them.
KERRY: Carol, maybe you should step out.
Malucci hands Carol a chart.
CAROL: Did you send an aspirin level?
MALUCCI: Are you runnin' this?
CAROL: Pulse ox is 96 on 2 litres. I'll run an EKG, it could be tricyclics. INT. ICU - HALLWAY
Carter's in a wheelchair, wheeling toward his room. Benton walks beside him.
CARTER: So tonight's the jazz club.
BENTON: Yeah, it's a pretty good spot. Good group is playing. Cleo knows it, to.
CARTER: Uh-huh. (chuckles)
BENTON: What's that supposed to mean?
CARTER: Nothing. You're right on schedule.
BENTON: All right, Carter. Give it to me.
CARTER: Well, first it was probably coffee in the cafeteria, and then dinner in a nice, but well- lit restaurant, nothing too obvious. And tonight's the jazz club. And we all know what happens after the jazz club.
BENTON: When did you lose the filter between the brain and your mouth?
CARTER: I think might've taken it out in the OR last week.
They get to Carter's room. Trying to enter, Carter bangs the wheelchair into the doorframe.
BENTON: Here, let me help.
CARTER: I got it, I got it.
He bangs into the doorframe again.
CARTER: Damn it.
BENTON: Carter, Carter, Carter...
He bangs into the other side of the doorframe and bumps his elbow. Benton tries to grab the chair to help him. Benton finally gets control of the chair and pushes Carter into the room.
BENTON: Carter, Carter, Carter, it's all right. It's all right. You okay?
CARTER: (nursing his elbow) I lied to Lucy's mother today. I told her that it wasn't painful to have an eight-inch butcher knife shoved into your gut. INT. ANDREA'S TRAUMA ROOM
Carol, Malucci and Kerry work on Andrea. Terri comes running in, upset.
CAROL: She's tachy at 120.
TERRI: Andrea!
CAROL: Terri, hold on. Do you know what she took?
TERRI: No, she was just lying on the floor!
CAROL: Was it something from your medicine cabinet?
TERRI: It was my parent's bathroom.
CAROL: Do you know what was there?
TERRI: (flustered) I don't know, lots of stuff -- Tylenol, Aspirin...
CAROL: Any prescription medication?
TERRI: My dad sometimes takes pills for his back.
CAROL: Do you know what they were called? Do you know they name of them?
TERRI: Uh, Diaze... Diaze...
KERRY: Diazepam?
TERRI: Yeah.
CAROL: Sats down to 81!
MALUCCI: She's barely responsive.
KERRY: Okay, lost her gag reflex.
CAROL: Let's intubate!
MALUCCI: Not yet, I can bag her, all right?
CAROL: She could vomit and aspirate.
KERRY: (to Terri) Were there any antidepressants?
KERRY: Are you sure?
TERRI: Yeah.
KERRY: Okay, any history of seizures?
KERRY: Push Flumanezil, .2 milligrams.
CAROL: She's hypoxic. Here's the tube, intubate.
MALUCCI: Slow down, Carol. Give the Flumanezil a chance to work.
CAROL: We have to protect her airway.
Andrea suddenly sits up.
MALUCCI: All right, good, it worked.
ANDREA: W-w-w-what am I doing here?
CAROL: Terri found you. Do you remember taking the pills?
KERRY: You're going to be okay, Andrea.
TERRI: God, Andrea, what did you do?
MALUCCI: Let's give her charcoal, now. INT. BOWLING ALLEY
Isabel throws a gutter ball. She sighs in mild exasperation, and walks back to where David and Elizabeth are sitting.
ISABEL: Oh! Well, it's an interesting game.
DAVID: Don't worry, you'll get it.
ISABEL: A martini would help. Do they have those here?
Elizabeth walks up to the lane to take her turn.
DAVID: Well, that should do the trick -- loosen you up a bit. (stands, presumably to get Isabel a martini) (to Elizabeth) You want anything?
ELIZABETH: No thanks.
DAVID: What's keeping Mark, anyway?
ELIZABETH: He'll be here.
David leaves.
ELIZABETH: (to self) I hope.
ISABEL: Do you know how to keep score?
ELIZABETH: Not a clue.
ISABEL: But you're learning these American games?
ELIZABETH: One by one. At least, I'm trying. (throws ball)
ISABEL: I thinks that's rather adventurous of you.
We see Elizabeth's ball hit the far right pin.
ISABEL: That meeting I was running off to earlier... I missed it.
ELIZABETH: Must be the first time that happened.
ISABEL: Yes, I think it was. I was appalled at myself. Just couldn't be bothered to go. Went and sat by the lake instead.
ELIZABETH: I'll bet that was freezing.
ISABEL: The only thing colder than sitting by that lake was the conversation we had this afternoon.
Instead of responding, Elizabeth throws her next ball.
ISABEL: Elizabeth... I know I'm not the mother you wish you'd had...
ELIZABETH: That's not exactly true.
ISABEL: And I keep hoping that somehow... you'll forgive me for that.
ELIZABETH: The problem is you never wanted forgiveness.
ISABEL: (sighs) There's the rub. (chuckles)
ELIZABETH: Mark's father thinks children shouldn't express their opinions.
ISABEL: Yes? Well, absolutely right.
They both laugh. INT. ER - TRAUMA ROOM
Conni is tending to Andrea. Carol enters.
CAROL: I'll take over, Conni.
CONNI: Sure, thanks. (leaves)
Carol draws a blanket over Andrea.
CAROL: How are you doing?
ANDREA: (deadpan, barely audible) Okay.
CAROL: Andrea, I had to tell the school so the other students could get tested. But I haven't told your parents. Or Terri's.
ANDREA: You haven't?
CAROL: I was hoping you would.
Andrea remains silent.
CAROL: If something happened to one of them wouldn't you want to know?
Andrea slowly and smally shakes her head. INT. BOWLING ALLEY
Mark comes in to find the others having a rolicking good time. Elizabeth throws a ball down the lane.
DAVID: Ow! Oh my God! Now, that was ugly!
ELIZABETH: Do I get penalized for that?
DAVID: Oh, there's just a little dent there. We can always move to another lane.
ELIZABETH: What do you mean? There's no little dent!
DAVID: I'm kidding.
They notice Mark.
DAVID: Hey. Hey, Mark.
ELIZABETH: Hey, what kept you?
MARK: Uh, nothing... It's -- Hi, Isabel.
ISABEL: Sit down, have a drink.
ELIZABETH: (re: ball-return machine) I think my ball's stuck.
DAVID: That's 'cause you broke it.
ELIZABETH: (shoves him playfully) Stop it!
ISABEL: Press the button.
DAVID: Oh, we'll work you in the next one, Mark.
MARK: No problem.
DAVID: But it's not going to be the girls against the boys, okay? It wouldn’t be fair. Neither one of them is any good at all.
Mark laughs.
DAVID: By the way, I'll be back on the sofa. Isabel's going back to Elizabeth's tonight. It's sort of a mother/daughter fest.
MARK: Sure.
DAVID: Grab a ball.
MARK; All right.
David walks back to help Elizabeth.
DAVID: Oh. No, no, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, you're too far to the right.
ELIZABETH: Yeah, but last time it fell to the left.
DAVID: You see those marks on the floor out there?
ELIZABETH: The arrows?
DAVID: Yup. Aim just to the right of centre. And pull your ball all the way back, and- and don't drop it. I mean, let it roll on the floor. And keep your wrist straight.
ELIZABETH: Okay, that's a lot to remember.
DAVID: Here, let me show you.
We close on a shot of Mark gazing at them. EXT. OUTSIDE JAZZ CLUB
CLEO: I never knew he was a surgical intern.
BENTON: Yeah. Well, he was good. He was smart, you know? He wasn't really cut out for it. He used to spend all of his time talking to the patients. Used to drive me crazy. Morgenstern -- you don't know him -- but, uh, one time he made Carter hold a refractor for four hours. Carter... never broke a sweat, never dropped it.
CLEO: He's going to be all right, Peter.
BENTON: Yeah, I know.
DOORMAN: Tickets.
BENTON: Oh. (digs through his wallet)
CLEO: You sure you want to go in there?
BENTON: Oh, yeah.
CLEO: We're not going to be able to talk. Let's go get some coffee. Come on.
BENTON: You're going to disappoint Carter.
CLEO: What?
BENTON: Nothing.
CLEO: What?
BENTON: Nothing. What? Nothing.
They walk off. INT. MARK'S PLACE
David's preparing for a night on the couch. Mark comes to stand in the doorway to the living from the kitchen.
MARK: That was fun tonight.
DAVID: (chuckling) Yeah, it was.
MARK: Dad, I need to talk to you about something.
DAVID: Sure.
MARK: I saw your scan today... And you have lung cancer which has spread to your liver.
DAVID: Yeah. That's what the doctors in San Diego said too.
MARK: (surprised) How long have you known?
DAVID: For a while.
MARK: Why didn't you tell me?
DAVID: You remember old rear Admiral Norris?
MARK: Yeah, how could I... How could I forget him? He was missing a thumb. He used to scare me to death as a kid.
DAVID: He had cancer. Every time I laid eyes on him, all I could think was, "poor old bastard. He's got cancer." Hell, he lived another 12 years. But still, every time I saw him... I didn't want it to define me, Mark. I didn't want to see it in people's eyes. I didn't want to see it at all... and... I'm scared.
We close on a shot of Mark taking in this information.


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Locksley, 14.05.2024 à 19:42

Avalanche de news sur la citadelle en ce moment, merci aux différents rédacteurs ! N'hésitez pas à commenter toutes ces actus. Bonne soirée !

sossodu42, 16.05.2024 à 15:17

Des thèmes vous attendent pour être choisi pour le futur design de HPI. Merci pour vos votes

ShanInXYZ, 16.05.2024 à 16:31

Nouveau sondage sur les Guests de la nouvelle saison de Doctor Who, passez voir le Docteur pour voter

mamynicky, 16.05.2024 à 20:13

Hello la citadelle ! La 3ème saison des Bridgerton est enfin arrivée sur Netflix ! Venez nous parler des épisodes que vous avez vu.

mamynicky, 16.05.2024 à 20:16

Quant à moi je vais patienter jusqu'en juin j'ai horreur d'attendre entre les épisodes. Bon visionnage !

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